Vermii's posts
Posted in what is sleep
Posted 6 years ago
Ha! That's certainly a way of looking at it.

Posted in what is sleep
Posted 6 years ago
*pat pat*
There there
I mean yeah, it definitely won't be the same, but i am legitimately excited to hear Mark's take on Chucky. ; u;
*pat pat*
There there
I mean yeah, it definitely won't be the same, but i am legitimately excited to hear Mark's take on Chucky. ; u;

Posted in what is sleep
Posted 6 years ago
@totalanimefan: that is fair. Have a good night!
Oof. Thats rough.
Also, i would agree with you, but come on, MARK HAMILL.
I trust him to do mah boi Charles good.
Oof. Thats rough.
Also, i would agree with you, but come on, MARK HAMILL.
I trust him to do mah boi Charles good.

Posted in what is sleep
Posted 6 years ago
every time i remember this place exists, i come back for like, ten minutes, play with my avi and then forget again.
well, no more! it's time to buckle down and commit! >C
talk to me, strangers. tell me something about yourself.
Talents? Interests? Cool project you've been working on? Excited about something up and coming?
I, for one, have my fingers crossed for the new Child's Play movie coming out this summer.
ALSO, thinking about starting an art shop of some kind.
well, no more! it's time to buckle down and commit! >C
talk to me, strangers. tell me something about yourself.
Talents? Interests? Cool project you've been working on? Excited about something up and coming?
I, for one, have my fingers crossed for the new Child's Play movie coming out this summer.
ALSO, thinking about starting an art shop of some kind.

Posted in Spook me silly~ [1x1 search]
Posted 6 years ago
Howdy! I'm Vermii.
I keep coming back to this site and then forgetting it forever.
I don't wanna keep doing that, I want to stay! so I figure a nice rp or three will keep me coming back!
If you wanna take it to discord, hmu for that. We can do that too!
For the most part though, I'd like to keep it here if possible.
Alright so, I wanna keep this all mostly brief.
I've been into horror lately. That's gonna be a big one for me. I'm open to other things too!!! But horror is my craving atm.
I feel like we can mix horror into pretty much anything, really! Mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, adventure- whatever! Hell, even humor, as long as it's spooky as well. ;]
I'm an adult
-Been role playing since i was about sixteen, so that's almost ten years now!
-I'm a slooooowwww poster. Like, REAL slow. Sometimes it take me up to a week or more to get back to you, but I WILL get to you!
So, have patience. 'Preciate it!
-I can write anywhere from a few paragraphs to a whole novel. In fact, my posts tend to be on the lengthy side. x -x'
However, I'm not a snob about that kinda thing. I don't expect anyone to mirror my posts! Unless that's yo thang, then go for it! But overall, write me what feels appropriate, even if it's a paragraph in response to one of my novels. xD
My post sizes will vary wildly so it's whatever. I write what I feel like I need to write at the time.
-If and/or when we do any sort of pairings, I'm not particularly picky on what kind. I usually like strong platonic relationships overall, but I can jam to some romance! May have a preference to m// but again, not against whatever you're feelin'! I like to think I'm pretty accommodating and can work with a wide array of things!
-Not picky on gender. I can play any and all!
- I like OOC. I'm not a naturally chatty person, admittedly, I don't particularly start a lot of conversations myself. I'm better at jumping in or following along. But! If you wanna chat, I'm all for it. Having some friends on Voltra would be nice. ; u;
I don't have a lot of ideas atm or any real pairings to dish out that I can think of doing off the top of my head. I'll probably add more stuff as they come to mind, but feel free to hmu if you're interested!
I'm also all for hearing other people's cravings, so don't be shy.
Can be anything at all, doesn't even have to include horror!
Worst I can say is no, and even then we could probably even work out some kind of happy medium! Or just something else altogether we enjoy!
I do like plotting with potential partners.
Also! Maybe to inspire a little somethin' somethin', I'm a sucker for cheesy slasher kinda things!
Knife/Machete/chainsaw wielding murderers, dream demons, possessed dolls, vengeful/tortured spirits, the whole shebang!
I also love a TON of mystery and exploration.
Nothing yet, but keep an eye out!
I keep coming back to this site and then forgetting it forever.

I don't wanna keep doing that, I want to stay! so I figure a nice rp or three will keep me coming back!
If you wanna take it to discord, hmu for that. We can do that too!
For the most part though, I'd like to keep it here if possible.
Alright so, I wanna keep this all mostly brief.
I've been into horror lately. That's gonna be a big one for me. I'm open to other things too!!! But horror is my craving atm.

I feel like we can mix horror into pretty much anything, really! Mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, adventure- whatever! Hell, even humor, as long as it's spooky as well. ;]
I'm an adult
-Been role playing since i was about sixteen, so that's almost ten years now!
-I'm a slooooowwww poster. Like, REAL slow. Sometimes it take me up to a week or more to get back to you, but I WILL get to you!
So, have patience. 'Preciate it!

