Xnovax's posts
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan smiled a little and easily returned the kiss. "Hey.. Let's not tell her just yet..okay?" He voiced calmly, not sure how she'd react after fleeing from the scene. Nathan nodded at her question and touched their noses together. "Go clean up." He said gently, indicating he wasn't going anywhere.
Natalie was holding her jewelry box in her lap, sitting on a slumped rock like chair and sorting her shells. She had a large collection of sea shells, pearls, sand dollars and other things she could use to make an assortment of jewelry.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Inuyasha continued to sleep through Study Hall.
Miroku took notes throughout the class and everything while thinking about the upcoming dance.
Koga rolled his eyes. "Yea..no. I don't go for girls who pick on new students and bully them." He said calmly, even if the aggravation was apparent. As they passed certain places, he'd point them out and continued showing her where everything was.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago
Kaedae gave her a hug and held her gently. "It'll be alright Kagome.. Despite the rumors, the Prince might not be as heartless and terrible as others speak of. I know you looking for love, but maybe you'll come to like living at the castle. Just remember your manners." She spoke calmly to the young priestess in training. "I will miss you dearly my child.." She said, knowing it was getting late and supper was nearly done. Morning would come and she'd be taken away from the village.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan touched his forehead to hers and placed his hands on her shoulders as he gazed into her gorgeous eyes. "You're everything I ever dreamed about.. I didn't want to be rejected by the only mermaid that would've meant something.. So, I kept quiet." He murmured quietly before pulling back some. "As for Nat, you could start by finding her secret hideout." He chuckled, brushing his lips against her forehead.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago
No one really knew what the half demon prince looked like, or who he was really since he never left the castle. There were some terrible rumors though that the villagers had formed. Kaedae had been training Kagome to be a priestess since she was young child, so hearing that she would be the tribute offered to the Prince was a bit hard to swallow. It was set though.. So she did her best to prepare her. It would be a long trip and the servants would be there come morning to collect her.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan wrapped his arms around her, and squeezed her gently when she tried to move away. He brushed some of her long hair aside and gently lifted her chin so she'd look at him. "Are you kidding? Who else is going to give her something to dream about?" He asked, referring to the novels she shared. Natalie didn't even start thinking about love until Sirene shared one of her books with her. She was too busy following their mother around like a baby sea horse. She had a life outside of their mother because of Sirene.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
He frowned, but agreed none the less. Inuyasha lightly pat her back when she suddenly hugged him and paused to take a quick break before continuing on to class. If he didn't have a skull-splitting migraine, he'd be alright. A fever was nothing really. Once they reached the Study Hall, he sat near Kagome and rested his head on his messenger bag, like a pillow and closed his eyes.
Miroku rubbed the back of his head. "There's no telling.. But I wish he'd do something before someone else makes a move." He said casually, lightly holding her hand as they neared the class room.
Koga rose an eyebrow as he began walking. Ayame was already giving her trouble? Must've been cause she was another wolf.. He shook his head. "Don't let her walk over you or she won't stop. If she does anything, come find me. No matter what she tells you." He said to her a bit seriously. Ayame had a record of messing with new girls, and often tried steering them away from him by telling them lies. He just hoped Sayuri didn't listen. "I'm Koga by the way." He said, calming down some.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan slowly lifted his head when the door began to open. He was looking at her with soft eyes and a small, shy smile was barely visible along his lips. "What's not to like? You've always been there for me.. You know how to keep me from getting tossed into a cell, I'm always happy or at ease around you. You're an amazing cook and even I can't resist your singing. But.. I'm hot tempered, over protective and always getting into trouble. I only wanted you to find someone better than me." He explained softly, glad that his sister wasn't around to tease him later.

Posted in A Heartless Winter - Inuyasha
Posted 7 years ago
Inspired by a fanfic I read, and totally fell in love with!
Inuyasha is a lonely half demon prince, living out in the mountains where it never stops snowing. The lands had been cursed by a never ending winter for nearly fifty years. The reclusive prince needed to find love before it was too late.
...but who could ever love a half demon?
Inuyasha is a lonely half demon prince, living out in the mountains where it never stops snowing. The lands had been cursed by a never ending winter for nearly fifty years. The reclusive prince needed to find love before it was too late.
...but who could ever love a half demon?

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Inuyasha shook his head lightly and glanced at her. "Explain the project to me, different from how the professor explained it.. Maybe then I'll understand and be able to help." He said calmly. "I'll rest if that's what you want, but.. I want you to know I'm sorry." He said to her as they walked. Miroku lightly tugged Sango off to the side so they could go to their class.
Koga nodded lightly and smirked casually. "Alright then." He said, offering his arm to her. The campus was big and he didn't want to lose her while giving her a tour. "It's no problem, really. "
Koga nodded lightly and smirked casually. "Alright then." He said, offering his arm to her. The campus was big and he didn't want to lose her while giving her a tour. "It's no problem, really. "

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan sighed inward and rested his forehead against her door. "I'm begging, don't pish us away anymore.. Natalie doesn't deserve it. One of these days she's just not going to come back." He said to her softly. "And.. I hate seeing you like this. If I'd a known you keep going for guys that hurt you.. I would've just come out and told you how I really felt.." He closed his eyes and breathed slowly. So what if he got rejected. "None of those other mermaids meant anything. Ever. They were just used to try and fill the spot for you, cause I didn't think you'd go for it.. I'm nothing like the guys from your novels.." He just kind of kept talking I'm hopes she'd open the door.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Nathan rose an eyebrow, and rolled his eyes a little. "Sirene, let me in. Nat swam off a few minutes ago. Fun or no fun, we care about you." He said a bit seriously, pretty much telling his friend that he wasn't going to leave, unless she said it to his face. Sure, he liked to flirt with other mermaids but only because he didn't feel he was her type. He wasn't out of a romance novel..

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago
Once they met up, Miroku gently wrapped his arms around Sango's waist and kissed her cheek. "Good morning my love." He greeted casually. Inuyasha nodded lightly to the girls and glanced at Kagome briefly before casting his eyes down. Miroku had texted Sango, he could tell by how Kagome was acting. But he wasn't mad.. "Hey.." He greeted quietly, unsure of what to say to her.
Koga chuckled and helped her gather her scattered things, then offered her a hand up. "Don't sweat it, and if you'd like, I can show you around the campus." He said, indicating he was totally fine.
Koga chuckled and helped her gather her scattered things, then offered her a hand up. "Don't sweat it, and if you'd like, I can show you around the campus." He said, indicating he was totally fine.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago
Natalie frowned and glanced at her brother. Nathan rolled his eyes and knocked once more. "You should know better, we aren't leaving you like this." He spoke through the door, being more stubborn than most days. He wanted to track the low life down and hit him, but thought against it. After waiting a short bit, Natalie shook her head and swam off to her hidden cove, no one knew where it was except her. Nathan stayed.