Vontell's posts
Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
@Dowan: A couple letters for you!
"My beautiful, beloved pig. I'm not sure if you'll see this but just know I miss you and I hope things are going well for you. You deserve so much better and I'm positive they're going to find you sooner rather than later. As the poet Phil Collins said, you'll be in my heart."
"My dodo bird...my hot potato senpai. My number 1 to go to for music and older video game rambles. Mr. Talented at prose and patience of a saint to even attempt to read my assfoolery long winded swine flu tangents. I can only ever keep hoping things will go up for you. You are an excellent person and I just want to see you be happy and get yo' love story with ya girl. PS please stop gagging as you read this thx."

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
@Dipper: A couple letters for you!
"Sweetest baby Dip... You have a lot of contagious enthusiasm and you always give your all to everything you do. Make sure not to let others take advantage of this okay? Be yourself and embrace all that makes you, you. Trust me, you have a lot worth embracing. Also, don't be afraid to follow your passions. I know there's great things waiting for you."
"Dipperoni sir editor, thank you for all your help and patience reading the writers pieces!"

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
@Deaa: A couple letters for you!
"To my best friend, I love you."
"To the dazzling Deaa, I look forward to witnessing your game tomorrow. ;)
Sorry work sucks keep your chin up tho!"

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
@Cashew: A couple letters for you!
"I think how easily you make friends is awesome."
"pecan be frands- yes? walnut?-Puns aside you seem like a chill cashew
and hope you help keep this place nutty. ;)"

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
@Appollo Im Burning: A couple letters for you!
"Have more faith in yourself and your abilities, because trust me. When I saw your art is gorgeous, I absolutely mean it. You have amazing aesthetic and creativity, and I wish you ALL the best luck on your journey in achieving the artistic pursuits you've set. I also want to thank you for always challenging and supporting me, you've helped more than you even know."
"Most of the time when I bid on something you would beat me! And I won a couple bids and was like 'huh, where did she go?' I hope you come back, you were a good spirit to have around."

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
@Aly: A letter for you!
"I love your profiles. And your CCS skills are awesome!"

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
@Addy: A letter for you!
"you are cool!"

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago
I actually have received a few private messages already! I am simply waiting to accumulate but a few more before
updating the thread as I prefer to start things off with a metaphorical bang. Ha~
Please do not hesitate! All you need do is send a message and state the username of the person(s)
you are addressing. You can address as many people as you wish and send as many separate sentiments as you want!
When I receive the messages I try to mix them all up so that those reading are unsure of who sent what.

