Yandere's posts
Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Aaah, that's all I really do too tbh. I don't wander to many places other than my own threads. n ___ n ;;;
Best of luck!!! Arts shops are still relatively slow in my opinion, but there's a few art buyers lurking around. >:3cc

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

It's funny trying to people watch though. They don't think to look at the window since there's a bush right in front of it too. o 3o
Awwwyehhh, memory still kicking.
I try and do that too, but then I get bored of it, and I switch to other app games. I try to play it when I'm watching shows too, so that doesn't help.
Geez. 65k? Gib some to me pls. AHAHahaha. When I got off last night I was at 23 gold or something. That broke lifeee.
YEEEEE. I've been waiting for the newest update. AM EXCITE!!
@dragonickittens: Kittennsss! I didn't know you were still on voltra!!! : D

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Ohhh, I see. I sorta... live underground technically??
My window is on ground level? I am bad at explaining things. ;;;
Damn. o ___ O I don't think I've ever been over 20k gold. omg.
Savage af. Congrats on getting all the guild kitties though!!! Pretty sure that was you in chat who said that. ;;;
I don't really pay attention to them. haha. I usually try and look for the 1m crafting, but I always forget. Heh.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah. q vq The supermarkets are kinda barren too, so it's rough getting certain supplies too. aaaaaa. I think mine are working too? I'm not really sure. Someone even brought over alcohol for us. Hehehe.
It really is. It's putting everyone in a funk. q vq
Ahh, that's really good! Now, if people would just STAY INDOORS. SMH. I know some people NEED to get out (because they're not a total recluse like me) but, go in the backyard or something or an open park where there aren't any people. I don't know why they feel the need to just STROLL around where there's TONS of people. /headdesk.
OH nOOOOOOOOOOOO. I never seem to have enough gold- I'm always crafting something. I dropped down to 200 gold during the 1m crafting and was panicking. ahahaha.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

I'm not allowed to step outside now. AHahaaa. /lays down.
Literally can't even go and get food, so family members have been going out. fak me.
I KNOW. I can't... handle people. I swear. aaaaaaaaa. It's putting others at risk. This is why my state is now the epicenter. /headdesks.
And my family wonders why I hate people.
YES. GOTTA PAY THE BILLS, BRUH. I mean, thankfully I'm still working, but still. q vq ;;;
Ahhhh. 1m crafts are amazing- though I never seem to have enough gold for it. rip me.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

I've seen TONS of people walking around if I really look outside. I went to go pick up food and counted the groups of peopl (which was about 5-8 blocks away?) and there was 22 groups of DIFFERENT PEOPLE walking around. The most I saw in a group was 5. LIke, PEOPLE GET IN YOUR HOUSES AND STAY THERE OMG. This is why it is spreading. UGH.
I hope so too. q vq I'm still working, but the money would be nice right now tbh. I need to pay off my credit card. ahaha.
Awwyissss. It's been slow the past few days, so I've been able to play a lot. Haha.

Posted in I'M GETTING MARRIED (A Request Thread)
Posted 5 years ago

I'd be alright with that. Send the trade and I'll get started. :>

Posted in Safe Space Hangout
Posted 5 years ago

Hey, it's your animal crossing, play it your way! Like, I've been playing day by day, but my hubby is ahead one day, so he gave me a few things earlier. haha. It's nice to be able to explore all of the island anyway. U W U
Omg. My island was covered with everything at first. aaaaaa. It was pretty rough. Haha.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Just trying to get those event items O VO! Much better than the last event. Eugh. I hate collecting those coins and those limited items.
I guess so? Seems kinda silly though. I just heard the people mowing lawns yesterday too. Smh. It's too early for all of this stuff anyway. Yeesh.
Oh no, that is really bad. D: Do they offer take out/delivery? I know a lot of people are still ordering from those type of things. Hopefully they make a rent freeze soon, I know a lot of people aren't working and don't have the money for it now. q vq
Yee, of course! Your guildmates seems nice already. = w= /////
@lina: Ahhhh, thank you! * V*
Animal Crossing has kind of prevented me from drawing though. Hehe.

Posted in Safe Space Hangout
Posted 5 years ago

I'm trying to catch all the march fish before they disappear. adkjfhaksdf.
Awwwh, that would be lovely, thanks if you do!

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Yeahh. There were people cutting down trees near one of my co-workers today. Like WHAT. xD Why are they working omg. Unless the tree is going to fall down within days???
Yesss. Thank you for invite!! TT__TT I hope I can make your guild proudddd.

Posted in I'M GETTING MARRIED (A Request Thread)
Posted 5 years ago

If it's for the squishy style, I'd have to politely decline.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Wha? How is everything essential? Lmao. I mean, hair salons don't need to be open, or main offices for things??
YES. That one is so much easier! >:3ccc
HOW CUTE. Omg. I'm joining now~

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

We're in lockdown as of the 22nd? Only emergency places are open like hospitals, grocery stores, etc. If it gets really crazy, they're going to shut down though. ;;; Would you be able to work remotely??
Yeah, I do that too. Like the block stacking thing.
Is your guild active with lots of people? > > ;; I don't talk to anyone in mine, so I'd be alright with the switch over, they do donate a lot of event stuff to me though, which is nice.