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Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago
Violet stifles a laugh behind her hand, "I think he's having a cold reaction to that one! He was waffle-ing about having to put it up! But here's the scoop... I think it's pretty sweet!"
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago
Violet tilts her head in confusion "What do you mean? I thought it could be fun what everyone comes up with... No time like the present right?" She laughs, before waving her hand, "Not that I think he should actually give me anything back, of course!"
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago
"Aww look how excited he is, you guys got him talking! Told you he'd love it!"
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago
Violet grins mischievously as she whispers loudly, "Draw something really weird with it!"
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago
@kiwi: Aorta tell ya, I have more puns where that came from!
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago
Let's get this activity Gogh-ing! I'm excited to see everyone's art!
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago

Oh by the way, this isn't just to show off your lovely art... There's also PRIZES!
That's right... and we're not just having one contest, but TWO!

• Every day when The Daily Lore Thread updates, there will be a new art prompt based on it!
• Don't worry about the quality of your art! This is for fun, put as much or as little time/effort as you want, as long as it follows the prompt.
• For every prompt you draw, you'll receive 30 lanterns!
• You can submit one entry per prompt.
• You can go back and enter past prompts!
• Deadline is July 31st at 11:59 PM.
• Staff members may enter.

• A panel of judges will review all art submitted to this thread and three lucky winners will be chosen!
• Art skill isn't the main factor. While considered, the bigger factors are creativity, effort, and theme.
• All entries to the daily prompt will be included.
• You may also submit additional art to be judged, as long as it follows the themes of "Voltra", "Summer Festival", and "Breaker Beach"
• Deadline is July 31st at 11:59 PM.
• Staff entries will not be included.

FIRST PLACE: any orb set of choice (from the current season) + event bundle
SECOND PLACE: either charged orb of choice + event bundle
THIRD PLACE: a common orb + event bundle

All winners will also have their art featured on Voltra's social media with a shout out to the artist!
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!) Posted 6 years ago

On the edge of the boardwalk, you're surprised to find a long table completely covered with a wide range of art supplies and mediums. As you gaze up, you can see a display proudly showing off art from a variety of Volties.

"Do you want to be up there, too?" A voice playfully calls out to you, and as you gaze up you notice Violet waving to you with a warm smile on her face. In contrast, Virgil sat beside her, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. As you approach Violet her smile brightens, "Since Joyful Jamboree is closed during the festival, we thought it'd be fun to host a little activity of our own!"

"I think you mean you thought it'd be fun..." Virgil muttered under his breath, before grunting as Violet smacked him hard on the back.

"Don't listen to him, he loves it! He's been paying everyone compliments on their art all day... And I'm sure he'd like to see yours too! Wouldn't you, Virgil?"

Her twin hesitated a moment as he averted his eyes in silence. After pondering it a moment he shrugged, glancing back over to you, "Depends. You have anything to show?"

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish Posted 6 years ago

Day 8 Lore

At the edge of the boardwalk, Violet sits on her wheelchair while gazing up at the stars. Mich, Vichard’s mini-mech drone, sits on top of the closed book on her lap. “You know Taro, the breeze over here is quite nice. Why don’t you join us?” Violet’s amusement shows as he walks closer, leaning against the wooden rails beside her. Vichard watches on curiously as Violet plays with Mich, the little drone happily beeping away as she pokes at it gently. He grumbles “…chard…” under his breath and Violet stops playing with Mich to look at him inquisitively. He pouts and points to himself. “My name is Vichard, not ‘Taro’.” He clarifies, pout still very much in place. Violet just grins at him, eyes twinkling. “And here I thought your real name was ‘Ham’!” She teases, laughing at Vichard’s indignant squawk.

He covers his face in embarrassment, the redness of his face reaching well up to his ears. Vichard had sought her out, curious as to why she was so friendly towards him, but he wasn’t averse to showing off his apparent ingenuity. “Ah! Are you curious? You must be, for on your lap…having taken somewhat of a liking to you…” a brief look of dissatisfaction at the 'traitorous' little robot crosses his face before it disappears “…is one of the most highly advanced pieces of robotic technology in the land!” he finishes, self-satisfaction clear on his face. He taps on the device’s screen a few times…and keeps on furiously tapping for a few minutes more when it doesn’t respond.

Vichard’s frustration grows until finally, the gadget’s screen lights up to display a diagram of Mich, detailing some of its parts. Violet finds the embarrassed emoticon on its screen adorable. He scoots closer to Violet, showing her Mich’s ins and outs as she listens attentively. Soon, she’s holding the display as he continues his explanations. “…And Mich only needs a few hours’ worth of charging to last an entire day?” Violet asks. Vichard confidently nods, chest puffed out with his hands on his hips.

“Indeed! With my vast knowledge in robotics, I’ve created a power supply capable of sustaining my creations for quite some time!” Though while saying this, Vichard deflates a bit “…A-Although my first few tests would often blow up…or drain at a rate of 10% per minute…o-or just stop working altogether…” His voice weakening as he continued, as though a dark cloud grew over him. Violet hums and takes the book she had on her lap, presenting it to Vichard after noticing the troubled expression on his face. He blinks, taking it from her and flipping it open. “I never really did get to share a book with you before, right? Fortunately, I brought one of my favorites!” Vichard’s cheeks flushed hot, his thoughts and heart racing at just how just how extraordinarily kind Violet was to him. She filled in some details: it’s the second book in a trilogy about a bumbling mechanic making their way through the world, making friends and foes as they go. He finds it vaguely familiar but doesn’t know why. “H-How dimwitted…and to think they possess such keen intellect…” Violet stares blankly at him for a bit before bursting out into laughter. Vichard blinks, unsure of the reason to her laughter.

