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Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/4 17:13:36 )

@Ixora: I always hate sleeping XD If I had the option of just... Not actually needing sleep to function that'd be great I could do so much art and play all these games building up in my stash... XD
Yeah, needless to say driving if there's even a little snow makes me nervous ; n ; It doesn't help that my car is also low to the ground, so if it snows too much there's a good possibility my car will get stuck orz
I do too XD I haven't been on steam recently because of holiday stuff though plus avoiding looking at what's on sale right now so... XD steam just knows, it's like "hey so maybe possibly you'd like this 'cause we think you might have played one not from us so.... you know, just get the next ones from us yeah?
If I get one XD I might be lazy and just go with an energy drink since I have those in the fridge right now...
I probably do? Too lazy to get tested for that though, so it's whatever XD I have that problem too though ; n ; to make matters worse I work in a production plant that makes bread... I have cut myself on bread before.... Granted it's the hard burnt bread that does that, but still...

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/4 17:23:44 )
@SamSpyroxis: but sleeping is nice too D: sometimes I sleep even when I'm not tired or not sleepy .___.
Oh wow. Stuck in snow? D: I know nothing about snow D: Except white and cold lol XD
Holiday sale is over now tho so you're good :D but there is a weekend sale lol. There's always something on sale ; n ;
but also like noooooooo >.> like no <.< like steam stop >.>
Also, steam is shady! I started playing an fps game for the 1st time in my life and "Aim Hero" which is fps practice game and I'm like... "Steam r u saying I suck? (¶⁋ ▾ ¶⁋)"
Then... Enjoy your caffeine! I think energy drinks have caffeine. I've never had energy drinks, I think?
Well, I mean, some bruises every now and then isn't bad lol.

I'm so lost. Please enlighten me on how one cuts self on bread o.o

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/4 17:34:02 )

@Ixora: Sometimes yeah... I just often wish I didn't need it XD that always happens to me when I really DON'T want it to because I'm trying to draw or game usually....
Yeah... Snow's no fun, at least to me... Other people absolutely love being able to drive crazy in snow and sliding around... definitely not me though
This is true... I'll probably wait out the weekend before I hope on though XD I know right? x.x
LOL, I would die if that happened to me XD steam: no no, we're just saying... you could... ya know, use some practice?
Yeah, they have caffeine :P I'll be up forever when I drink them though since I've cut back on a lot of my caffeine in the past couple years XD

If it's in the oven too long the bread will get too hard and usually ends up slightly smashed, which gives it sharp edges ; n ; Or if we're running the square loaf, the edge of it just gets really sharp for some reason? I'm not really sure why on that one though ; n ; I think it's just something about the fact it's a square loaf of bread?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/4 17:56:30 )
@SamSpyroxis: lol I get that :3 lol... then sometimes it's the game that gets in the way of my sleep D<
That sounds dangerous. I get playing around the snow on foot and stuff but driving crazy is scary :<
But there are sales on weekdays too???
lmao me to steam: so u r saying i suck ; n ;
Pretty sure like late last year I was just living cause of caffeine XD Now I'm trying to cut back but caffeine good D:

I can never imagine... bread... sharp enough... to break skin o.o
Amazing @.@

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/4 18:01:39 )

@Ixora: I'd rather have the game prevent my sleep XD That's more fun
Well, I say crazy but they literally go to empty parking lots and do cookies.... I don't enjoy that XD
Hm.... Oh well then I guess XD I can never go on steam again then, I'm doomed to never open it anymore... *has steam running in the background to update games*
I was like that ; u ; That's part of why I wanted to cut back, so the caffeine would actually help me stay awake when I needed it to xD
Yeah I know... I used to laugh when my mom said it she works in the same place but now I understand.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 03:15:59 )
@SamSpyroxis: bodily functions and responsibilities getting in the way of gaming, so sad D; lol XD
Do cookies??? @.@ What does cookie mean in this case? @,@
True but caffeine is also fun like... for casually drinking :<
.... I still don't @.@

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 09:26:59 )
@SamSpyroxis: I am so sorry to hear that. sorry for my late reply. I just aint feeling well

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 14:34:35 )

@Unicorn: Eh, don't feel too bad. I'll probably mess up my sleep of my own choice knowing full well I should have gone to bed hours before I actually decided to XD Oh no D: Hope you feel better soon >.<

@Ixora: I know right? D: XD
They'll make their car spin in circles. In the snow... x.x Apparently it's a good thing to do in an empty parking lot of course because I guess it helps you know what to do if your car starts to spin out in snow and it's NOT on purpose... But I'd probably get myself hurt just in an empty parking lot, so.... XD
This is true... XD Technically rather than any kind of soda Dr Pepper usually my go to drink is sweet tea and when I say sweet tea I mean way more sugar than anyone should probably have in their tea sweet... But sugar XD
lol, to be honest it's a bit hard to believe without actually seeing what I'm talking about XD speaking of hurting myself on bread, I manged to hurt my hand today at work :'D I was throwing some stuff away and accidentally smacked my hand with a loaf of bread, which, due to being really burnt, was hard as a rock... So now my hand/thumb is slightly sore.... XD