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago

"you are cool!"
"I love your profiles. And your CCS skills are awesome!"
“Aly you’re the CSS to my HTML”
” psst, hey you- you’re cook ok!!!”
Are you a golden snitch? Because you’re a perfect catch.
“I love you furry much!”
" "I consider you a dear friend."
"Since you said you like hearing me say it. Gosh dangit, Ama! "
"Another Movie Addict: I always Love all the avi's you come up with, especially your current rainbow avi. its amazing."
" "I consider you a dear friend."
"Since you said you like hearing me say it. Gosh dangit, Ama! "
"Another Movie Addict: I always Love all the avi's you come up with, especially your current rainbow avi. its amazing."
"Have more faith in yourself and your abilities, because trust me. When I saw your art is gorgeous, I absolutely mean it. You have amazing aesthetic and creativity, and I wish you ALL the best luck on your journey in achieving the artistic pursuits you've set. I also want to thank you for always challenging and supporting me, you've helped more than you even know."
"For Apollo Im Burning:
APOLLO you're one of the kindest and most considerate people I've ever met. On really bad days I think about your words and your support - and maybe your modesty wouldn't allow you to realize, just how much you've saved me and everyone who's had the good fortune of becoming your friend.
I know things have been hard for you lately, but I want you to know that you have a lot of support from people who care a lot about you...
I've always loved your art, and I'm always excited every time you share your progress in your art journey with us. you've grown so much and your commitment is so inspiring. I know you'll be able to reach your goals, and I'll be cheering for you every step of the way."
"Apollo im burning: I’m sorry, I know I sometimes make you anxious when I don’t go to bed on time, but I’m glad to have met you. Your organisational skills are top-notch, no competition. You always point out things I never thought of, too, so thank you for enlightening me. I’m bad with words but you’re a pretty cool person that I only got to know recently, and I’m glad I got to know you more than just a passing name I’d see in the forums from time to time."
"Apollo Im burning: I love that you re always so open and honest about things. You always bring interesting points and make me think more on things I usually just throw out into the wind. Hope you stay curious and that things will get better for you. "
"Most of the time when I bid on something you would beat me! And I won a couple bids and was like 'huh, where did she go?' I hope you come back, you were a good spirit to have around."
"apollo! i can't even begin to express how thankful i am to have met you. you've been there for me through a lot of the times i was struggling and checking up on me to make sure i was alright really meant the world.
you go above and beyond for your friends, and i hope you know that we'd all do the same for you if you ever need it! i know things are pretty stressful for you right now with the current situation you have going on, so don't hesitate to ask for help or for a shoulder to cry on if you need it!
i hope you start to post your art more, even if it's the daily practice sketches. :> you have such a unique style and every time i see your art pop up i get so excited. i'm still blessed to have apollo art of my own, which i'll always cherish.
you also need to post more about your ocs...i miss our in depth conversations about them haha. you have such a creative mind and i look forward to learning more about everything you make with it. "
You seem super chill and a positive force to be here, can't wait to see you around more!
Hi there! I don't know you, and I don't think you know me, but I just wanted to say I really hope you have a great day and that good things come your way ^^
Hi there! I don't know you, and I don't think you know me, but I just wanted to say I really hope you have a great day and that good things come your way ^^
"Bean: I honestly don’t know whether to love or hate you for what you’ve done right now. My heart is torn between the two. XD"
"I'd give you my cornflakes. All 0 of them sweet cheeks." (to pinster as well)
blockbandito: My light, my love, my life: Every day you love me, you're teaching me how to love myself. You make me feel beautiful, inside and out, and I'm still getting used to the feeling of security that comes with your warm embrace. Thank you for your patience, your persistence, and your unconditional love. You're a blessing to me and a gift to everyone you meet. Love you most~ <3
"I think how easily you make friends is awesome."
"If there is anyone I've come to know and love, it's you. You are very special to me! You brighten every day and you bring a smile to my face. I'm very lucky to have such a wonderful person in my life! <3"
"pecan be frands- yes? walnut?-Puns aside you seem like a chill cashew
and hope you help keep this place nutty. ;)"
" You may be new to Voltra, but I can already tell that we are going to be great friends!"
You’re my favorite muggle (and a happy early birthday!)
"To my best friend, I love you."
"To the dazzling Deaa, I look forward to witnessing your game tomorrow. ;)
Sorry work sucks keep your chin up tho!"
"My love for you is over 9000!"
"Dipper - I swear you are the most silly and hyper person I've ever met! You're an extremely hard worker and I'm so glad to have your help! I appreciate all you've done for me and the site and we'd be lost without you!"
"For Dipper:
dip - you put in a lot of work for voltra, and a lot of times you're not appreciated enough for it, so..... I APPRECIATE YOU DIP, AND EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO! Your care and dedication to your job is truly admirable.
I love that you share your art and puppies with us, they're all adorable.... I can see that you're passionate about a number of things, and I'm rooting for you to follow those dreams of yours.
And I know sometimes you worry about saying the wrong things, but just know that you're a good person with a genuinely kind heart, so just be yourself! "
"Sweetest baby Dip... You have a lot of contagious enthusiasm and you always give your all to everything you do. Make sure not to let others take advantage of this okay? Be yourself and embrace all that makes you, you. Trust me, you have a lot worth embracing. Also, don't be afraid to follow your passions. I know there's great things waiting for you."
"I wouldn't say we're particularly close as I only recently started talking to you/getting to know you, but what I can say is that you are definitely a team player. You're always stepping it up, doing work that is outside of your area to ensure that things run smoothly. I know you're under a lot of stress right now, so I hope things get better for you! Keep looking up, 'cause that's where it all is!"
“Dipper you make it so easy to chat and never fail to make something fun, also your art is A+”
"Dipperoni sir editor, thank you for all your help and patience reading the writers pieces!"
:Dipdip (did I give it away already? Shhh...). You are seriously an amazing guy and a great friend. And it is the greatest thing when you peek out of your shell and let us see the deep down, rant-filled you :p I think we would all like to see that side a little more often. You always check in on me when I write my stupid little rants on here and honestly those simple "Are you okay?"s and hug messages mean the world to me. Thank you so much :)
"DIPDIP, we've only started talking recently but you're such a sweetheart. you have so much on your plate right now and i know you're stressed about it...i only wish there was a way to help you out with it all! just don't let yourself get too overwhelmed, alright? you have so much worth and you're doing an AMAZING job.vent to us all you want/need to, buddy. we're there for you. you should share your art with us all more as well! i enjoy seeing your stuff when i log on. :> DIPDIP arts is such a treat to see...i have a sweetooth and demand more. 👀p.s. please send me a pupper, they're too cute. i will name it dipper in your honor.p.s.s. when are we gonna get more info about those characters of yours HUH? we're eagerly waiting to know more about these precious people"
