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Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

oooh ye became a mod. that's cool. ovo
Posted in Faces of Voltra! Posted 6 years ago

Here be my most recent picture:

the bangs are fake, i wanted to see what i looked like with bangs,
without cutting my waist length hair. XD

Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: Working on making ye house cozy sounds nice. Must be fun. ovo

Hopefully my cat's next vet bill won't be as high.
I'll be making an appointment in advance, so probably won't be hit with emergency fees.
After her round of meds is done I plan on getting her a check up visit.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

I was pretty scared, since I'm awkward and don't like crowds too much.
but it was pretty fun. this year tho i am wearing comfy shoes.
i wore my really pretty shoes and killed my feet. XD
i bought cheap sandles at thrift and limped home. lol
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

I went to a pride event twice. o3o
well first one i kinda just walked past.
second one, happened in my town, it held it's first pride event last year.
so i had to check that out.

i had a rainbow jacket but took it off cause it was too hot.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: growing food to eat is pretty fun. i wish i had a garden and the kitchen to cook fresh food.
my house is too cluttered. also counter space is limited due to dad remodeling the kitchen years ago. -3-

poor cat XD
they like to munch on plants.

i took my cat to the vet today. to have her paw wound looked at.
she had a lump the size of a marble.
got her medicated soap to clean the wound,
also meds to fed her, antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory.
total cost of vet bills $270 :vanora_cry: -worth it tho-

@nyreen: yeah travelling can be complicated, and stressful,
especially since i don't travel much and have anxiety for life in general. :vanora_sweat:

beautiful avatar btw. ovo

@Shark: happy pride month. do you go to any pride events? ovo
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: large gardens can be expensive to create, tho worth it in the end. ^u^

i want to get myself a heavy plant pot for outside.
very very heavy one. cause i am still bitter about someone destroying my plant so they could steal my plant pot.
and that was so many years ago >.>
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: that's cool. owo
last time i saw a pumpkin growing was the garden boxes in front of the school of the kid i babysit.

an english garden, sounds like ye has beautiful plans.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: i have a friend who really likes pumpkins. o3o

i have two plants. a spider plant, that my friend gave me. tis a potted plant indoors.
then i have a flowery blue/purply plant that grows every year in one corner of the garden outside,
which i kinda claimed. i also complained about my mom cutting it down a couple years ago cause she thought it was a weed.
it doesn't start flowering till it's about waist high.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: that sounds like an amazing garden. also herbs and veggies, yum.

@nyreen: i'm not sure, i think it's still pretty expensive to fly from the netherlands to canada. o .o
also i'd rather visit the neds than have someone visit me. there's not much to do or see in my town.
plus i'd need to clean my room and save up for a bed.

i thought about flying to different countries, multiple connections, would be cheaper.
but i don't think i could handle that. last time i visited i took a direct flight,
well not that direct since i had to take a 6 hour bus to the next city.
then wait another 6 hours till plane left, and then flight was 9-10 hours i think.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: i love gardens :vanora_smile:
i don't do much gardening at my house cause it's a bit too much work.
but i don't mind helping ppl out with their garden work. o3o

@nyreen: plane tickets from canada to netherlands is so expensive T^T
also there's a currency difference, so for spending money on souvineers and like food,
i'd need alot more dollars to convert to euros.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: i like plants and nature, despite never going outside XD
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: i think i remember reading the old seed thing in a article somewhere once.
that's pretty cool that they can bring very old plants back to life from some ancient seeds.

you live near a zoo.
cool. last time i went to a zoo was a bit more than 15 years ago.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: oi probably should avoid the action, i'll end up buying too much craft stuff. that and snacks.
exploring castle ruins sounds like alot of fun.