0v7's posts
Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@xvz: I'll definitely buy some (powder form, probs, bc I don't mind bitter) -
Also omg puppy wants Attention
I'm hoping I can start HRT in November, and ashwagandha could definitely help !! :D
Also omg puppy wants Attention
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@xvz: Ohh, I've got a whole recipe/tea blend for sleep!! It's a bit on the floral side tho ^u^;
It's 1 part lavender, 1 part chamomile, 1 part rose petals (optional), and 1/2 to 2 parts mugwort - depending on how strong your mugwort is! I've ordered 2 brands of mugwort and one was super strong.. while the other one seemed normal ??
Also, one time I took 2 doses of CBD before bed ('cause pain) and.. passed out before taking my meds pfff
It's 1 part lavender, 1 part chamomile, 1 part rose petals (optional), and 1/2 to 2 parts mugwort - depending on how strong your mugwort is! I've ordered 2 brands of mugwort and one was super strong.. while the other one seemed normal ??
Also, one time I took 2 doses of CBD before bed ('cause pain) and.. passed out before taking my meds pfff
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I have mugwort + lavender tea before bed to help relax :0
I haven't heard of ashwagandha before, I wonder where I could find it ??
I haven't heard of ashwagandha before, I wonder where I could find it ??
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@pachi: LMAO it's always so funny to me when this happens - I've done it for like, 3 sites now and it's like jfc maybe I should write down what sites I joined and when PFFF
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Benadryl helps with anxiety ?? :0
Also, Melatonin is a hit or miss for most people tbh, my best friend has weird dreams if he takes any at all!
Also, Melatonin is a hit or miss for most people tbh, my best friend has weird dreams if he takes any at all!
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I didn't even know I had an account on here till I went to sign up with my e-mail and went like, "wait, it's taken? let's try my old password [is logged in] ...oh no, this is 2 years old and EMBARRASSING" lol
I ended up having staff ban my old account after I transferred all my..milestone items? to this one. probably a lil overkill, but goodness my old profile was weirdly edgy...
I ended up having staff ban my old account after I transferred all my..milestone items? to this one. probably a lil overkill, but goodness my old profile was weirdly edgy...
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Surprisingly I've only had sleep paralysis a couple of times - both were very unsettling TwT
@koneko: Melatonin helps me fall asleep mainly - benadryl keeps me asleep :>
I also take.. 2 benadryl a night now, since my sleep's not as great lately (my doc said it was okay to take 2 btw)
I also have mugwort tea sometimes before bed - weird tasting, but helps me sleep =v=
Also, when I try to sleep without my meds it feels like my body's numb/cold/staticy ??? It's v uncomfortable lol
@koneko: Melatonin helps me fall asleep mainly - benadryl keeps me asleep :>
I also take.. 2 benadryl a night now, since my sleep's not as great lately (my doc said it was okay to take 2 btw)
I also have mugwort tea sometimes before bed - weird tasting, but helps me sleep =v=
Also, when I try to sleep without my meds it feels like my body's numb/cold/staticy ??? It's v uncomfortable lol
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
This first event has made me so happy :D!!!
I missed all the other ones cause I kind of...forgot I had a Voltra account for 2?? years, so I'm really happy I get to actually participate in an event ;w;
I missed all the other ones cause I kind of...forgot I had a Voltra account for 2?? years, so I'm really happy I get to actually participate in an event ;w;
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@koneko: Melatonin might help! I also take Benadryl, tho your mileage may vary with that lol
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I guess insomnia ?? I've always had a hard time falling asleep n staying asleep at night. I'm sleepy during the day though, which leads me to think my circadian rhythm isn't normal :0
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I got prescribed a bunch while in a psych ward years ago - it's been adjusted over time, but yeah I take them all at once !! Without my meds it's very hard for me to sleep =v=
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
It takes about an hour for them to kick in - and once they do, it's pretty hard for me to do anything but sleep !! Which is good, cause if it wasn't like that, I would go to bed :'3
I've been prescribed like, 4 different meds to help me sleep - apparently that's a lot? ?
I've been prescribed like, 4 different meds to help me sleep - apparently that's a lot? ?
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I copy-pasted !! Now to stick my buying topic in my signature - and then dinner (it's already 5pm???)
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Usually - it depends on like, when I take my meds and stuff. I try to take them at 8:30pm ish, but it's not set in stone !!
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."