Vermii's posts
Posted in The Fog: A Hangout
Posted 6 years ago

rip lol.
I sorta have that problem. I have a bunch of stuff i thought i'd be interested in playing in my library, but i've never touched.
So, i don't buy/download anything on a whim anymore. xD
if i had the money i'd save up for something decent. i had to uninstall some games cause my laptop just couldn't take it anymore.
but, as it is, i can barely keep food on the table.
one day. one day i'll have a big boy computer. ; u;
so what do you play currently?
rip lol.
I sorta have that problem. I have a bunch of stuff i thought i'd be interested in playing in my library, but i've never touched.
So, i don't buy/download anything on a whim anymore. xD
if i had the money i'd save up for something decent. i had to uninstall some games cause my laptop just couldn't take it anymore.
but, as it is, i can barely keep food on the table.
one day. one day i'll have a big boy computer. ; u;
so what do you play currently?

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout
Posted 6 years ago

i think the only zombie game i actively played was CoD zombies. And some Left 4 Dead!
But Left 4 Dead feels more action than horror tbh.
I don't play either of them these days. Truth be told, I would love to get a couple friends for CoD zombies. ; ;
I really do enjoy the asymm horror games though! Hide or Die is one I was interested in too!
Thing about me an gaming right now is, I don't have any consoles for new stuff and my laptop can barely handle the games I do play as it is. u -u
i think the only zombie game i actively played was CoD zombies. And some Left 4 Dead!
But Left 4 Dead feels more action than horror tbh.
I don't play either of them these days. Truth be told, I would love to get a couple friends for CoD zombies. ; ;
I really do enjoy the asymm horror games though! Hide or Die is one I was interested in too!
Thing about me an gaming right now is, I don't have any consoles for new stuff and my laptop can barely handle the games I do play as it is. u -u

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout
Posted 6 years ago

when it comes to horror games, i mainly play multiplayer stuff.
I've played Deceit and currently a friend and I are interested in getting a few more friends together for White Noise 2.
Since... it's not a very active game but it's still fun?? lol
I wouldn't mind getting into single player horror though. A friend bought me The Suffering a little while ago! So that was super cool. C:
I really wanna get my hands on the Silent Hill series. ; A;
when it comes to horror games, i mainly play multiplayer stuff.
I've played Deceit and currently a friend and I are interested in getting a few more friends together for White Noise 2.
Since... it's not a very active game but it's still fun?? lol
I wouldn't mind getting into single player horror though. A friend bought me The Suffering a little while ago! So that was super cool. C:
I really wanna get my hands on the Silent Hill series. ; A;

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout
Posted 6 years ago

@Kira: lookie here! i made for myself, a posty format thingy yes. -nod nod-

Posted in workin on things dnp
Posted 6 years ago

yikes im trying here

Posted in workin on things dnp
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in workin on things dnp
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Howdy
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in So...
Posted 6 years ago
Still need to see Us! It looks super neat. ; 3;
In terms of jumpscares tho, i guess sometimes i don't mind them if they're done JUST right and aren't excessive.
Like, the movie doesn't rely on them to be scary, ya know? It does a fine job of being scary on it's own, but it will toss a jumpscare or two at you just for good fun.
that's fair. for the longest time i considered watching watching AHS cause it seemed up my ally, but then i heard of some of the stuff going on in Covenant i think? and that put me off a whole lot so, yeah lol.
yeah, like Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 there was a lot of severed body parts and gore and it didn't effect me.
I'm still not entirely sure i understand my own limits, i just kno that sometimes i can handle it and other times i have to curl up and look away. xD
Like, there was this one movie i watched with some friends, i forget what it was called, but it involved a guy who lived in an abandoned subway i think? shit, i barely remember. this was back in highschool. But
he ties this lady up and preforms a "check up" on her with a machete or something and WOOF, i was not ok with that for a LOT of reasons.
me parts were tingling in unpleasant ways
me parts were tingling in unpleasant ways
but yeah, i've had moments like that where i'd be completely unfazed and eating lunch to something that made others wildly uncomfortable. xD

Posted in Unusual Personality Quirks: What Are Yours?
Posted 6 years ago
hell, there are lot's of people who talk to their roombas and treat them like pets! humans in general are a weird species and it's wonderfully hilarious.
i don't talk to my roomba tho.
i don't have one.
i can't think of anything particularly strange about me. nothing stands out as unusual.
i've apologized to inanimate objects i've bumped into in the past. name(d) objects i own. I don't think those are particularly unusual traits tho.
Awkward? very.
one time i walked into the very tiny break room at my old job for my break, and another co-worker happened to be there. For whatever reason, i felt compelled to apologize to them just for coming into the room. So, i did. lmaoooo.

Posted in So...
Posted 6 years ago
gotta love cats! lol
I remember i used to have a whole collection of goosebumps books
have no idea where they could have gone cause i sure as hell don't have 'em anymore.
yeah, i can imagine lol.
i still have that movie! one of the few i own. xD
i always found that one very fascinating- and yes, loud. lmao. But i always thought the tripod noises were super cool.
yikes. yeah, there are movies i stay away from if i know there are graphic/detailed scenes of sexual assault and what not.
i can't stomach that.
o lord, it's been so long since i've seen the ginger snaps movies. I should check them out again. xD
I remember the first one more than the second one tbh. although i'm pretty sure I've seen them both.
Us is another one I've been meaning to see!
i have a small collection of movies current and up and coming i need to see. ; u;
I think i might just check the first one out!
Cannibal Holocaust i think is one I've purposefully avoided just knowing what kind grief went into making that movie. Not in a good way either. x .x
oh! anything you'd recommend? i've seen a few J-horrors in the past, but i'd like to find more stuff to get into.
not necessarily Japanese either lol.
yeah, jumpscares aren't very fun. =/
i do appreciate a movie that can build up an atmosphere and give you the spookies without jumpscares. 8,D
I've never seen an ep of AHS but I think I know what you're talking about lol.
When it comes to gore, it really depends for me. if it's very unrealistic, exaggerated body horror kind of things, i think it can be kinda neat.
but if it's too real then I just can't lol. Also, as long as it isn't a blood-fest every scene.
That the one with Gene Wilder? i love that movie. 8,D

Posted in Hiya, Everybody.
Posted 6 years ago
Welcome! Very cute avi.
I too enjoy drawing and MSI! 8,D
Would love to see some of your art some time! I hope you enjoy it here. C:

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout
Posted 6 years ago
O wait! I have carried people in dbd!
When im the killer i carry people all the time! I carry people all the way to the hooks.

Posted in The Fog: A Hangout
Posted 6 years ago