@CooperationIsKey: I was watching TV, I think, when you posted. Did you get over your boredom?
@Anarchist Beauty: *waves at* You're welcome to stay and chat, you know. Of course, randomly popping in and complimenting avis is also a good thing XD :3 How are you?
@Wildfire: I go wherever the wind... Is not bc I hate the wind so if it's blowing, I'm indoors. lmao
I'm doing good.
Making progress on a new project I've been building up for a little while now.
So I'm excited about that.
How is you?
@Anarchist Beauty: LOL. I'm happy to hear you're making progress on your project. That's good! :3
I'm doing ok, thanks. I am also slowly making progress through some projects these days.
@MoodyB: Oh... that could be interesting! :3 Good luck with your project.
@CooperationIsKey: I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling 100%. It's not a good feeling. Hopefully it's a short-termed thing :3
@Another Movie Addict: good morning. why are you tired?
Donator — whatever
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/25 20:01:00 )
The closest thing to 'fun new interesting' that I've done today is make an instacart order for some groceries. I'm tired of waiting for roommate to decide to go to the store and it's too damn hot to walk to the store and back, so.
@CooperationIsKey: oh! I don't blame you - that's got to be tough, waiting on other people to go shopping. Yes, it is definitely too hot & humid out there to go walking around, carrying groceries!
@Another Movie Addict: And how did the thrifting go? Did you find anything good?
@MoodyB: Hey... what kinds of supplies are you looking/hoping to get? Are you still looking for sketchbooks? Watercolor paint? Pencil boxes? notebooks? Anything else?
Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/25 21:53:58 )
@Wildfire: It went much better than expected. Found a pretty decent cast iron pan for my mom, got a giant Jumba (from Lilo and Stitch) plushie, a lava lamp, the two Amazing Spiderman movies, a unicorn plush, and a pink tiger plush.
@MoodyB: Yeah, I get all of that and I appreciate the digital realm from which you're coming from, but I'm asking because I remember you mentioning wanting a couple more traditional materials ... and I'm currently in the process of decluttering and clearing out stuff from our house. So far, I discovered that I have several new 5x7 sketchbooks, for example... things I'd be happy to send you if you could use them (and yes, I know this could sound weird... but really, it's not - I just want these things to go to places where they'd be appreciated. There are zero ulterior motives on my side, but you make the call... all I can do is offer)... so... uhhh... do you need or want anything (knowing that I'm an artist with probably 'extra' stuff lying around)?