"Dowan, I haven’t seen you around in a while, and I haven’t really put in the effort to message you, because I’m a dumb idiot who never thinks, but I hope you’re doing fine. I know we haven’t spoken in a while but you’re the reason I joined, because I wanted to be closer to you, and help you out, though it appears I haven’t really done what I came for… I should try harder… I hope you’re doing well. Sorry for not being a very good friend."
"My beautiful, beloved pig. I'm not sure if you'll see this but just know I miss you and I hope things are going well for you. You deserve so much better and I'm positive they're going to find you sooner rather than later. As the poet Phil Collins said, you'll be in my heart."
"Dowan: I'm exposing you because you are a really good, caring person. You're always there for everyone, and you're extremely likeable. You are hella honest, can be savage even, and that's how I know you are someone I can trust with my life. Thanks for being my friend! I hope we get to talk about how salty games get us, among everything else haha. Love you, you handsome hog."
"My dodo bird...my hot potato senpai. My number 1 to go to for music and older video game rambles. Mr. Talented at prose and patience of a saint to even attempt to read my assfoolery long winded swine flu tangents. I can only ever keep hoping things will go up for you. You are an excellent person and I just want to see you be happy and get yo' love story with ya girl. PS please stop gagging as you read this thx."
"Hi! I know its been like...a really long time since we've talked, BUT I haven't forgotten about you and I just wanted you to know that. I still see you as a great friend. So, thanks for being there when I needed you and thanks for all the laughs. ^^"
"We've been friends for years now and I'm glad to have met you, you are a wonderful person!"
"Way to make amazing avatars"
"Thanks for the awesome pokemon thread! It’s always nice to see you posting around on avi communities too. Hope you can stop by Mene more often. ; w;"
@Fielkun: You are an awesome person!
“You must be a gyroid, because your body is banging!”
"Fozzy - My dude! I'm so thankful and happy that you've allowed me all these opportunities on Voltra. I knew from the beginning that Voltra was gonna be my home and I'm so happy I can call it that. I really enjoy working with you and hope we are able to do so for many more years!"
“I hope you are able to et much needed answers soon. Thank you for being accessible and responsive, may this site continue to flourish under your rein!”
"Thanks for being a really kind and understanding person. You have come a long way in terms of leadership since I first met you. Keep up the good work!"
“Charmeleons are red.
Wartortles are blue.
If you catch my heart,
I’ll be your pikachu.”
"Frossy: Your love for pastels and birbs shines through everything you do. I mean, I think it does? Anyway, it’s pretty great how you manage to make items while studying to become a vet. I hope everything goes well and that you ace your exams and go out into the world to help animals that need you!"
": "I miss chatting with you. Your positive energy always brightens my day."
“I probably just weird you out but idc, I adore you and our mutual birdship.
Thank you for all the bird items- your existence on staff is a gift to me. xD”
"For ghost:
I admire your tenacity, your kind soul, and your stride towards positivity... You have immense talent and I'm always enthralled by the creativity and heart you put into all of your work. And the other........ contentyou've shared is also..... WORTH MENTIONING....... no but honestly, your humor is a favorite and thanks for adding 10 years onto my life with every post you make in the cringehole
And thank you for sharing your comic, it makes me really happy seeing you do something you truly love. you've been through so much, ghost, and you deserve so much happiness. whatever you decide to do with all that talent and passion, I'll support you!"
"ghost - You are such a hard worker and care so much about Voltra! There have been some tough times no denying, but having you on the team makes voltra strong and I'm glad you're here!"
"Ghost Dude. How do I say this? Damn. No wonder you’re a ghost. You keep pouring all your life into everything, so you have no lifeforce left for yourself. It’s amazing how much passion and drive you manage to show for every tiny thing you contribute. You’re practically breathing life into everything you make. How do you do it? I have so much I want to say but I have no words and… I don’t know how to say it. I sort of idolize you, which, I mean… sounds pretty bad I guess because idolizing anybody means you only see the good, not the bad, and that’s a super unrealistic view, but like…. Through the good and the bad, you manage so much… I want to tell you as a friend how amazing you are, not through this haze of idolization that could lead to you brushing off the well-deserved praise. I always get scared when I say something, and you answer, and it seems to me like I accidentally undermined you or made you feel bad or something and I get scared you’ll hate me and never talk to me again. I really enjoy the things you say and what you do. I’m sorry if I’m a pain in the arse or a bit weird and unnerving but… I enjoy chatting with you, Ghost, and I hope some pretty sweet things will come your way in the future!
P.S: Sometimes the fact that your username doesn’t have a capital letter pisses me off because to me it means that you don’t seem to think you’re important when you are!"
"I honestly feel like you are the veins of this site, your mark can be found everywhere.
You are absolutely talented, sell yourself short and overwork yourself to death. I want to see you harness your skills in healthy self satisfying ways and go far with what you do. You're a truly good person with an honest intellectual integrity and I'm happy to get to see what you do!"
@ghost: Dude, you are so talented, please don't sell yourself short. You put your all into everything, and it shows. I can't wait to see what new things you do, and please remember, you're worth more than your work. You're extremely considerate of others; you are also worthy of respect.
P.S. Super proud of you for finally taking the plunge with hosting your comic elsewhere and working more diligently on it."
"vintage: Oh what's this? A quality friend you say? AGREED. Always so caring about everyone in your life. Hella hardworking, you make lots of fun and beautiful things. Sometimes create those things at your own expense just so others can have a nice time. I'm glad we're friends every single day. I'm sorry that I'm always getting in your nerves with dumb questions, which is entirely not on purpose to make you suffer... but that pain is a good bonus. The time for a showdown will come but until then, thanks for being such a good person and friend. I hope things will get better, because you deserve better. Love you lots you loser."
"Ghost i'm upset that we didn't talk sooner tbh, due to us both being anxious and awkward AF. BUT i'm glad we got over that mutual awkwardness through the power of memes and questionable content found on the INTERNET. (spell check wanted this emphasized, so i obeyed)
also BLESS for you finally posting your comic. i'm hoping it makes it big and you get all the fans pouring in and they'll buy you a giant vacation home so we can all party and kick your butt (LOVINGLY). but for real man, good job! i know it's gonna be a big hit, and i'm ready to fight off the weirdos who latch onto it (i'm already in the process of fighting myself for ruining so much of it already (suckboyxblamboozled otp forever, kanejames who?)).
it's nice to see you posting more art too...your style has always made me so jealous. you're just too talented in too many mediums...it's not fair *tantrums*
