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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 06:36:08 )
Ash was about to answer, when someone showed up and whispered something in his ear.

He was silent as this was done, and then sighed. It was a heavy sigh, filled with anger and exasperation.

"I have no choice." he said.

"Apparently today is a day where issues just keep piling up." he continued flatly.

"Jacques, give her whatever she wants, and if she runs a tab, it's under my name." he told the man behind the bar.

"You got it, boss." Jacque responded with a point and a wink.

"Lily, when you're done wandering, make your way back to my office, so we can try and contact your folks." Ash then told Lily.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 06:39:37 )

Lily nodded.

"Will do." She stated.

"Go do what you need to. You know I can take care of myself." She then said before snickering.

"Not that I think anyone in here will be stupid enough to try and pick on me." She muttered, knowing that it was audible.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 07:03:43 )
Ash just chuckled.

"Ok, fair point." he said.

"Right." he then said further.

"I gotta go." he told her.

"See you later." he finished.

He then stepped away, and made his way off, muttering and grumbling to himself.

Jacques just sighed lightly.

"He has such responsibilities." he said, shaking his head slightly.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 07:10:33 )

"Yup." Lily agreed.

"But as far as I know it. He loves it, soooo he brings it upon himself." She commented.

"Regardless, I'm going to go walk around. Thanks for this." She said before finishing off what she'd been given. She set the glass down before walkin' off, knowing that she didn't want to stay in one place like that, really. She wanted to wander.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 07:37:56 )
"Have fun!" Jacques called to her.

As she stepped out, she started to wander down a hallway.

And she then heard some sort of commotion.

It sounded like a bunch of animals that were going wild in various places.

It seemed like she'd made her way to the holding areas, and the animals were restless.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 15:55:54 )

Lily waved to Jacques as she left. The walk was calm, until she heard the creatures seeming to be not in th best of shapes, or moods. She knew that she had a gift with animals, so she made her way toward the room that the she could hear the ruckus coming from. As she stepped inside though, she could tell that there was quite a bit that was going on.

"Oh damn." she muttered before looking around, trying to find the cause.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 17:53:56 )
As she looked around, she saw that the commotion seemed to be originating from a specific area, where the animals seemed to be going particularly berzerk.

Some were fleeing for their lives, others were trying to growl and intimidate whatever it was... but one thing was for sure, they were NOT happy about something.

And as she got closer, she could see why.

For the most part, the animals she saw were mammals. Felines, some canines, Rodentia, that sort of thing... but then she swore she saw a long slender body weaving between the underbrush.

A snake had somehow gotten into this particular enclosure.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/21 23:15:51 )

Lily was silent for a moment when she noticed the snake.

"Pretty sure you're not supposed to be here." She muttered before making her way into the throng of animals, doing her best to avoid being attacked by any.

Once she was close enough, she grabbed the tail of the snake, close to the end but far enough up she could get a good handle on it.

"You shouldn't be here, I'm sure." She said before pausing as she was able to realize the full size of the thing.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 04:23:05 )
Once she realized the size of the reptile, she could see it was big. Pretty big. At least in terms of its width. It took both of her hands to get a decent grip on it, and when it slithered fully into view, she could see that it was at least twice as long as she was tall.

The serpent slithered about, not taking its eyes off of her, before it seemed to rise up some, looking into her eyes.

It was clear that it was not completely at ease with this situation.

However, it hadn't attacked her yet, it's sky blue eyes seeming to pierce into her own, in contrast with its dark jungle-green body.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 04:29:32 )

Lily sighed as she let it go, knowing that she wouldn't be able to hold onto something that large anyway. It was definitely have more than enough strength to get out of her grasp, and probably eat her in the process.

Instead, she just stared it down, as it stared att her. She didn't know what this would end with, but she did know that it would end. Eventually.

As she had her attention captured, she didn't notice the person that was slinking out of the deep shubbery that was around. At least, not until she felt mana hit her in the back and cause her to stumble forward before falling to her knees. There was a darkness around her senses that wasn't there before, and she knew that this wasn't good.

As she tried to bring her own mana forth to get out of there quick-like, she found she couldn't. It didn't take long before she was on her feet and running for the flora around, knowing that she was closer to that than the door.

Whomever attacked her, maybe she'd have the upperhand in the natura vegetation.



Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 04:56:12 )
Sure enough, a few more shots of mana were fired at her, and while she saw one miss her, and hit the tree beside her, another hit her in the back... in the same place that the previous shot had hit her... and sent her careening into the trees and bushes.

Once she was well-hidden in the vegetation, she saw the snake slither off into nearby underbrush, and a figure emerge from where the shots had been fired from.

"Goddamn it all." he growled.

