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Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
@The Youngest Granny: My friend bought a cupcake kit yesterday. I'm soo looking forward to a cupcake. Lol. xD

@littlewhitedragonlet: I have like, betty crocker cake mix I was thinking of making cupcakes out of loool. It's all I got for now. I'm craving sweets so bad ha ha.

@Sulley: Yeah, you're supposed to put tin foil around the crust when you do that. Another thing I have no patience for. As much as I enjoy the decoration part of baking, I've got clumsy hands looool. ; u;
Ha ha yeah, more for you! xD
The sounds super cool! Usually I just find things on Nerdynummies and channels like that. Halloween crafts sound fun too though!
Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
@Sulley: I mean, that works too. I also enjoy the gift giving, ha ha. Yess. I once made tarts and I got frustrated at the lil tart shells. I'm bad at the crust at the edges. ; u; I've seen people make fancy braided crusts I do not ha e the patience for that loool.
Right? Best Holiday. xD I always like watching baking channels on YouTube for ideas.
Nit a fan of candy corn tbh but I'm sure you could find something lol.

@The Youngest Granny:
Yooo caramelized apples with ice cream!! Sooo good o Qo
Man, I'm craving baked goods so bad now. xD
Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
@Sulley: that's fair. I'm sure I'll reach that point eventually. But I'm materialistic and like the prospect of receiving things from people LOL.
I'm alright at pie. Most of the time I cheat and get the premade pie shells. Making them is too much work. xD
Aaah, that sounds yummy! I'd love to make a bunch of Halloween themed treats too. A friend and I were supposed to get around to that. I'm excited lol.
@The Youngest Granny:
It is! I haven't had a lot of time or money to do it lately but I'm hoping soon. ; u;
Mmm, Apple fritters, Apple turnovers, Apple pie. xD Lol, what kinda apple desserts were ya thinking?
Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
I never cared too much for spring because it would get all slushy and icy and hard to walk around here lol. But yeah, that's pretty much why I enjoy fall too. Halloween, pretty orange leaves, much cooler weather AND my birthday is in October. xD gotta love that pumpkin spice. ; u; I'm looking forward to pumpkin pies and drinks and desserts. Aaah ~ u~ I wanna do some baking this fall!
Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
I feel ya! Summer is my least favourite season. Can't stand the heat. I am, however, veerrry excited for fall. ; u;
Posted in What are you listening to? Posted 8 years ago
The fan in the washroom at work lol
Posted in Why did you marry the aay Posted 8 years ago
Cause I wanted them to be my sweet lil honey bee.
Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
Aha! This hole is dug for maximum coziness. Welcome, ha ha. :P Those Queen bee slippers are so cute! e Ae
Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
@Sulley: Howdy! You could be right, but what do I know.
Welcome to this place! Where you can be less lonely. Ha ha, things are alright considering. How are you? xD
@Apocrypha: Is it like my Bender closet?
Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole Posted 8 years ago
But where will I live if you've taken my hole!?
Posted in Word Association Posted 8 years ago
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 8 years ago
Posted in Word Association Posted 8 years ago
Hot dog
Posted in Yuck or Yum? Posted 8 years ago