i hope things get less stressful for you as well...it's no fun seeing you constantly overwhelmed with events happening in your life. :< know we're here to support you whatever you decide to do. unless that decision is you not sharing the weird content you find online, because i'll riot.
also thank you for introducing thanus to me. i feel like my life is complete now."
" I know you don't come on here often I hope you see this you are straight killing everything that you're doing right now I hope things become even better for you. Drag me down to the bottom mermaid"
“I love you more than YOU love Coffee!”
“You have always been on board to pixel my event requests, and naturally I feel a comradery over our mutual disorder that so many people don’t understand. You’re a talented girl and I hope life gives you rewards simply for being awesome!”
Godawful: You’re a really fun person and I enjoy seeing you around the site, and your art is amazing. When I first met you, I was a little bit confused about how you typed, I admit (because let’s just face it – I’m an idiot), but it has grown on me like you have, and the one time I saw you typing without capitals, I was actually worried something bad had happened to you that stole your usual peppy energy and vigour that I associate with you. I’m glad to see you around again, and I hope I’ll be able to see more of you in the future. Keep Living Life To The Fullest!
"You're not around enough, how dare you have a real life? But in all seriousness, I hope things are going well for you. You really were the mvp during the holiday season running that Secret Santa thread and I want to thank you for all your efforts once again. Your art and character designs are incredible and I want to make sure you know that."
"Hachi: A lot of people have mentioned the effort you put into the 2018 Secret Santa thread, but I’m going to mention it again. You managed to pull it off so well and send out reminders and made sure everybody got a gift. Thank you for that. In other news, you’re cool and I hope to see you around more often. No doubt you’re out there being a busy go-getter, but it would be nice to see you around a little. Hope you’re doing well."
"Hachiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! - Pterodactyl screech-
Wish you were around more to grace us with your presence, but I'm sure you're a busy bee so I'm grateful for those moments you do pop in. Hope things are looking up for you; you're a really great guy and I wish nothing but the best for you!
I absolutely love your art and characters, by the way, and am always super excited to learn more about them. :) Keep your chin up!"
"Hachi: MVP. Everyone mentions the art exchange thread and I will too because that looked like so much work, but it was so much fun and you did that! Thank you for putting in all that effort so everyone could have fun. Your art is really beautiful I wish I saw more of it! And of you! You're always busy and away but it's cool to see you around and have a chat. Stay cool!"
"Hachiiiii you were AWESOME for running that awesome secret Sarta thread. Your characters look sharp and distinct, you're a talented artist (your inks particular are my fav) and I hope to see you around some more! Your kindness is missed. :)"
"HACHI MACHI bless you for all your work making the secret art exchange...it was so much fun and such a nice thing for you to do! you're still getting art for being such an MVP once i stop being lazy.
i'm also so glad you joined our cursed discord to chat with us all. it's been fun having you just pop into the conversations like a ninja to say something hilarious or to react to one of those moments™️ (sorry we're so vile).
also, you gotta share more information on those characters of yours...we demand it. i'm thirsty for information. hachi arts in general too...more...i need them. so beautiful."
You’re the best. I can’t imagine my life without you. I hope you’ll find your calling soon. Or at least a job. > o> Thanks for always being there for me~ Love you. <3
Hadsvich - You are a quiet soul but a hard worker! I appreciate your willingness to learn more and do more. So glad you came back to us and are a part of the team <3
"I feel like you are always working hard on improvements for Voltra. "
Hazer - You are just a ball of crazy code. You work hard for Voltra and we're really lucky to have a dev, staff member, and friend like you here! I really appreciate everything you've done and still plan to do to make my life/job easier here <3
“Hazer I know voltra is in safe hands with you. Seriously, thank you. “
,*ruffles curly hair* Thanks for holding this site together and squishing all the bugs. You have made life 100000x easier for us since you joined staff!! You are so caring and you have endless passion for your work! Thanks for being so amazing! I refuse to imagine what we would do without you! Thanks for always checking up on me as well..it warms my heart. <-warm
“Don’t let bad people get you down, those that matter know how hard working and dedicated you are, you’re awesome!”
“I would walk into mordor for you!”
"I (pokeball) you!"
"I"m sorry I don't login to the love nikki association anymore xD"
"Thanks for introducing me to this place! Really glad to be here (even though I'm not that active). I hope the best for you in whatever you do!"
Dear Jazz:Hi Niinii! Don't kick my butt ...buuuuut :p Thank you so much for being my best friend. Seriously. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You keep me on my feet (or try to when I'm not being stubborn). You make me worry. You make me mad. You make me question all sorts of things. But at the end of the day, you make me smile. Thank you ^^ I'll stick around as long as you'll put up with me.
"Jazz, You may be a jerkface at times but you’re our jerkface"
"For Kid:
Honestly one of the funniest people I've ever met??? Your one-liners absolutely kill me. how are you this funny. Even after I've had a bad day, your words manage to make me laugh so hard... you bring so much light into this world, you CLOWN afkljfd
hey when are you gonna share more of your cool writings and OCs with us hmmmmm??
Makes me sad that life treats you so harshly, but I know you work real hard and you put your all into everything that you do. And so likewise, I truly believe that wherever life takes you, you'll be amazing at it. "
"Kid, I wanna see how many words I can get Vontell to say for me so here goes:
clown. Buttface. Fart. Dumbdumb. Fite me. YEETUS DELETUS THE THANUS.
Anyway you’re a real fun Kid and I wanna eat some cookies with you some day. Chocolate chip? They seem goon. Good. I meant good. Stupid keyboard.
Anyway sfgdklhgdhgdjkhg I’m here to say always be your clown self. A good cookie.
I won’t eat you I swear. Damn, we’re cursed, aren’t we? Those channels are cursed – WITH GOOD CONTENT! Geez I can’t stop dying typing this gdjkdfhgdh help me????? Gfjkdfhgfkdg ACCEPT THIS LETTER OF MY LOVE I DARE YOU DAMMIT DFJKGHDFGHDJGKDJ"
" You're a good friend and you do a lot for this community, even when times were tough. Be proud of everything you accomplished and dream bigger for yourself. You deserve good things in life. Also you're a complete and utter clown. Fool. I can't be nice for this long, ya chucklehead. (Said with love.)"
"KID i'm so thankful to have gotten to know you these past few months! your posts are always making me laugh until i'm in tears and i love your back and forth banter with your BFF.
also, please more stories about the great Anime TD Boy...he is my hero.
I know things have been REALLY rough for you recently and i wish there was more i could do to help you out...i'm sorry that these things have been happening and i can only hope they'll get better and fast. :< please rant or vent if you need to get it off your chest. i'll also send our snacc homing pigeon to you to deliver the best snacks to you.
i'm also hoping your recovery is still going well. if you need any help with that whole situation financially or emotionally supportively (are those words?? i don't know), HMU. i'll help out as much as i can. you KNOW i'm about selling my [redacted] to support you all.
