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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 20:01:20 )
@Another Movie Addict: I did dishes! HAHA!

@Wildfire: So far so good, I'm attempting to clean house since our internet is cutting out randomly. :d

I've also been playing animal crossing, however, I don't have a nintendo account, so I can't play with other peeps. :c

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 20:12:57 )
@Koah: Oh, blipping internet is annoying. I hate it when that happens (as if it's the end of the world as we know it - lol!)
I just did dishes too... now I'm going to make soup with a big ol' hambone that I have...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 20:26:51 )
@Wildfire: When my internet blips out, I always think of it as an "oh my lawd, I've been online a lot lately-" and I proceed to go find something irl to do. XD I only got a week left and family is going to show up and make my house loud and probably chaotic. Teenagers tend to do that and 'Karen-y' women.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 20:29:54 )
@Koah: lol! That's a good way of looking at it. I tend to look at it that way too... unless I'm trying to get on just to check something real quick (which is more often the case than me actually sitting here 100%). Only a week until you're overrun? Are you ready? ... emotionally prepared?? Yikes - we really are getting to the wire with Christmas, aren't we?


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 20:35:44 )
@Wildfire: Yeah, If working in retail taught me anything, any thing ordered online or sent now, won't make it by Christmas.
I just got a text from a friend saying the gifts she sent for my kiddos is getting sent out at the end of the week. -oof- wonderful of her sending a box, but oh gosh, it's probably going to be here late.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 20:56:10 )
@Koah: Yeah, we try to have everything bought by this point except for maybe stocking-stuffer perishables (a favorite for my young men). We are very low-key around here these days for Christmas, though, so even if we do decide to order something at this point and it doesn't arrive, a simple card with "this is coming" is sufficient... but it does kinda affect the day. It's one thing to know what's coming - it's another to have it in hand. Hubby just ordered a couple of things today or yesterday for Christmas - we'll see if they actually make it (they're supposed to).

I hope your friend's box arrives to your house in time!!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 21:07:08 )
@Wildfire: I'm on a cleaning roll. hehe.
Young men don't need a whole lot.
I'm shopping for a guy friend of ours and he's insanely hard to shop for. He's younger than us by 6-ish years. Still in that 'just moved out mom and dad's house' kind of attitude. o3o'. I'm thinking of stuffing a bunch of beef jerky and chips in his stocking. XD lol

Right now, I'm expecting about 4 boxes in the mail by Christmas, we'll see if they all show up by Christmas eve. :d
My lists for everyone is done, the last stuff ordered was 'last min' purchases.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 21:30:55 )
@Koah: lol... yeah... give him food - jerky, jellies, crackers, cheeses, tinned weird things, nuts, sausages, chocolate, cookies, pocky, etc - whatever he's in to. He should be happy with that! XD I've done that for my guys (last year? the year before? ... the years are seriously running together!) and they were all on board!

I'm still wondering if there's something that I can get for hubby... but he's tough to buy for. Of course, he's also pestering me to give him some ideas of what to buy for me (I don't really want anything or can't justify spending the $ on something that I may or may not use "enough"...)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 22:26:20 )
@Wildfire: I think my husband is partially stressed about Christmas because we didn't make any plans of our own, we're just rolling with my sister's Christmas high. He hasn't asked or bought anything for anyone and I don't blame him, we've got everyone covered. He knows I'll just buy something for myself or ask for something if I come across something I like.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/13 22:46:50 )
@Koah: That's usually what happens here too... which makes it more difficult to buy things for holidays and birthdays, tbh. It takes a different level of "creative" and "interested" to find something for each other that's a genuine surprise. But, at the same time, it takes off some of the stress of guessing what they'd like, etc....
There's nothing wrong rolling with your sister's holiday high, imo. It might become so in subsequent years, depending on personalities, if it becomes "a thing", but it doesn't seem like that's the case right now. I would just roll with it and enjoy it... and enjoy not having to invest all that energy into planning, preparations, etc.!!!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 02:38:49 )
@Wildfire: anytime around my birthday or mother's day or even xmas, if I say "oh, it'd be nice if I had ____" or "damn, I need to upgrade my drawing program" he usually jumps on it. Problem is, I tend to -want- often. So his surprise items tend to not be a priority want for me. XD
I'm beyond thankful I can jump on someone else's Christmas high and be so involved. Being pregnant and if I had to worry about all this on my own, I'd be beyond stressed and burnt out before xmas. :T
I keep having daily "I'm already HALF WAY?! AAAH" moments.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 13:13:27 )
@Koah: He's attentive. That's good. It sounds like my guys are a little more dense... the "I wish..." or "oh, that would be nice..." type things don't seem to register in their noggins XD I'm glad your sister is taking the reins, then, and taking a lot of the stress off your shoulders this Christmas :3 You've mentioned that this has been a stressful pregnancy for you, and holidays can be stressful on their own... so good! I'm glad it's working out for you! I bet you're having some of those "aaaah?! WHAT?!" type moments! Pregnancy is an experience in time-warps :3 :3

