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Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

yeah sounds like we have stuff in common. ^-^
Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

i wonder if this thread can get to 140 pages before the event ends
probably possible, tho 150 would be a little harder i think. o3o
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

same here. my online friends worry more for me.
but then i've opened up with them more so they know me & what's going on.
i find it a bit easier to connect with online friends
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Death: my best friend is my only irl friend, so i guess i'm in the same boohoo boat in a way.
oi rarely talk to her other than the random text here and there. keeping contact can sometimes be difficult eh

Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Death: same here. i don't really start conversations irl, so ppl gotta talk first before i can jump in and add to the convo.
only person i can sorta talk to is my best friend. it just sucks she lives in the next city, which is a 5-6 hour drive away and i don't drive. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

@Death: i love the internet. like 99% of my friends are online ones.
plus it's easier for me to talk to people online, since i can take my time thinking out a response.
irl i stumble my words, and tend to repeat myself.
also i am so awkward in making conversation since i was mute in highschool,
which was ages ago but i'm still pretty quiet. :vanora_sweat:
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

across the ocean =3=
i be waay over in canada, and she be waay over in the netherlands.
Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout Posted 6 years ago

that's true. i just hate to upset and disappoint her. ^-^;
also i'd feel guilty if i don't go, so i will manage somehow.
i have about enough for tickets now, it's just spending money that's the worry.

plane tickets why do ya gotta be so expensive >.<
$1500+ :vanora_cry:
Posted in I should stop buying Posted 6 years ago

i kinda wanna buy lots of nailpolish but the costs add up,
plus i've been lazy and haven't done my nails in ages.
Posted in End of Event Hangout~ Posted 6 years ago

11:10pm now but i noticed ye posted that 2 hours ago, so 9pm it was.
which is early for me, cause i'm a night owl usually.
but i got up early for work. =w=
Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

i managed to get one more item, i have about 2 left to get, which i don't mind if i don't get. o3o

good night to you, sweet dreams. ^-^
Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

just gotta figure out what i want to eat.
i'm not too hungry cause even tho i didn't eat much today i had tea, water, slushie, etc
i kept hydrated at least cause it is hot out today x.x
Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

i'm sleepy but should probably get some food,
i realized i kinda skipped lunch and dinner. ^-^;
havent' really eaten in 12 hours....oops