and when will we learn about the 49852340523457235955 characters you're holding out on us too. i must know more about them.
THANKS FOR BLESSING US WITH QUALITY CONTENT TOO, of your barbie adventures or with movie nights or just roasting us all. it's the best and i love for it all.
also OOF i keep forgetting to join you on MS2 to cry about the dumb resources taking 3927 years to harvest."
"You were the first staff member to reach out to me and offer a helping hand. You helped guide me when I was lost and entertained me when I just wanted to be goofy with someone. You're a beautiful gal and I hope school will go well."
"kid: You're one tough cookie. ;)
In all seriousness, I love your humor and I think you have really great ideas! Thanks for answering any and all questions about your characters that I have; I love how you go about creating things for your characters that give us insight into who they are as a person. (I'm still dying from that blog you made for one of them, haha!)
Anyway, keep fighting the good fight and don't let idiots bog you down. Also, good luck with your studies!
Oh, one last thing! Torgo is best cat. Always brings a smile to my face when you share stuff with him. :)"
"Kairu - I am so glad that you are my friend, you're sweet as pie, I know this is late, because yesterday was national Pi Day ♡"
"Your chapter 2 art came out lovely, thank you for taking that on!"
Hi! You are a kind person and I just thought you should know that. Have an awesome day ^^
Dear Kent,God I love your games they are always so fun! Thanks for bringing activity to the forums! You go man!
For kiwi:
exposing myself here but OH WELL a special thanks to you for going ham in getting participants for the art exchange... it really wouldn't have been so successful if it weren't for you (and the other nerds in our vile discord AFDLKF)
you're such a fun person to talk to, your stories are wild, and I cry every time at the lengths you go to in order to make someone happy/laugh with your art.
kiwi you have such an eye for character and world design and color I'm really dying for the release of your comic.....
you're a good person with a lot of talent and perseverance, and I can't wait to see all the places you'll go."
"If you see this, I want you to know that I feel lucky to have met you, and I fully believe that you're going to find a lot of success in everything you do. Thank you for always being there and blessing us all with your incredible art, and even more incredible personality. Speaking of, where's that comic at? The fans are demanding it."
"I miss seeing your wonderful avis and art. I hope you can visit from time to time."
"I love your art and your spirit. You're a hilarious person who I miss having around here- I hope you pop back on for the event or once in a while just to say hello and toss an update."
"KIWI: You. Sing me an Ariya that Cassi will never forget. Also do they eat kiwis. I wanna know. How do they babysit kids. Can they have a pet crocodile-
Nah, nah, I’m kidding, haha. In all seriousness, you’re really cool and I’m glad I joined the server with all you guys in it. Thanks for putting up with me and my…wait, I accidentally screenshotted again…Oops. Such a bad habit I can’t break out of… Oof. Anyway, thank you for welcoming me and letting me be dumb and stupid and…I’m not sure what else I am but yeah. You’re a pretty awesome and chilli.
I wrote this last night and came back to it today and I have no idea what I meant by chilli but it stays. Don’t let others bring you down, okay? Stay kiwi fresh."
"@kiwi: Hey, your art is amazing and I feel like I don 't say that enough.
You're also super kind; don't let people take advantage of your generosity!
I feel super privileged that you've shared your characters and comic with me; I can't wait for you to put it out into the world and watch it grow.
Lastly, I know life can be pretty rough, but I'm rooting for you! May all the good things come your way!"
"kiwi: You are so funny. Always bring out the best memes and come up with the best jokes. You're such a bright and fun person, and I hope things go better for you because it's just not fair that people like you get dragged down by life. Your art is so beautiful too, I can't wait to see more of it and your comic. Don't let anyone stop you, stay arting and memeing. And we still gotta watch that one anime, so let me know when!! "
Your avatar is super awesome looking! I hope you have a wonderful day ^^
Your avatar is super awesome looking! I hope you have a wonderful day ^^
"Kozi - Just want to say that you are such a supportive person and deserve such happiness and beauty in life <3 "
“Are you an artifiact? Because I dig you.”
“I am glad we are friends. Never stop being crazy!”
"Dear Kozi,Thanks for always checking up on me and listening to all my rants. If you didn't I would probably have just descended into my hole of sadness and never come out."
“You jumped on this ship and asserted yourself as a true swashbuckler!
I might have been mildly screwed for a minute there had you not joined and plugged away like the worker bee you are! You took very careful effort in your work and with familiarizing yourself with the task at hand, and it is truly appreciated. Welcome aboard!”
""You'll always be a part of my netflix family. <3"
“Roses are red, Violets are blue. If I had only one (pokeball) I’d catch you!”
“I hope more things are going up for you. Congrats on your voltra promotion this year and thank you for listening to my tangents ~ Sorry I am a problem child but at least I am your problem child, right? :P”
You are the nicest and most bubbly person on here THANK YOU FOR ALL THE RAINBOWS AHHHH"
"its sad I only just realized you're an admin now? lol my bad but you deserve it you make voltra a better place."
"Awhile back, you went out of you way and messaged me, and I dont know if we had ever talked before that, but you did it anyway and I haven't forgotten. Knowing someone could relate, and just...your kind words, they really did help. So thank you!"
"Dear Lilypoo, You are the most hardworking of us all. You take all the world's burdens on your shoulders even if you don't have to. I admire and respect you so much as a person. Please be kind to yourself. We all love you very much. Without you the IT department would lose its' caring momma! You take so much pains to make the items shine and I bet the whole of Voltra is grateful for it. I am excited for another year of working with you! (especially cos I am your favorite child)"
"Lily, being an item tech I'm sure can feel like a thankless job sometimes. But just know you are appreciated by many and we all hope you find voltra to be a second home. You are adored never forget that."
"Your avatar and username is super adorable. Have a great day!"
Typically, I am afraid of Llama's spitting on me, but I feel I can trust that you won't. Have a great day!
Typically, I am afraid of Llama's spitting on me, but I feel I can trust that you won't. Have a great day!
"I wish we had more time to chat on Voltra."
"You are the most lovely and cheerful person I have ever met"
“Mdom, you look better than a unicorn dancing over a sparkly double rainbow!”
“Mdom, you are the brightest rainbow of voltra!”
"mdom: "You're one of the reasons I love rainbows so much. I loved rainbows before but you make it better. <3 "
"mdom: Resident rainbow, ehh? I bet you’re enjoying all the rainbows lately~"
Meg: i hope life is treating you well! i miss chatting with you.
"Good luck with your midterms, you're heavily missed but I'm wishing you all the best with your efforts irl. Make sure you're eating well and taking care of yourself."
"Micami: You're always so busy, you work too hard! I hope we get to play more games together and watch shows for entire days again. Love you, stay savage."
"Dear Mica,Thank you for all that you did for me. It was really fun catching up with you and your family again! Say hi to the little ones for me! I hope school isn't kicking your butt too hard. Also, fingers crossed for summer!! "
""I'm afraid I don't know you well and I'm kinda just the leach on the ankle of your love, but regardless I adore you and your work! Thank you for taking on the piece I asked a while back, it came out great. :)"
