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Lithinel generated a random number between 1 and 100; Resulting In 28
Donator — Cat Mama Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/9 20:47:46 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@valefor: EEP! This is super kind of you and your art is super awesome! I'd absolutely love it if you'd consider one of these babes please! Even if I don't roll a winning a number.

[color=red]HEY VALE OVER HERE!

Username: Lithinel

Choice #1: Wrynn Pengrove

Details: If you choose to draw Wrynn can you please use the Sims hairstyle but still include the ombre colored hair like in the third reference and make her skin color more like the Sims version too. Oh and make her eyes white or like a really light silver/gray please. Whatever makes them still appear to be normal eyes. And her necklace should be the circular shape, but with the moon necklace too please. I'll show a better picture of the stone a bit later.
Personality: Friendly, loving, caring, sympathetic, cheerful!
Top Choices And better picture of the stone: (In addition to the Sims Top):

Choice #2: Senna Dunwich

Details: If you pick Senna, could you please make the gap between her nose and mouth smaller please. Make it look more natural/realistic basically. That's really the only thing wrong with her references. I just haven't changed it on Sims yet.
[b]Personality: Sweet, shy, awkward, clumsy (both with her magic and in general) naive and helpful
[b]Top Choices and Necklace: (Please pick one of these if you choose her rather than the Sims one. The crystal in her necklace can be any color you want.)


PS: Sorry the post got messed up. :P


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/9 22:23:56 )

    @Night xiv: Right!! I feel that in my soul man. xDD
    Yea, can't draw and bring all your supplies everywhere you go. :O But writing is more convenient depending on what you're using. c:

    Awesome! Thanks! I didn't know if you were particular about that and didn't want draw his hair wrong. ^^;

    @lithinel: Thank you and you're welcome! I enjoy giving free art than doing site currency commissions LOL.
    And you're fine. I didn't consider the auto post format when making the form. I'll just make adjustments to it. xD
    And thank you for your request! <3

Voltie — Bunny Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/9 22:39:30 )
"Now I've run out of Tears"

@valefor: Ah yes, trying your best to get muns and get away from everything is the millennial dream ;D
I still heckin live with my mom >> Been trying to get out of the house for years DX
I try my best to write while I'm out, but I'm easily distracted >> I just end up listening to my music instead

Nah, I'm not too picky about his hair, but thanks for asking just in case ^^
"The time has come for me to Disappear"

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/10 17:25:38 )

    @Night xiv: Honestly, just trying to survive out there. ; o;
    Someday you'll be able to live on your own! (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧
    LOL I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN but with art because i sort of have a short attention span and social media distracts me.

    Okay, doesn't hurt to ask. c: Thank you!

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/10 19:24:57 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@valefor: Ugh! Thanks so much for understanding. I honestly wasn't expecting it to get so messed up. But yeah, making some adjustments to it should work!

And sure thing! Thank you for considering.

Are we allowed to roll more than once? Or can we only generate one number?


Voltie — Bunny Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/10 19:39:01 )
"Now I've run out of Tears"

@Valefor: Yep, just surviving is the millennial dream :'D
I hope so. I need a place soon because I'm trying to get Conor down to Maryland with me and my mom is being a b-word about the whole thing D:
I started a fundraiser to get some help. Started it yesterday, but I'm impatient and no one has donated yet (Except my other friend Anna, but she donated straight to my account). Wish us luck ouob
And trust me, I've seen you do an art stream before and go from drawing to tumblr, then back to drawing xD
"The time has come for me to Disappear"

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/10 21:52:52 )

    @Lithinel: Nah, you're fine. It's not a big problem. xD At least, now if i ever do forms again, i'll remember to consider the auto post deco next time lol.

    You can roll as many times as you want until all the numbers have been claimed. c:

    @Night xiv: Aww, I hope it goes smoothly for him and his mom. Sucks that your mom is not taking it well. :(
    I can't donate atm but I'll try my best to get the word around! And good luck!!

    Haaaaaa...yea.... xDD Doesn't help right now because I currently downloaded this mobile game and i'm addicted to it! So I'm checking and playing it when i'm not busy.

Voltie — Bunny Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/10 22:28:17 )
"Now I've run out of Tears"

@Valefor: Spreading the word still helps ^^
Yeah, I thought my mom wouldn't let him stay with us because she didn't trust him, but turns out she won't let him stay because 'we're not married'
In her words "When I was dating, my boyfriends didn't stay in my mom's house. That's just disrespectful. If you and Conor were married, then he could stay with us' and I was so tempted to tell her to STFU >>

Oooh sounds like me and Love Nikki. I've been playing that game for nearly 2 years now and whenever I try to do anything, I end up going to check my stamina in the game or go into the game just to dress up my dolls :'D
"The time has come for me to Disappear"

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/10 23:00:36 )

    @Night xiv: Of course!
    Woooooow, that's such a dumb reason though. Sounds like an excuse to me. :(

    LOL yep. Also, I was gonna play my game but IT'S CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE UNTIL 7PM IMA CRY ; n;

Voltie — Bunny Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/11 02:48:18 )
"Now I've run out of Tears"

@Valefor: I thought the same thing and so does everyone else
But I'm tired of fighting with her about it so the only other option is just for me to leave and find a low income place to live
Or sign up for Section 8

It's a sign for you to go be creative! XD
"The time has come for me to Disappear"

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/11 05:16:51 )

    @0x00FF00: Finished your freebie! Thanks for the request! c:

    @Night xiv: Yea, best to not start anything. :(
    But I wish you the best of luck moving out when you can!

