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Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@Spark: ice ice bring on the hail, you cannot fail.
Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~ Posted 6 years ago

when my gym class did swimming, i just refused to participate,
i think i got a failing grade for that section.

but a solution i think would have been good for people who don't participate, is to write a essay on whatever sport they are skipping.
i dislike essays but at least if people had that option, they could still get a bit of a grade.

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@Spark: ice ice go ice, don't you melt.
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@Rallaa: the best rhymes or puns are the unintentional ones.

@Theory: i like sound but ice is cool, your avy looks great btw. :D

@mdom: team tuijip, unofficial team, i predict will win by a landslide lol

@spark: ice all the way woo!
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@mdom: i'm on #teamtuijp too -highfives-
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@Rallaa: "I think this is gonna be a sweep.
Team sound won't even be able to make a peep. Heh."

i like that ryhme

@Spark: ice ice baby :vanora_sun:
Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~ Posted 6 years ago

i remember i kinda liked lacross. we had it for gym class for awhile, had a mini tournament,
i was team captain for my team. we won. we got cerfificates for a free meal at mcdonalds. XD
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@Spark: -cheers on team ice- you're the coolest :vanora_sun:
Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~ Posted 6 years ago

oi hated p.e. in highschool.
elementary school, it was somewhat fun.
but highschool. nope.
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

woo i'm happy team ice is winning :vanora_sun:
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@Spark: i vote team ice :vanora_smile:
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: oi almost fell asleep. my cat turned my alarm off XD
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 6 years ago

thanks for letting me know,
i kept missing voting cause of me being asleep >w>
Posted in The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~ Posted 6 years ago

quick some calming music and hot tea for Ana.
hope ye can de-stress >3<