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 14:36:29 )

@Onyx Popcorn: just gonna summon you on over here since I don't know how much chatting is allowed in the welcome forums...?
Currently pretty tired, but I just recently got off work after having to turn my sleep schedule around in 24 hours so it's understandable.
How are you?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 14:45:04 )
@SamSpyroxis: OH MY LORD THAT SOUNDS SO SCARY LIKE WHAT ASLKDJSALDJ WHY DO IT THO? they probably adrenaline junkies
Like even if it's for practicing what happens on the snow, scary stuff can still happen.
BUT THE GAMES! THE SALES! jk nothing interesting seems to be on sale rn. Terraria's on sale but... it's almost always on sale? Wait idk the general gist of what games you like lol. What're like your top 5 favorite games of all time?
I think I watched a show where someone was like "why is tea so sweet it's like sugar" and then some lady was like "it's sweet tea" o.O
Okay so, I listened to a lot of country music a couple of years ago and they do mention sweet tea sometimes but I never really got what sweet tea is???

You: "hurt my hand today at work :'D"
Me: why is there a smiley.... if you hurt your hand @.@

Oh wow XD That's... some tough bread? BUT BREAD DOES GET TOUGH. My brother wanted to start baking a couple of months ago and he made bread...... and I could throw it someone and they'd get hurt. It was hard as a rock XD

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 15:44:15 )

@Ixora: I have no idea ; n ; I definitely don't wanna do it so... XD
uh.... Okami obviously, Final Fantasy XV still working on it, Devil May Cry 3 specifically, though not sure why XD uh.... Then I can't really pick between the Tales games I've played, Star Ocean (I've finished 3, 4 and 5 and started 1 but lost my copy somehow?) and Persona 4 or 5 XD so basically a lot of jrpgs are in my top picks XD I'm down for horror games too.
lol, I love sweet tea so much XD
For me it's basically just tea, add tons of sugar, mix it all up and then add ice and/or stick in fridge so it's nice and cold :3 I'll drink my tea warm too, but cold sweet tea is generally my go to. warm teas are for when I want to just chill and relax usually, but my warm teas are kinda expensive and the place I got them went out of business so I can't buy more when I run out... ; n ;

Because that's how I roll

Bread can be surprisingly dangerous XD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 15:51:40 )
@SamSpyroxis: Same. I'd never do it D:
Nice! JRPGs are nice. I've played DMC only 3, didn't finish it, Tales only the PSP one... Radiant... something, Star Ocean can't remember which one and if I finished it. Probably also not lol, and Persona 3 and 4 but haven't touched 5. I have Fairy Fencer ADF that I also still need to finish @.@ I've also been thinking about getting a Hyperdimension Neptunia games not for the waifus lol
Horror games are one thing that I cannot. Absolutely not. Nope. Me and horror just do not mix well XD
Okay. I can do that but what kind of tea? Oh no that sucks D: you have different hot and cold teas?
Is that... like a bread roll pun? did I ruin it by asking ; n ;

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 16:05:56 )

@Ixora: after reply edit: oh god I typed an essay I'm sorry....

Not gonna lie, DMC 3 is my favorite XD I played the newer one too the one with what I consider "Not Dante" and gameplay wise I really liked it, but story it just rubbed me the wrong way because of a few probably minor details that just... were kind of a main thing for me so.... XD First one was the hair I want my shaggy silver haired badass please ; n ; which would have been fine, but there's a part like... basically right at the beginning? That a wig or something lands on his head and makes him have the dmc3 hair and when he sees his hair he just goes "not in a million years" and tosses it away. My friend can vouch, I almost quit from that because I was already somewhat disappointed by it not being similar appearance wise for what I see Dante as, and then they did that... : |
I somehow missed that Tales on psp then o.o Wonder if I could find it XD I have persona 3 on my vita, I just need to play it also on my ever growing list of games I have Fairy Fencer but still need to play :o How is that one so far? I've thought about the Hyperdimension games as well XD I think I have the first one since it was on sale...?
I like playing horror games XD But my problem is I always get super jumpy after because I play at like 2 am so my mom left for work, stepdads not home, and it's just my sleeping sister and my tiny dog with me in the house....

For my cold sweet tea it's usually an instant powder one XD If I do warm or just decide to use the good tea aka actual herbal teas XD then I usually stick to black teas since I can drink those while I eat without weird mixing flavors... I have a couple kinda cinnamony chai teas too.