"Jesus, you are purple!"
milkdaddy: Just want you to know you always have the best looks on this site and your avatars always impress.
"For Millet:
you're doing a great job with the event!! truly an mvp. thank you for all your hard work!"
"Millet - I'm so glad you joined the team! You've done so much for Voltra in a short time and I appreciate your dedication! I hope you stick around for a really long time <3"
"You are the MVP and a total BEAST at making things out of nothing. Your tenacity is absolutely crazy and I've come to adore you.
I don't know how you've kept up with Vontell's thread either lmao."
"Millet Thank you for putting up with all my stupid questions and bearing through how much I managed to butcher things. You’re a really cool person and you do a lot! I want to be your friend but I’m bad at talking and I never know how to ask but I want to be your friend. Did I already say that? Oops, oh well, haha… You do a lot and I’m not sure what this event would have been like without you. I shan’t keep this too long-winded, so my last words to you (for now) shall be: SQUAWK SQUAWK SQUAWKETY SQUAWK!!!"
"I always admire what a good head you have on your shoulders, and how you always give everything 100%. Your hard work and dedication definitely doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you for working so hard on this event too, I know everyone's going to love it."
"You helped me find my groove when I was utterly lost and for that I am eternally grateful! Gonna have to apologize in advance if I mess up, but I hope you and everyone else will be there along the way in case I need some course-correction. Uh...also I think you're a pretty cool writer!"
"TBH, you seem like you're the real deal. You've been blunt with me in ST but in a way I knew was genuine and your advice I took and it actually helped. I like your rawness."
"Hello there, resident bird lady. :) Haven't been around lately (and that probably won't change, unfortunately), but you're definitely someone I miss. Have you been keeping up with your art? It was great watching you go about trying to improve before I left. I hope everything is well with you, and maybe we'll come across each other on another site? Wishing you the best!"
"Millet: We don't chat all the time, but you're such a powerhouse of creativity, I'm always amazed by it. You work so hard for everyone and I just want you to know it's appreciated. Love the times we get to chat and thank you for always being so nice to everyone. You the mvp."
"I pika choose you!"
"Millet, ever since you joined staff its just felt livelier. Keep being you ya crazy bird lady!"
"You're a real team player."
Miss Kitty I know I haven’t been around much, and I gave you guys a bit of a scare about a month ago, but I hope you didn’t worry too much about me. I hope you’re doing okay and that you enjoy the show I told you about. You’re really sweet and I should be around more often, ehehe… Sorry.
"Miss Kitty - I may not talk much these days but my inbox is always open if you need to talk <3"
For MoodyBats: " You're a lovely person and wonderful to talk to!"
Ah! Your name! I love Eevee, which means you must be a good person. That logic, I know. Regardless, have a great day and lots of adventures!
Ah! Your name! I love Eevee, which means you must be a good person. That logic, I know. Regardless, have a great day and lots of adventures!
“Are you a dementor? Because you take my breath away.”
"You are the CUTEST staff member! ilu bby~<3"
"You were the first member to greet me on Voltra so I shall anonymously pay tha forward!
You are a absolute peach!"
“Nyuu, be my player #2?”
“Thanks for being such a great friend! Hope to visit again soon! Stay golden~”
": I am glad you became a staff member. I am glad I follow you on instagram and everything you do is cute and good. "
“I hope that your Spring is as beautiful as your avatar! Happy (early) birthday and have a wonderful season!”
“It’s been..weird not having you around. Feels a bit less full without you.”
“The fires of mount Doom aren’t nearly as hot as you (and happy early birthday <3)”
”Muggle snuggle?”
“I LOVE your art its very appealing to just stare at. Legit just went through your deviant art for an hour like “oooh I like that one” ten times haha!”
“I LOVE your art its very appealing to just stare at. Legit just went through your deviant art for an hour like “oooh I like that one” ten times haha!”
"okios: My lobster king... You were certainly a character in this community, and I miss your contributions everyday. You did a lot to boost activity, but let's skip that... you did a lot to boost everyone's doki dokis with your charm. You are really funny and you have really beautiful art. The names of some of your OCs crack me up so much, I love them. I can't wait to see more of you, wherever that be. Until later dear lobster."
"Dude, my bro, thanks for sharing freebies you come across with us! (Still need to claim my candy sample, haha.)Regarding your art, you have a unique style and I'm always blown away when you choose to share a piece with us. I hope school isn't stressing you out and I will definitely be on the lookout to procure more Fred and Siela art for you!"
"(*Sobs for Lobbs*) Barely knew ya but you bring so much life to this site my man. Wish time would speed up and you'd come back with a vengeance and make this place cool again but I'm afraid like many others you might not come back. You have such a good uplifting spirit and always motivating other artists here to self love and do their best and I hope that for you sir."
To Peachy- Your name makes me smile every time I see it. :D
"Priestess of Pie: I haven’t known you for long, but you’re pretty awesome. I like the insights you give and support you provide. Oh man, I’m really bad at putting thoughts into words and this doesn’t feel heartfelt enough, hnng… I’m glad to talk to you every day, if that means something to you. Also, I’ve never said this before, but pie is sacred, right? You’re an awesome Priestess and don’t let anybody eat the pie!
if that’s too bad of a joke I’ll die"
"For Priestess of Pie:
I'm so glad you dropped into this terrible group, it feels like you've been here forever somehow.
your opinions and perspective are fresh and grounded - you're a down-to-earth person who gives well-meaning and good-hearted advice and lots of support, which I'm sure we've all needed. also your illustrations and pixels are AFDLKFJDF GREAT and I hope to see more of it in the future!
and THANKS my fellow weeb, for dorking out with me. your cats are adorable and it makes me happy seeing them.... good babies........"
"You're absolutely one of the funniest people on this site and our conversations always crack me up. You've always been so supportive and it really means the entire world to me, so thank you so much for being there. Also, your art is so gorgeous, it looks like something that could come right out of a high-end rpg artbook honestly. And your pixels are the best on the site!"
"Priestess of Pie: I think kiwi mentioned it before, but it's insane how fast we all clicked with each other. It feels like you've been a part of the group for forever. :)
I appreciate how level-headed you are, and the advice you give is always sound.
I hope you are soon able to do art for your own enjoyment, but at the same time thanks for the pieces you did for me! Absolutely adore your pixels, and your illustrations are top notch! Can't wait to see what other cosplays you make!
P.S. More dragon lore/characters when?"
"Priestess of Pie: i'm still shocked that out of all the people on this site, you chose to flock to this. i'm glad you did though, cuz things wouldn't feel the same without you!
i'm excited to learn more about the characters you have, and extra excited to see all the beautiful art you create of them. your style is so soft and heartwarming, please teach me your ways.
and bless for sharing your babies with us all the time...they're such adorable fluffballs and i would DIE for them. tell them they're good fluffs and i love them,,"