    Probably telling me to do something else productive with my time. XDD
    Also, I was having sort of an existential crisis with how I'm going to do lineart soooooo yours is gonna look a bit different. LOLOL
    but i finished your freebie o uob


Voltie — Bunny Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/11 13:22:05 )
"Now I've run out of Tears"

@valefor: Thanks for the luck! Imma need it badly >>

I don't mind if you experiment on my art ;D
Practice makes perfect ouob

Also you've probably seen me freak out on Tumblr about it but now imma freak out on Voltra about it.

Okay I feel better lol
Now excuse me whole I find your next victim :'D
"The time has come for me to Disappear"

Username: Night XIV

Details: I finally present to you, Nathaniel. You already drew Night, Eclipse and William, so here's the fourth original child of mines. Fun fact, his hair is actually brunette but gaia didn't have the hairstyle in brown. Go figure :'D
Eyes, totally that shade of blue though~
He's a werewolf just like his brother, William and he's also Night's partner. He can be a bit aggressive and totally over-protective (like most wolves) and tends to get into fights with his brother (playful or otherwise) buuut with Night he's just a big soft puppy lol (itsmostlybecauseshecankickhisassbutthat'sadifferentstory!) He's also the quiet, stubborn type ^^

0 1 3 9 0 2 1 2 4
Lithinel generated a random number between 1 and 100; Resulting In 13
Donator — Cat Mama Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/11 19:08:13 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@valefor: Oh phew. Thanks for understanding. Like really!

And oh, cool. Thanks a bunch!


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/11 22:17:09 )

    @Lithinel: Shoot, I forgot to mention that you don't have to keep generating numbers. I don't have that many requests right now so I'll be starting on yours next. c:

    @Night xiv: I didn't realize how long it's been since I've done lineart...the way I've always done it but now it feels strange and I'm just not happy with how it looks. xD Buuuut this what freebies are for..experimentation LOL.

    I just checked tumblr. xD But I'm glad you like the art!

    Awesome! And brown hair for Nathaniel. Gotcha!

Voltie — Bunny Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/11 23:45:13 )
"Now I've run out of Tears"

@valefor: Ooooh guuuurl look at dat pastel ;D
You know I love me some pastels
But for some reason I'm in love with my current avatar too lol
But at the same time she reminds me of Kanaya from Homestuck...who just happens to be the virgo...which is also my sign ;D

I will never not like the art you give me :D
Or any art that anyone gives me lol
"The time has come for me to Disappear"

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 00:11:29 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@valefor: No worries. Thanks for letting me know now. And oh my goodness. Thank you so much! I'll be looking forward to seeing who you pick.


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 03:06:20 )

    @Lithinel: Sorry for the late reply! ^^; But I'm glad I caught you in time lol.

    @Night xiv: Yes! Back to pastel! o 3o I love this color combo so much! Really loving the flower crown! I wanna use all the colors haha xD
    Does your current avatar have a story?

    Mood. xD All art is loved and welcomed! c:
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Voltie — Bunny Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 18:13:34 )
"Now I've run out of Tears"

@Valefor: Nah no backstory for the avatar, I was just bored and needed a change
Although I don't have many coordinating items so she took about an hour to make >>
Maybe I just made an accidental homestuck cosplay xD

I wish I could do pastels, but I don't have enough pastel items. My inventory is mostly broody lol
"The time has come for me to Disappear"

0 8 2 9 7 1 1 9 3
Deaa generated a random number between 1 and 100; Resulting In 82
Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 18:33:56 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

LOL I see you're doing the 100 challenge again :3

Username: Deaa
Refs: Anybody from my Band (except Esmerelda who already got some solo art) LINK
Details: im working to update their individual pages under the BAND tab on my OC website o3o;; gimme until Monday to have something updated lol
individual page links: Val & Ava are half-sisters, and Stef is their cousin, Lily is a friend that popped up around late elementary/early middle school

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Donator — ~love~ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/12 18:47:55 )
Username: cedes
Refs: on my weeblyyy it's img heavey though!
Details: it shoould all be on their ref or the site yay UuU

You've got some lovely heads here btw o:

awesome art by okios <33

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