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Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

@Kira: u say that but i dont think ive ever carried anyone in dbd
Posted in Ashe's Sleepy Freebie Shop Posted 5 years ago

O snap! it's heccin incredible, i love it! thank you very much ; u;
Posted in Shenanigan Hour Posted 5 years ago

you know, i never ever even noticed this forum. is this new? or did my brain just sweep this whole entire place under the rug- er, under the current?
Posted in So... Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, no I totally get that with some movies too.
Demon Possession movies and gore porn are DEF not my thing.

ooh! I remember seeing Ginger Snaps at a young age! It was a fascinating watch. xD
Yes! Psychological thriller/horror is a really fun genre! I especially like it when things get a little/very surreal.

Oh, that's super cool that you have a friend that does that! I'll have to check that out.

If you're interested into finding similar stuff, there's a Youtube Channel called "Dead Meat" known for it's horror movie "Kill Counts" series and also the Dead Meat podcast, where the lovely couple who run the channel discuss different horror movies, as well as harmful/dated tropes in the horror genre.
Today they released a podcast on transgender "representation" in horror and how badly it tends to get handled.
They have a trans guest on for the topic as well! A lovely lady.

I saw Get Out in theaters! And yes, it was pretty good! I will agree to that. xD

Mood tho. Whenever i watch movies, i see them in theaters and watch 'em once or i find somewhere to watch them online loool.

I don't think I've seen Nightcrawler. O:

Yo, ok. As much as I was a tiny coward as a child, the Goosebumps show and books were my jam as a kid. xD
Except for Night of the Living Dummy. I hate that one. That one did indeed give me nightmares lmaooo.

Ooof, yeah that's fair. I think you'll have to watch over the summer time then cause there's a Child's Play remake set to release in June i think??
So, heads up there lol.

Truuu! There's a Ghibli Minecraft server that me and my friend explored. INCREDIBLY DETAILED
They had the whole damn Spirited Away Bath house and town and even the little town Chihiro and her parents were moving into. You could literally go into every house!
Posted in So... Posted 5 years ago

BRRRUh, Child's Play was one of the first ever horror movies I saw a kidlin also!
It scared the fuck out of me as a kid and it got to the point where anytime i saw a doll, I'd scream and cry. xD

my mom had to hide all the dolls i had and if i ever stumbled on a hiding spot, all hell would break loose.

Ironically, now a days, the Child's Play franchise is among my top faves!

It's funny how these things tend to change and differ in people as you grow older lool.

But I feel you, I know everyone has their preferences!
And yeah, Ghibli is definitely good for fluffy! I think my next fav is Howl's Moving Castle.
Still get that theme stuck in my head even now. lool
Posted in So... Posted 5 years ago

completely valid.
what did ya'll watch anyway? if you don't mind my asking, lol. o .o

it's a mood tho. when i was young, i would have rather chugged vomit than watch scary things.
I had a similar experience at a friend's birthday party when we were all like 8 or 9?
My friend decided it would be fun to watch Carrie in her basement and we were all huddled on the basement steps.
Her brother decided it would be fun to hide under those very steps and grab my ankle during a jumpscare moment.

we all ran for the hills and there was a ten child pile up at the doorway.

fuuuuck dude, I LOVE Ghibli movies. ; A;
Spirited Away was the first one I ever saw and then in highschool i had a friend who owned just about every Ghibli film.
Her goal was in fact, to have them all. xD

Posted in So... Posted 5 years ago

oh? just no time for movies? or..? O:
which ones have you gotten to see? C:
Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

yes crab daddy, carry me
Posted in So... Posted 5 years ago

I can appreciate a good ghost movie! but I don't watch them as much.
you know my preferences - u-/

anything you'd suggest to a bou for ghosty spook movies?

same tho.
You know, i think the Hellraiser Franchise is the only one I haven't really touched among all those old eighties classics lmao.
I do enjoy the aesthetic of the cenobites tho, i'll be honest.

Gotta love nightmare on elm street. 8,D
Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago


ugh, but that still involves me having to get up
Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago

terrible. I hope you and you're things are ok.

kira, go to the little bou's room for me, i don't want to get up.
Posted in The Fog: A Hangout Posted 5 years ago


Hello, my Kirararara.
Posted in So... Posted 5 years ago

Ya like movies?

specifically horror movies. Why or why not?
and if you do like 'em, tell me about your faves!
Tell me your preferred genre/movie of choice if you don't like horror. 8,D
Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW Posted 5 years ago


Here ya are, m'dear! All finished.

I hope you like it.

Thank you m'dear! lol

And yeah, sure!