"Priestess of Pie: Your art is so beautiful and you can make really nice cosplays too! I love your pixels and I look up to you, hope that I can make something that cute too in the future. And also, I hope to achieve the kind of level headedness you have, you always bring a perspective that's missed and it really changes things. Oh, and your cat are beauties and I love them too. Stay pielicious."
”I love you more than Mr. Weasley loves muggles.”
“Your art style is so flippin’ adorable both in illustrations and pixels. Lil piggies is my favorite set from the rigs!”
Qt - You're such a goober. I love how you come into conversations like "wha?" and we're just like *eyeroll* Qttttttt. XD You're so adorable and I'm really glad we get to work together. Your art is beautiful and I love how obsessed you are with pigs. Never stop being your sweet self!
“Your art style is so flippin’ adorable both in illustrations and pixels. Lil piggies is my favorite set from the rigs!”
Qt - You're such a goober. I love how you come into conversations like "wha?" and we're just like *eyeroll* Qttttttt. XD You're so adorable and I'm really glad we get to work together. Your art is beautiful and I love how obsessed you are with pigs. Never stop being your sweet self!
Rallaa: "Thank you for being you. You're a cool dude."
"Rallaa: I have never met someone so willing to give things up for someone they care about. That part of you still amazes me."
"You do so much to support this site and bolster this community. You really are the poster child of volties and you always come up with such unique looks. One of the most exciting things about new crate and orb releases is seeing what you'll do with them."
"You are easy to talk to. "
“Raxton buddy, you are awesome!”
"You always have the coolest avatars. I love your creativity!"
“Thank you for running the price guide raxton its looking good!”
"Hi!! Still have your art as my background, just saying haha. You are such a great person, and so welcoming. I just thought you should know that ^^"
"Saeyra - The sister I never had! Oh wait, I do have a sister but... well anyways! Nah, but you are such a sweet friend and I'm so glad that we met and became friends. I know I don't talk as much lately and have a little trouble expressing how I feel, but I really do love you and hope we stay friends for a very long time. <3"
"Hello fellow D&D lover and goofmaster. You really saved my neck during cirque and are a huge team player on voltra staff. Thank you for doing everything you do. I swear one day I will comission you to draw one of my characters because your art is the damn bomb, girl. I want it haha. But not as much as I want you to take care of yourself and get a good nights rest. <3"
"I think you are cool and I like talking to you."
"Shark! You’re amazing; please don’t ever let anybody else tell you otherwise."
"To the Wonderful Shadami,I love you, twinsie! ^_^"
"Your art seems to be improving! Keep at it~ I always enjoy chatting with you too."
" "Thank you kindly for keeping our secret, and extra kindly for the wonderful art!"
thanks for putting up with me, I know that you don't have to but you're great for doing so"
"Dear Shadami,Its so nice to meet you and I had lots of fun chatting with you! Its so nice to make a new friend! WE LOVE FOOD!"
"You're one of my treasured friends and I hope we are friends for many more years to come."
At times you're baffling, but always endearing. A cute snake.
We dont always see eye to eye. But that doesn't mean I don't still care about you.
"you always find the best pixel art and I love it."
"To star2000shadow- You are always so sweet and such a joy to talk to. "
"your name and post style always makes me feel sunnier."
“Thanks for being so nice & openly chatting with everyone!!!”
“I am glad we got to know each other years back.”
Totalanimefan - you have made a very pretty rainbow avatar, I haven't seen anyone make those tights work like stripes. it is one of my favorite avatars made by you.
“Do you play quidditch? Because you’re a keeper!”
“I am glad we got to know each other years back.”
Totalanimefan - you have made a very pretty rainbow avatar, I haven't seen anyone make those tights work like stripes. it is one of my favorite avatars made by you.
“Do you play quidditch? Because you’re a keeper!”
"You are funny and protective. "
Tuijp - "You are my favorite husband"
"One day, I hope to see you."
Tuijp - Man, I miss Tui radio but I know it was a lot to do everyday and it was amazing while it lasted! You're so funny and such a crucial part of our family. We love and appreciate you! <3
"My favorite radio host, I'm so happy for your recent progress in your transition.
You're a great guy and a super active mod! Cheers to you~<3"
"I adore how wonderful and chill you are."
”Uncle Daddy you’re super cool and so easy to talk to! I hope life treats you better, you deserve it. <3”
"You are one of the kindest and sweetest people I've met on here. Keep being you and everyone will love ya! ~<3"
"Thanks for lending me an ear, talking with you has been great. I have also enjoyed the avatars you have made."
"Thank you for having a wonderful charity and working the exchange price guide for so long!"
"You always have great avatars! "
"Valefor - You are so sweet and I'm so glad to work with you! I love how you're never afraid of learning more and correcting your mistakes. It shows that you are dedicated to what you do and I really appreciate and respect that. Thank you for what you do <3"
"You're super duper fly! *Missy Elliott starts playing*"
"You are a very talented artist, your style feels like it breathes life. SO glad I get to get a piece done by you!"
"Thank you for always being such a good friend."
"Thank you for donating items to newbs so that voltra may be a more fashionable place!"
“Vengeance are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re CuTe!”
"You were one of the first people to help me out when I joined the site and you've stayed sweet and friendly since. Thank you!"
“Dog, you have absolutely no chill. Whatsoever. #TeamVyc #KickVic but at least you are fashionable I suppose.
Haha just playing of course. :)”
“Thank you for making this thread, it has brought a big smile to my face.”
"Dear Vregory,I hope this Spring is lovely for you and your little ratty friends! "
Vreg: You're such a cootie patootie
"It is I! Your brother. I send this message to reconfirm to you that I can't stand you.
The only thing trashier than trash is you. HA!"
": "You're my favorite trash king."
“Please don’t lose to Vichard, that’d be serious cringe.”
“Ho-hum, I see someone is sending their bottom wage lackey’s at me hmm? WELL VYCTOR. Compliments to you for even having some kind of support, but I for one will NOT LOSE to some tatted up thug. Prepare yourself Vyctor!”
": My Love, You shall have my heart. Always. ♥I am sure you know who I am.Signed, your biggest fan."
"Dear Yandere,Not sure if you will read this but thanks for being there for me. Thank you for being the kind listener through all my nights of sadness. You definitely made a huge difference and I felt comforted just seeing your replies to me. I know we aren't that close but I am eternally grateful to you for your companionship through my sad times. I will never forget you "
"Your art is adorable as your personality. Here's to hoping you aren't the murderous kind of yandere."
@Zuzu: You are awesome, one of my favorite thing about events is that you change your avi every time we get a new event item available at the shop"
"An 'Ace' in many things. May your passions be a blessing to you, should you ever be transported to 'another world.'"
"To Zuzu: You are one of the most creative people I know. It's wonderful to see your creative ideas come to life, that's one of the reasons why people always enjoy the events you make."
"Zuzu: I really enjoy seeing all the avatars you create with Voltra items, and I hope I can see more – you always manage to be so creative and make avis with items I never thought of using in such ways before!"
You guys are quite new but you guys bring so much activity to the site already, hope you'll always enjoy your time here