OH GOD NO, I WASN'T EVEN TRYING.... MY FRIEND IS RUBBING OFF ON ME APPARENTLY, WHY ; n ; I'm not a puns person so... if it happens it's probably 100% on accident... nothing against them, I just struggle to come up with any XD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 16:18:43 )
@SamSpyroxis: LMAO THAT'S FINE XD because it's not as long as this essay I typed out rip

I feel you on the Dante. When I was younger, I legit had a crush on OG Dante mostly because he had silver hair probably??? I did not know that about Dante lol XD
Radiant Mythology, I think? That's the only Tales game I've played XD Ah, P3 on vita is WAY better than the original game on PS2. Cause I played it on PS2 and Portable. P3 is nice tho. Fairy Fencer is nice!!! I appreciate that there's not so many waifus and that there's a really nice female lead character. I'm actually almost through with it but idk why I don't continue it.... Fairy Fencer was made by Compile Heart like the Neptunia games tho so you know if you like one I think you might like the other as well XD

I swear, anything horror I can't? Not even creepy stuff. I get affected pretty easily. Real story: I watched CSI when I was like younger and there was an episode where the victim was ground up and put into hotdogs??? I didn't eat hotdogs for an entire month. Also real story: Watched Stranger Things and could not look at plain walls for a week @.@
Also.... you have a cute dog? >.> do you like... <.< shaaaare.... >.> dog pics? XD

AAAAAAAH SO SWEET TEA IS LIKE ICED TEA??? The one like... Nestea? I like black teas too XD

I love puns tho
Time to run out and tell everyone about the danger that is bread DX

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 16:36:08 )

@Ixora: pft, what do you mean had I still love DMC3 Dante so much XD He's the best one followed by DMC4 I think XD Yeah, the DMC Reboot or however they called it definitely not 5 in my book I think would have been a lot more enjoyable if it was just... Not called DMC... and ya know, used different character names rather than Dante and Virgil for those two... I was still so upset because rather than them making them half demon half human how it's supposed to be 'cause Sparda helping humans since he fell in love with one and all they made them half demon and half angel... I dunno, it just didn't seem right to me?
That sounds familiar... Maybe I saw it then? XD Glad I have P3 on my vita then :D vita really needs more love tbh, I want more games for it Glad to hear it's going good so far :D And yeah, that'd make sense unless they like... used a completely different battle system and what not, but I doubt that's the case?

I get creeped out easily and I still watch horror stuff let's plays on youtube, horror movies, ect You would think I'd learn my lesson after a while but nope XD I used to watch CSI type shows a lot, but not nearly as much anymore, not really sure why though. I've never seen Stranger Things... What is it about anyway? o.o
I mean, I think he's pretty cute but you can judge for yourself

YEAH, THAT'S THE STUFF XD I actually use specifically Nestea powder for my sweet tea XD Black teas are so good though ; u ;
My favorite herbal one I have is an Indonesian Gold, but that specific one is from the place that closed orz they don't even have a site anymore... Need to find a decent replacement for when my stash of it runs out ; n ;

lol, so does my friend. I think the only reason I'm not a fan is 'cause I suck at them XD
I mean, I told my friend of the danger already so... XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 18:10:55 )
@SamSpyroxis: I am alright and thank yo, but I am so sorry to hear that.

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 18:15:02 )

@Unicorn: Got anything planned for the weekend?

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/5 21:22:20 )
@SamSpyroxis: my little unicorn's birthday, and we wanted to do somerhing fun for her meaning her dad and I but I don't know if we will be able to do so or not. other than that I have been shopping most of this weekend end my feet really hurt.

do you have any plans for the weekend?
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/6 02:50:32 )

@Unicorn: Aw, hopefully you guys get to do something for her D: Hope your feet stop hurting too, that's never fun >.<

Nah, my weekend plans basically consist of work, doodle and sleep XD
Always @ me

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/6 02:53:43 )
@SamSpyroxis: LMAO I get you XD I lot of people seem to like the OG cast more too. The DMC anime Dante is so cool-looking too
I feel like they could have made it like a DMC spin off or something XD
Definitely! P3 on PS2 doesn't let you control your party members so it's hella hard and hella annoying D: And you also have to walk around a lot in the PS2 version. They improved that in Portable version and that's also the format they followed in P4 XD So it should be more familiar to you :D
Pretty sure Compile Heart battle systems across games is just the same??? XD

As far as CSI type shows, I think I like Criminal Minds now a lot more tho. Stranger Things is like... there's a monster and a bunch of kids try to beat it. They try to tell the people about it but of course they just think they're crazy DX
OMG HE IS SO CUTE those ears are adorable

WAIT let me get this straight. You mix up Nestea powder and add more sugar to it? Oh no. Good luck on finding something similar! I'm not very picky as long as I can have some honey XD
No you don't? I mean... you made one without even noticing???
Lmao. inb4 copypasta XD

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