"There was supposed to be nobody here." he snarled.

"Fyrane and Argento were supposed to be distracted by the other chaos, while I did my work HERE." he said further, as he started to make his way to where Lily had gone.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 16:24:20 )

Lily was silent for a moment.

"What?" She said quietly.

"Argento...?" She wondered befroe shaking her head. She didn't have time to focus on that for the moment, and she knew that. She knbew that she had to do something to get her ass to safety for the moment. So she tried to move through the vegetation as quietly as she could. Being what she was, it was a lot easier than one would have expected. She was at home in there.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 16:55:41 )
The figure did seem to have a bit of trouble locating where Lily was, but they were correct in guessing the general direction of where she had headed.

As they walked, they built up mana in their hands, and started to fire it in random places. Sometimes they got close to her, sometimes they were way off, and sometimes they almost hit animals that were hiding as well.

"I know I'll hit you eventually." they said.

"I'll keep firing until I do." they went on.

"Don't make me raze this area to the ground, girl." they then snarled.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 17:04:38 )

Lily was silent as she found to keep the darkness at the edges of her senses, at the edges. She didn't know how long it would be before she was out, buit she knew she'd have to put it off as long as she could.

Dammit, I can't fall now. She thought, making sure to consciously shield her thoughts. The last thing she needed was the one that was attacking her knowing that she was telepathic.

As she moved through the vegetation, she could tell that she didn't have long. The hits he'd managed to get on her were definitely getting in the way, making that far more difficult than she would prefer it to be.

But she had to keep trying.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 17:17:57 )
Her attacker continued to fire randomly, and at one point, the mana was ahead of her, and missed her completely. However, it DID hit a tree that was nearby, which shoot it and rattled it enough for the small hard fruits it was growing to come raining down on her, making things even MORE difficult for her.

"AH-HA!" she then heard.

"I saw you for a moment!" they declared confidently.

"And I'm going to-" they started to say further, before a blast of black fire slammed into their side.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 17:30:33 )

As Lily instinctively covered her head to protect from the raining fruits, she felt a couple hit her quite solidly. She was silent though, managing to avoid letting out any sort of cries of shock, or pain.

As she sank to the ground, she saw the black fire hit the one that was responsible, and just smirked.

"Now you're done." She said quietly, knowing he couldn't hear her.

She knew that fire, and knew it well.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 17:36:37 )
The one turned around, and saw who had thrown the fire.

"Fyrane..." he growled.

"Fine." he said.

"Go ahead and turn me i-" he started to say, before Ash fired another blast of black fire at his chest.

"No." the Fyrane said.

"Cass trusted you, Gerard." he told the man.

"And you've gone and betrayed that trust in a very big way." he continued as he got closer.

"And there is only one fate for those that try and ruin Cass's guild and reputation." he added, his tone almost frighteningly dark.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 20:40:41 )

Lily was silent as she listened to what it was that was said. She had no idea how she was supposed to react to all this, and she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to try and figure that out for the moment either.

Instead, she just stayed where she was, and listened, almost intrigued by Ash's tone of voice here.

She'd never heard him sound so promising as he was here, before. It was something new, and something she was thrilled to witness.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 21:37:51 )
"....what?" Gerard asked.

"What are you talking about!?" he exclaimed, as Ash suddenly bolted towards him, and slammed his fist into his stomach.

Gerard buckled over, and grasped his stomach, taking a few steps back.

"What.... what are you.... doing...?" he asked.

"My responsibility." Ash responded, a dark aura flaring up around him.

"This guild has a reputation to uphold." he told him. "And Cassandra takes this seriously. This guild is her lifeblood. And anyone who dares to jeopardize that will disappear." he said further.

"And Cassandra will be none the wiser." he continued, a small rune spreading out from his feet and freezing Gerard in place.

"She doesn't need to know about this, or any other incident."
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/22 21:58:29 )

Lily froze as she saw the rune, and saw it wasn't very large. She was several meters away, but ... she could feel it. She could feel it freezing her in place, even though she wasn't that close to it.

She could feel herself having a hard time breathing from it, as well. It was just that strong.

And she'd never encountered the rune before. She knew about it, of course. She knew quite a bit about it, for her parents made sure that they were educated, along with Racquel (And Rowena from time to time) taking the education beyond what it was that the draydins could provide.

She knew what it was, she knew what it would do if left, what it could do, what it was a precursor too.

She knew she should stop him.

But she also knew that she couldn't. That rune was strong, and since it wasn't hard to tell that Ash wasn't aware of anyone else in the room, he wasn't being very careful with it. It didn't affect animals, for one reason or another, just humans and mages, so he didn't have to contain it.

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