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago

1) Each user can send Vontell a private message with sweet sentiments concerning another Voltie(s).
2)You may send as many sentiments as you want, but you may only be entered into the raffle once.
3) Positive messages only. Negative messages will not be tolerated.
4) No trying to get double entries by utilizing mules - this will result in disciplinary action.
5) Updated daily, but may occur during different times. You have until March 18th to participate!
The more participants the better! There are prize tiers that will be unlocked based on the number of people that participate in sending sentiments.
Prize Tiers
5 Participants unlocks...... Common Orb
10 Participants unlocks..... Common Orb
15 participants unlocks..... Either Charged Orb
20 participants unlocks..... Either Charged Orb
25 participants unlocks..... March Crate
35 participants unlocks..... March Crate
50 participants unlocks..... Rare Orb Set of Choice
70 participants unlocks..... Rare Crate
90 participants unlocks..... 25,000 Volts
100 participants unlocks... Virtuous Guard
*Note: Mules do not qualify as participants. Use your main account only, we will be checking IPs at the end, if you used more than one account to submit entries, you will be disqualified.*
This is much more challenging than the last time we did this, but I anticipate a mighty victory for at least most of this prize list!
Current number of participants: 54/100
**Activity is now over.**

Posted in Blooming Letters from Anonymous
Posted 6 years ago

Ah, Vibrance Day! Today appears to be quite the opportune time to bring this back, does it not? Once again, I very much appreciate the visitations I have received from each and every one of you. Truly, words cannot suffice in describing the sheer jubilation I feel! Once again, I shall be collecting all of your charming sentiments regarding one another. I believe conveying the profundity of our mutual appreciation in even the simplest of words is a beauteous thing to behold! In addition, discussions about anything under the sun are well and truly welcome.
This concludes all sentiments for a grand total of 54 participants.
The raffle winners will be announced April 1st with the surge.
Thank you all for honoring me with delivering your most beautiful and thought provoking sentiments!
No worries, after the event this thread will be moved to voltra discussion so that you may all see
your letters whenever you want!
They are categorized alphabetically on the first page by recipient!
Take care.

Posted in Gentleman's Dreams [ a writing contest ]
Posted 6 years ago
"I thought long and hard about what illustration to provide you all as inspiration for the piece, and then it struck me! Leo's dreams. The dreams of a gentleman, no doubt, but also those of an adventurer! My lovable companion travels the city with his friends in tow and while we lack the language to comprehend their furry adventures, one can use their imagination to conjure an exciting tale. I wish you luck in your interpretation of this picture!"

Posted in Gentleman's Dreams [ a writing contest ]
Posted 6 years ago

Poor Leo seems to be in a bind!
He's scoured fantasy, devoured the textual world...
Now there's nothing left save a capy, bored.
Vontell has enlisted your help, your imagination to create a written work that will spur Leo into action.

Deadline: March 1st 11:59 Voltra Time
Write a piece based off the picture provided.
Your piece can be anything so long as it's interpreting the picture in some way. A short story, a poem, or even a song would work so long as your piece doesn't exceed 1000 words.
1000 words. Your choice of interpretation.
You can submit as many entries as you like, but can only place on one.
Go wild, but keep it on the PG-13. Gotta follow the rules, y'know?
And don't plagiarize, else your submission gets the boot.

Leo will pick three pieces that inspire him most based off interpretation of the illustration, execution of the writing, and general creativity.
If you want to make Leo a happy capy and walk away with a prize, your submission should take the illustration to new heights, and show off your skills.
February Crate
1st Place
Beanie Doll Plasma Orb OR Danseur de Glace Plasma Orb
2nd Place
Common Orb Winter '18
3rd Place

Posted in Gentleman's Dreams [ a writing contest ]
Posted 6 years ago

Vontell Capala took a sip of his morning coffee before adding yet another section to his long-awaited book. He had been on a roll the past few days... or was it weeks? He had forgotten the flow of time, really, what with how massive the entry had become. Leaning back in his chair, he read the chapter he had just concluded, and gave a satisfactory nod.
His work as a whole was ready for review.
"Leo! Leo, my boy!" He called out excitedly, nearly jumping to his feet. "I believe it's time for you to work your magic! I only hope you..." His voice trailed off as he glanced around, realizing his good friend was nowhere to be found. "Leo? Ah, you must be in your study! Let us pay you a visit then, hm?" Smiling, the writer set off to bake his extraordinary editor a delicious snack for when he saw him next.
Leo's study was A wide circular room designed for the ease of a capybara on the go. The walls were interspersed with shelves of differing height, packed with books of every size and genre, and the floor was covered in luxurious carpet. Huge, comfortable steps were planted in front of the higher pieces to give Leo a little boost to his entire collection.
Surprisingly, the capybara was not reading when Vontell took a peek inside. In fact, Leo appeared to be quite preoccupied with nothing, which was uncharacteristic for the productive little guy. The sagely animal was sprawled out on his belly with open books strewn about. Such a thing was also very much unlike him. He was always so meticulous with the organization of his study.
The old capybara's expression had not changed from the usual, but Vontell could tell when his faithful companion was feeling under the weather. The writer cupped his chin with a brow furrowed in thought. "I see now. My most adorable confidant must have exhausted all his resources for inspiration, and is in need of more!"
He smiled, "Well then. This calls for the help of our mutual friends, doesn't it?" He slipped the extravagant tray of food gently within the chamber so as not to disturb the capybara in his time of reflection, and quietly departed.