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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/28 22:31:56 )
@Koah: Oh, that's SO cute!! :3 <3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/28 22:31:57 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: i have an idea... but it seems like a lot of work

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/28 22:40:23 )
@Vixen: lol - don't most creative ideas seem like a lot of work? Is it worth the apparent workload? Can you simplify it?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/28 22:45:49 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: ehhhhhhh idk
dunno if i like the subject matter enough to do it just yet
maybe i'll switch the characters

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/28 23:10:14 )
@Vixen: That's always an option too. You should like whatever it is you're drawing! :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/28 23:14:10 )
@Wildfire: I'm glad you like it. c: I didn't want to take the art contest too seriously. :p
Our truck has really been a problem since we got it. e.e' Not much we can do until it's paid off. I got a feeling by the time it's paid off, we'll want to destroy it. lol. XD

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 01:42:56 )
I started cleaning at work and ended up spending the whole shift cleaning. XD

Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 12:58:35 )
@Koah: Oh, I get you on not taking the contest too seriously - it's easy to fall in to that trap :3 I should do something for that contest too... but we'll see what happens. That sucks about your truck; I'm sorry. I don't suppose it falls under the lemon law or that there's anything else you can do about it? :(

@Lina: Cleaning isn't a bad thing -and you'll enjoy the benefits of your efforts... but it means you weren't around chatting with us! :(


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 13:02:58 )
<------- mine, this morning... because I was up at 5am after not sleeping too well for the handful of hours that I was trying to sleep. LOL - I had to get my youngest to work this morning, which required the early wake-up, and the bad sleeping was partially because of the dog jumping in to the bed and randomly just plopping all of his 63 lbs on my chest at 2am-ish, followed by my wrestling him for space and covers for the next couple of hours (and not being awake enough to demand he move either to the foot of our bed or back down in to his own!). Ugh.

So that's my morning so far.

How are you guys doing?
Do you have any plans for the day?
Is anything interesting happening in your life?
Are you doing anything fun this weekend?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 15:42:10 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: morning wild :3
i just got my tea and now i'm considering starting the art i said i would several days ago lol
but we'll see if i actually do anything xD

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 15:51:15 )

@Wildfire: Ooof you had a bad sleep last night too? Same here... it wasn't a good night last night. But I manage to get a few hours sleep in though.
I'm heavily considering of having a second cup of coffee because I just feel so dead tired today =w=;

As for plans for today I'll just have to see, but I know one thing tho I need to draw draw draw! I've been slacking off a bit and the due date for the event activities here is coming soon. For now I'm just going to have my breakfast~

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:12:31 )
@Vixen: Good morning! Tea and art sounds like a wonderful way to start your day!

@Purpsy: Awww, I'm sorry that you didn't sleep well last night either, but am glad that you got a few hours in at least! I just took a vitamin B, so that should help with the fatigue a little bit. I'd take a nap, but I'm not tired enough for that right now and I have an appointment this afternoon that I need to make it through...

I'm still drinking coffee and doing some pixel work ATM... we all seem to be in similar modes today! :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:16:55 )
@Wildfire: Good morning. <3 The truck got fixed, so later today I need to go get it from the shop. They fixed it a lot faster than we expected.
I can relate to you. I got one husky out of my 3 that happens to be the largest, she's so ornery that if she decides it's time to snuggle, I can't refuse. She jumped up for petting this morning, stretched across me with all her weight, and then she does a 'freak out' from too much attention.
My kids decided they wanted to be nice to me this morning and they made my coffee. It's so rich. o_e' I'm not complaining.. but dang.. wow.
Once I got my cup in my hand, they both had a lot of ridiculous questions to ask. "What came first- Pokemon or star wars?" =3=

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:24:29 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: i ended up doing an iced chai, but i think it might have been a little too cold for that haha

I am not an actual NPC.

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:24:40 )
@Koah: LOL... on all counts!! <3 <3 What did you tell the kids about Pokemon or Star Wars? Were they surprised?
I'm glad your truck is fixed. We're still waiting to hear about ours - it's in the shop too, to get the alignment adjusted and to fix something to do with the door locks and the key fob...??


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:26:23 )

@Wildfire: *le gasp* You do pixel art! :O
I didn't know!! Can I see some of your work if you don't mind.

I'm honestly listening to some music atm, I just miss listening to some punk rock is been ages. Is nice to listen some when your some kind of rebellious mood lmao xDD Yeah I need to take my vitamin supplement too but at the same time I sort of want a second cup of coffee for some reason when I never really do daily. I hope our sleep will get better later on tonight.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:34:19 )

@Purpsy: LOL! I don't know that I can say that I really do pixel art. It's one of those things that I can do (kind of), but it's not my forte. I do it because I need some things done and there's currently nobody else available to do it. In fact, I really need to find a couple of pixelists that want to do regular work for me... and a coder or two ... *sigh* And uhhh... I can't really show you anything here... not because I don't want to, but because it would probably add a level of complication to certain things for me (and let a couple surprises/secrets out of a certain bag that I'd prefer to keep closed for the time being)

Yes, I really hope we both get some real sleep tonight!!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:37:38 )
@Purpsy: I put some music on this morning as well. I got a mood like that going for myself. c: Be careful with coffee, once you start doing second cups a day, you eventually dive into 3. lol <3 That's why I bought a tea-cup sized coffee cup. lol! it helps control my portions in the morning. XD 3 cups = 1 1/2 cups.

@Wildfire: Star wars for sure. Then they go on more questions when I start answering them. They basically give me timeline trivia. "what's older Titanic? or Nasa?" XD These are just 2 examples out of hundreds. =0
I just refilled my cup of coffee.. it is pretty dang close to the Monsters Inc coffee sludge. =3=
Sounds like your truck doesn't have anything too seriously wrong. <3 I hope you can pick it up soon.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:50:21 )

@Wildfire: Oh that's alright, I don't want you to be in any sort of trouble. I was pretty surprised that's all :3
I admire pixelist? Is that what pixel artist calls themselves? I just have a new found interest with pixel art lately. I might dabble on it too try to do one myself in the future. Yeah I hope we got some sleep tonight too

@Koah: Yeah I try to avoid having a second cup as much as possible... I don't want to get too addicted than I already am hahaha
I know right! I find listening to music or any sort of music in the morning is nice while browsing here or on Reddit~


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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/29 16:53:52 )
*is also listening to music* <------ currently listening to a 70s mix, although I love myself some good punk or grunge! <3

@Koah: LOL - that's hilarious! I miss that stage from my kids (although it can be annoying because it never seems to run its course). Yes, definitely Star Wars... the first movie was released in '77. Pokemon (at least in the US) didn't happen until the very late 80s or so... if memory serves :3

No, the truck is actually a new vehicle for us, although it's used, so these fixes are part of the buying process - they need to fix these last couple of issues (We decided we needed a pick up truck instead of my little SUV to cart kayaks and stuff around)

I could use that coffee sludge right about now! LOL!

@purpsy: BTW, I'm not trying to be completely cryptic with my answer and you'd understand completely if I told you what I'm working on. The only trouble I'd cause is for myself, and even that is only a potential outcome. I need to leave soon for an appointment, but I think I may be able to find one or two pixel things to show you if you'd like to see them - just remind me. :3 Right now, I'm editing somebody else's pixels -artwork that was done for my site (no, I'm not stealing art)- but the images are not transparent and I need them to be transparent before I can adjust them further and then eventually use them...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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