Good morning.
I should go take care of some gardening stuff today, but it has been so humid and hot again around here lately, I haven't wanted to be out working in it, and I think today is supposed to be more of the same - 80s and humid- but I'll check. Maybe a front came through or something and wiped out the humidity? that would be a nice surprise...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 16:02:25 )
@Wildfire: It's hard for me to wrap my head around your weather. It's getting cold here. We had a dusting of snow yesterday, didn't stick. But the cold weather sure did.
Good Morning, I am currently making coffee.. and I should probably keep pokin' around the house finding clutter corners to clean.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 17:40:19 )
@Koah: it took me a at least decade to wrap my head around this weather!! It's overcast and humid right now- kind of miserable, actually. My weather app is telling me it's 73*F but the humidity makes it feel very different than what you'd expect... colder... although the app seems to think the "real feel" is warmer somehow. All the leaves are falling off the trees this week too, adding to the surreal effect.

I did a little stretching and sat in a sauna. I'm currently trying to figure out what I want to do or what I need to do with the rest of this day. It feels weird to me... I should go deal with a clutter corner too. Or vacuum. Or cook. Something...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 18:01:26 )
@Wildfire: I did live in Hawaii for a while and the tropical humidity has a way of chilling your bones, even if it's hot out. So I can understand that.
I poked around on the internet instead of doing things around the house. So now I'm trying to get my lazy bones out of the computer corner and move.
I just vacuumed my hallway. My son is sleeping in for the first time in a long time, the peace and quiet is nice, but concerning.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 18:20:42 )
@Koah: Yes, until you experience this "hot-humid-cold" thing, it's really hard to describe. :3

Awwww... your son probably needs the sleep. It might be at least partially why he's been so difficult with his schoolwork lately - over-tired, over-stimulated with the holidays coming up, anxious about his soon-to-be sibling...???

Maybe you need a down day too... indicated by your apparent lack of cleaning/whatever... (I know I do!)

I should find lunch. I don't really want to. And I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my mouth/tooth... it doesn't feel bad, where I broke the tooth last week and had them fix it, but I'm far too aware of it being there too, and have a bit of a minor ache/headache on that side. It's weird - not enough to call them about just yet, but if it still feels like this tomorrow, I probably will call them...


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 18:51:44 )
@Wildfire: I got him up for school, but he's so drowsy. probably going to let his teacher know he's going to be offline today.
I'm sure he's feeling the residual stress from my husband and I.
I'm starting to poke around and get minor things done. I'd like to hang up my wall decor today, so at least that's off the floor and not leaning on walls.
I also just got a call from a service company, they're on their way to check out my washing machine. or water heater... i don't know which they're here for.

Whenever I've had a tooth fixed on, I get that headache with an annoying feeling in the tooth area or jawline. I think it's because it's not the exact shape of your tooth, so the filling is getting ground down. -shrugs-

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/14 19:13:58 )
@Koah: Yeah, this feeling is along those same lines. /shrug/ We'll see what happens overnight.
It sounds like the kid needs a day off ... and the sleep.
I should get the box with the stockings down from the attic but I don't feel like it... lol - I'm so not in the holiday spirit right now! XD
Whatever the service company is coming for, I hope they fix whatever needs fixing without complications :3

......................... am I asking too much of my family to rinse their dishes etc and load them directly in to the dirty dishwasher instead of dropping them in the sink?? I don't think I am, yet this seems absolutely beyond the ability of my guys to comprehend. It is making me nuts!!


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/15 11:26:00 )

Well yesterday got very interesting. First coworker comes to ask me to price a wares. I absolutely cannot do that. Their response was 'You're the closest thing to the manager we have right now', so I just called the manager to see what he originally had on the item. Then not long after that, comes comes to ask me what to do if someone outright says they're going to steal from us. This lady just told coworker deadpan that she was going into the back to take things. Well that lady ran into the donation attendant. She kept begging for free blankets. That if she didn't get them that she was going to lose her job, and someone was going to freeze to death. I call the manager, he says that if she's still there to call the police. He calls region manager to confirm if that's all we can do. Well woman leaves. Then not long after that, coworker comes to ask me what they should do about someone who's been loitering for the last hour or two. Not looking at anything, just staring from the door area. Guy was giving bad vibes to coworker. Told them that we tell him that he needs to buy something or to leave, we don't allow loitering. Then I try to get back to sorting. Donation attendant has me stop what I'm doing to watch the front with coworker in case the creepy guy is still there. To not leave coworker alone. Then I FINALLY try to get back into sorting. It's time to stop. I go out to help straighten things up in the front. This dude lost his keys, and we all search the store for these missing keys. We do not find them. We get his number to call him if we do find them. Then it's basically time to close.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/12/15 14:15:59 )
@Another Movie Addict: Well, that sounds like quite the exciting, weird, and just plain bizarre day! I'm glad it wasn't any worse (violent, etc.)!!

good morning.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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