-I can write anywhere from a few paragraphs to a whole novel. In fact, my posts tend to be on the lengthy side. x -x'
However, I'm not a snob about that kinda thing. I don't expect anyone to mirror my posts! Unless that's yo thang, then go for it! But overall, write me what feels appropriate, even if it's a paragraph in response to one of my novels. xD
My post sizes will vary wildly so it's whatever. I write what I feel like I need to write at the time.

-If and/or when we do any sort of pairings, I'm not particularly picky on what kind. I usually like strong platonic relationships overall, but I can jam to some romance! May have a preference to m// but again, not against whatever you're feelin'! I like to think I'm pretty accommodating and can work with a wide array of things!
-Not picky on gender. I can play any and all!
- I like OOC. I'm not a naturally chatty person, admittedly, I don't particularly start a lot of conversations myself. I'm better at jumping in or following along. But! If you wanna chat, I'm all for it. Having some friends on Voltra would be nice. ; u;
I don't have a lot of ideas atm or any real pairings to dish out that I can think of doing off the top of my head. I'll probably add more stuff as they come to mind, but feel free to hmu if you're interested!
I'm also all for hearing other people's cravings, so don't be shy.

Worst I can say is no, and even then we could probably even work out some kind of happy medium! Or just something else altogether we enjoy!
I do like plotting with potential partners.
Also! Maybe to inspire a little somethin' somethin', I'm a sucker for cheesy slasher kinda things!
Knife/Machete/chainsaw wielding murderers, dream demons, possessed dolls, vengeful/tortured spirits, the whole shebang!
I also love a TON of mystery and exploration.

Nothing yet, but keep an eye out!

Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY?
Posted 6 years ago
Oo~ An assassin.

Posted in Favorite drink?
Posted 7 years ago
Im in a bad habit of drinking lot's of soda. u .u I'm legit addicted, i swear. If I don't have soda at home to drink, I have to go out and get some. I HAVE to. I crave it nearly all the time, lmaoo... My friend thinks it may be the caffeine in the drinks that's got me hooked. Either way, all the sugar is certainly no good for me. I've been meaning to cut back for so long already.

Posted in Vermii's Campgrounds!
Posted 7 years ago
@Digyko chiyoni: YOU HEEERREEE, now I just need to remember to be here more. = u=/
@apocrypha: We've been getting a heck of a lot more rain lately! Which is awesome. The thunder is the best, I just hope we don't end up flooding. The river is starting to go down.
@nyreen: *flops next to* howdy! C:
How ya doin?
@apocrypha: We've been getting a heck of a lot more rain lately! Which is awesome. The thunder is the best, I just hope we don't end up flooding. The river is starting to go down.
@nyreen: *flops next to* howdy! C:
How ya doin?

Posted in voltraaa
Posted 7 years ago
Tummy ache all day, but other than that, it's been pretty low key today.
I don't know what to do with my time. Uneventful weekend. ; u;
I don't know what to do with my time. Uneventful weekend. ; u;

Posted in New Here 8)
Posted 7 years ago
Henlo! I'm in the same boat as you. I keep meaning to frequent this place more, because it is indeed cute! xD
Hope you enjoy your stay!
Hope you enjoy your stay!

Posted in Vermii's Campgrounds!
Posted 7 years ago
It actually rained yesterday evening! Thunder showers, even. We usually get the brunt of our rain in June though.
I'm actually thankful we're starting to get rain finally. It was fairly dry for the last little bit. Every time the weather said it was supposed to rain, it'd be hot and sunny all day. We were on the verge of a drought for a bit, lol. Least that's what I was reading.
According to one of my friends, it actually showed in Newfoundland about a week ago! Crazy stuff. x ux''
I'm actually thankful we're starting to get rain finally. It was fairly dry for the last little bit. Every time the weather said it was supposed to rain, it'd be hot and sunny all day. We were on the verge of a drought for a bit, lol. Least that's what I was reading.
According to one of my friends, it actually showed in Newfoundland about a week ago! Crazy stuff. x ux''

Posted in What food is the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago
Some kind of blueberry/strawberry gummy or lollipop!

Posted in Vermii's Campgrounds!
Posted 7 years ago
All good! Super relieved to have my A/C in finally as it's been getting hot around here!
I no longer have to soak in my own sweat. xD
How bout you? How're things? Hot where you are? Lol.
I no longer have to soak in my own sweat. xD
How bout you? How're things? Hot where you are? Lol.

Posted in Vermii's Campgrounds!
Posted 7 years ago
And hello @Glume!!! It's more than likely you might have heard of it. xD
Regardless, welcome all the same!
And hello @Glume!!! It's more than likely you might have heard of it. xD
Regardless, welcome all the same!