Donator — Female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/25 06:14:59 )
I never liked painting. I used to hate it. I would do EVERYTHING I could to avoid it.
Years later, I'm sitting here actively wishing I had some decent acrylics. I want to paint. I want to try and see how I do with it. I WANT to do the one thing I could never do, could never stand to do.
Yet so many people would be stuck on the fact that I hated it before. DX
Donator — Puzzling
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 00:13:53 )
I feel I am absolutely horrid when it comes to conversations with people, especially 'long' ones. This mostly goes for online, as offline..I just barely speak anyway lol. But, I just..I don't know. I feel like its just so hard to keep a conversation going. "Am I talking about myself too much?" "Am I making a boring conversation?" Its like OMG how do I do this thing called socialization?! Do I use lol too much? Use smileys too much? Am I barging in on a convo I shouldn't be? Am I asking someone too many questions?! ;-; I honestly feel I don't know how to do this. Yes, I post a bit on here when I can, and sometimes, esp during events, it feels like I am talking a lot, but really...I have no clue what I'm doing. Not to mention, I tire easily after socializing for so long. Double whammy.
So, very sorry if I make anyone uncomfortable or am just in general social awkward. I really am trying.
Donator — he/him
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 17:28:49 )
Most people I'm out to are really supportive of my transition. They use the right name and pronouns without being over the top or weird about it, but sometimes I get all depressed and I feel like we're playing pretend or I'm just faking. I haven't started medical transition yet, so why bother? It's not real, it's just pretend.
— He/Him
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 22:06:57 )
dunno why i try...
here i am...just a useless person...trying...
and there's so many people better at me at everything....why do i try...
im just a nobody....hah....dont even care about grammar anymore....i used to care so much...whats the point....
no motivation for anything...sleep all day....never finish anything....
no motivation to live, no motivation to die....
what is this monochrome hell im in?
pay to live, pay to die
pay for nothing and everything
time seeping out bit by bit as i breathe in and out
ache in my shoulders....
i used when i was younger that the way my shoulder blades stuck out from my back meant i was supposed to have was just a scoliosis...
used to think i was so special...hah...
had an imaginary friend...called him lucifer...
coz oh, you just want to be somebody so bad, just want to mean something to the world so bad, you wouldn't care if it meant you were the evil one....
as long as you meant something and made an impact...
nothing is everything and everything is nothing...
is that today's truth...?
the shadows of goodness and the light of evil...aren't they both just gray..?
whats the point...of separating nothingness by a thin line of everything....
true evil....only exists in fairy tales...and true goodness too...
so warped....but not helpful....but not pure....
i cant even...
ive never been special
i knew that
i just....wanted to pretend for a little while longer at least....
that i wasnt nobody...
sorry lucy...ill never write that story you wanted me to....
I wish I knew what really happened.
Everything I know is nothing but bullshit and lies and no one will even talk to me so I can get to the truth.
It's maddening, honestly.
Donator — Cactus
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/9 03:45:26 )
Sorry for the long rant, guys, but I needed to get all of this out. <3
I honestly don't even know where to begin, so much has been going on. :<
I've been the only -ACTING- adult in my house for... far too long at this point. My husband goes to work and comes home. On occasion, he'll mow the lawn. Past that I'm the adult of the house, despite still being without a job. I sorted out all the kerfuffle with H&R Block, dealt with 95% of the insanity to get the duplicate title for the Scion, argued on and off with our insurance about my dental care, set up appointments to see if we can get assistance with the overwhelming dental bills, and I've been trying to sort things out with my doctor for therapy for myself along with optometry and birth control and my anxiety and depression. It's maddening. I feel like I don't get any help from my husband whatsoever and I hate it. I hate feeling like I'm his acting mother figure, his maid, or his secretary. Hell, I don't even get any sex/intimate related perks for doing all of this CRAP. Most of the bills are in my name, but I have the login information for everything and I make sure it's all paid on time. I'm the one that keeps track of EVERYTHING. The whole saying of "My spouse would be lost without me" is scarily true in this case and I hate it. It makes me regret leaving my three jobs and awesome roommates in 2015 to move to be with my now-husband/then-fiance.
I hate my depression and anxiety spiking and making me feel like it isn't worth talking to my friends online because they aren't actually here and can't help me feel better, and for all that they care, pretty words don't help. I hate that my best friends are in Maine and Connecticut, respectively. I hate that while I talk to my male best friend everyday, there isn't any semblance of the comfort that conversing with him used to bring. I hate that I miss my female best friend and her family so damn much. Visiting them for two weeks in February was DEFINITELY not long enough of a visit. I feel like for all that I do and all the effort that I put in to trying to get my life and my medical issues back on track that it's all for naught because I'm 25 and I am STILL not self sufficient, and I feel like I should have done better with my life, done more, made different choices. I always thought I'd have my own place (even if it wasn't the nicest/biggest), own vehicle (even it was a beater, as long as it was running, I'd be happy), have graduated college (even community college would be something), and be working full time and actually trying to MAKE SOMETHING of my life instead of struggling to break free of the housewife-without-kids bullshit that I'm stick in now. It's just so FRUSTRATING and disappointing and I HATE it and I hate that I can't seem to do anything about it. :c