0v7's posts
Posted in [RNG chibi freebies] LAST DAY!!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Testin' my luck
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I didn't have health insurance since I turned 19 - now I'm 21 and lucky enough that my mom is willing to put me on hers.
I haven't been able to get cavities filled + my wisdom tooth removed 'cause it's like, $800 out of pocket o_o;; The US healthcare system is Terrible.
Also, I looked up my PCP and their website literally has 5 whole links. That's it. Just 5. Wh
I haven't been able to get cavities filled + my wisdom tooth removed 'cause it's like, $800 out of pocket o_o;; The US healthcare system is Terrible.
Also, I looked up my PCP and their website literally has 5 whole links. That's it. Just 5. Wh
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Crystalkitsune85: Oh yeah, I forgot about the whole process of getting Shulker boxes :'D //has been playing the same Minecraft save since they came out
There are mods for backpacks in Minecraft - hopefully the devs of Minecraft steal another mod's idea and implement it into Minecraft (like what they did for horses lol)
There are mods for backpacks in Minecraft - hopefully the devs of Minecraft steal another mod's idea and implement it into Minecraft (like what they did for horses lol)
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I would have to travel - I imagine someone will be driving me there n back (my grandpa?? or my aunt??), cause I live in northeast Oklahoma and the hospital my mom works at/insurance is from is like, near Austin, Texas!
I didn't even remember choosing my PCP - it was all a blur when I moved back down here. I'm gonna go look at the website for this place n see if it's even.. good for trans folks like me !
I didn't even remember choosing my PCP - it was all a blur when I moved back down here. I'm gonna go look at the website for this place n see if it's even.. good for trans folks like me !
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Four chickens ???? You're supposed to have a 1 in 8 chance of one chicken... I think ???
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Tbh I used shulker(?) boxes for transporting items lol
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I think PP is a good shot (ha) for me!! I'll look into it more when my insurance card finally comes... The funny thing is, top surgery probably won't be as much of a hassle? I'll be getting it done in Texas, since that's where my mom's insurance is from !!
The surgery itself is only $450 with my mom's insurance, which makes me so happy and excited and NERVOUS lol
(Then there's the 2 week recovery period in the hospital... almost scary!)
Now that I'm thinking about it, I might switch PCPs 'cause mine isn't...that great :')
The surgery itself is only $450 with my mom's insurance, which makes me so happy and excited and NERVOUS lol
(Then there's the 2 week recovery period in the hospital... almost scary!)
Now that I'm thinking about it, I might switch PCPs 'cause mine isn't...that great :')
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I'm in Oklahoma, so it's a lil tougher - I've been pushing for HRT since I was 18 and my PCP's been running me in circles about it :T
I got stuck in a referral loop, and gave up for a couple of years - this year I might have a better chance now that I have insurance ??
Also I'm okay with talking about this if you are !! ^u^
I got stuck in a referral loop, and gave up for a couple of years - this year I might have a better chance now that I have insurance ??
Also I'm okay with talking about this if you are !! ^u^
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
My plan before my mom put me on her insurance was go to a Planned Parenthood - I think it's 3 visits to get a prescription for HRT ?? I didn't actually get that far :'3
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Wait, I have cats! Lemme upload one of my cat pics rq
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Pills might be easier actually :0
I take all my meds in one go at night so another pill wouldn't be too much trouble
Also it's a process! I am just now exploring HRT + top surgery now that I (sort of) have insurance :'3
I take all my meds in one go at night so another pill wouldn't be too much trouble
Also it's a process! I am just now exploring HRT + top surgery now that I (sort of) have insurance :'3
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Wth happened to that image's quality... it's been deep fried at the dang country fair LOL
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."