She eventually stops, wiping away a tear. “Y-Yes…yes they aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed…but I’ve heard that they do get better later.” Violet resists the urge to laugh as Vichard ponders on this information. “I will be sure to find a copy of these books then! If indeed he does get better- “ Before he finishes, a flash of light erupts in the sky, signaling the start of the fireworks. The two take some time looking at the display lighting before their very eyes.

” …They are quite beautiful, aren’t they? Such stunning colors…” Violet’s words somehow wake Vichard from his stupor. His mouth starts running before his brain can catch up. “I’m certain I can do better. In fact, with my robotic knowhow, I-I can make something that can launch an even wider variety of fireworks in larger quantities than this!” Vichard met Violet’s inquisitive look as though he was a deer caught in the headlights, ”N-Not…not that I’m doing it to prove anything! I just think fireworks displays ought to be as grand as possible!” Violet covers her mouth, stifling a giggle, and smiles. “Really? Well, I’ll be sure to look forward to that." Vichard puffs his cheeks in response, arms folding as his gaze goes back to the sky. ”Hmph…w-well...good!” Vichard nodded, thinking to himself that all in all, this wasn’t so unpleasant. He wasn’t against this sweet interaction lasting longer, that was for certain.

Posted in [COMIC] Vichard's First Love Story Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Hehe, thanks guys. Posted 6 years ago
I am also appreciative for all the roses, thank you so kindly everyone!
I absolutely adore flowers, (yes, including lavender haha.) :viokiss:
Posted in Carol of the Bells! (FAQ & Lore) Posted 6 years ago
Thank you everyone for listening to my part. C: I do hope you'll give my brother a chance tomorrow
to prove that even he can get into the holiday spirit. Cheers! :viosweat:
Posted in Ask The NPC Anything! Posted 6 years ago
@fielkun: Do you like eggnogs?

Answer: Oh yes, I love eggnog! I've only tried it for the first time recently but it was delightful, I especially loved it with a little nutmeg and cinnamon. I supposed you could even say it was egg-cellent. She laughs behind her hand, amusing herself.

@priestess of pie: Do you have a dream dress?

Answer: Oh there's been some older Angelic Pretty prints I've had my eye on, but the auctions are rare and always run so high online. Virgil might kill me if I spend over 60k ohms on a dress!
Posted in Carol of the Bells! (FAQ & Lore) Posted 6 years ago

Day 8:Even Violet's wheelchair has been decorated with ribbon.She smiles at her scowling brother who averts eye contact
and pouts, but his eyes come back to her as she begins to sing her part with grace.
On the eighth night of Solstice, Panthalassa gave to thee:
Braids soft n' silky!

Right after her line she reaches politely out to Virgil’s jacket tugging at it, as a gentle reminder that there is no escape.

[Present day Sound]

Dear Diary,

It’s been a while since I’ve wrote in you, huh? I try to reserve this for my utmost happy memories to reflect back on. It’s not that I haven’t been happy lately, but raising four girls since the departure of my husband….well it’s a handful! But I’m grateful every day for my wonderful girls.

I admit, guilt had been pinching at my heart lately. At this point in time, my eldest is off studying abroad in that melting pot realm named Voltra…and the youngest are twins who finally have started kindergarten. From having no time on my hands to a open schedule, it’s quite hard to adjust!

Before I relish in as much freedom a work at home job offers, I realized there was something I desperately had to do first. I informed Elaine’s school that she would be needing the week off. My second eldest daughter Elaine, she’s worked so hard the past few years helping me with the twins. I know her older sister moving away took a toll on her heart…She doesn’t deserve the cliché “Middle child” treatment. I love her just as much as all my children. I knew I needed to remind her of this!

So every day we did something different! I’d have to say my least favorite, was the arcade. I’ve never really played games, that was very much so up my husband’s alley! She is definitely a spitting image of her father…right down to her glorious , thick, ashen hair. Which brings me to my favorite activity of the week.

Cuddled up by the fireplace…under a giant fluffy blanket. Twins already put to bed and sleeping peacefully. She asked me to braid her hair just as when she was younger. Bless her for forgiving every yank and snarl I failed to mercifully extract without pain! The “ouches” and “mooooom that hurts!” aside, we both were filled with hearty giggles. She looked beautiful with her hair done. She ran to the mirror, flipped her hair side to side to watch how the braids fell. Beamed a smile at herself and then at me….then took a thorough twenty minutes taking selfie’s in the bathroom….teenagers I swear! But when she came out, she asked to do my hair…

Well. Hairdressing is certainly not in her future, not unless she wants to make a comedy tour out of it! Haha I hadn’t laughed so hard in so long…My little Elaine will be leaving the nest in a couple years too…I wish her father could see how much she has grown. Little does Elaine know, that the way I braided her hair was actually how I wore my hair when I first met her father! He loved it! I think that’s a story I’ll share with her at a later date…. You know what? Why wait? I’m going to tell her right now!
I’m sure she’ll be smitten at the fun fact! I'll update this journal right away!

[Well I’m back. All she said was “Ew, that’s weird. I don’t wanna imagine me dating Dad.” That’s not what I said, she knows it. She’s just being a pain in my butt….but I love her anyway.]