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Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
Yeah you definitely have to carry yourself differently if you're part of staff. Not saying it's a bad thing, but in the end, you do represent the site in some form, so gotta behave and all that lol.

That was one of the most frustrating things for me as a mod back then...sometimes I'd issue a warning to someone, they'd throw a fit about it and get nasty sometimes, and I could only be polite to them even though I'd have loved to have told them off.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
@crystalkitsune85: I like their design and your art style! <3

Hi guys! How's it going?
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
It's fun being staff, but definitely a lot more responsibility with deadlines and stuff lol.

I was a moderator and uploader on Ernya (former username was iWrox). Also was briefly an uploader on Caedon before my life became too busy to deal with that lol. I was on Ernya sooo much when it opened, but all I had to worry about back then was college and didn't want a job yet (I guess you could say Ernya was my job). Uploading on both sites kinda depended on the item(s) involved. Sometimes took a few minutes, and sometimes took a few hours.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
I love those watercolors. <3

I haven't used those since high school lol. I don't think I've painted anything since then either. xP I kinda miss it, even though I wasn't very good at it.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
Event planning and maintenance is fun, though it takes a lot of work lol.
Yes, I love that kind of weather. *w*

I don't like wet pants either lol. Especially like on the lower legs closer to my feet. xP Yuck.
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Fruit picking sounds like fun. :) I wouldn't mind going if it wasn't too hot.

I had fresh strawberries on my French toast this morning. <3 Was delicious.
Posted in Selling new orbs buying new orbs Posted 5 years ago
@Miss sandman: Could I please buy 1 Astronautic Heartbreak?
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
Oh yes, too easy to get super sugary with rainbows lol. Kudos for being healthy. xD
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Think I know what I'll try on Sunday on my day off then. xD Banana ice cream.

I love fruit in general lol. I can't think of many fruits that I don't like. I don't like fresh grapefruit, but I like it if it's a flavor of something instead, like a beverage if that makes sense?

@Eve: Thank you so much!!! <3 I appreciate them!
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
Yep, Skip-Bo is kinda similar to Uno, but also very different. I'm sure there's a Youtube video somewhere out there that clearly explains how to play. xD Better than I can anyway.

I had chicken nuggets for dinner last night haha. I've had sherbet in soda as well, which was kinda refreshing but also a touch too sweet for me. I probably would have liked it much more as a kid.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
Howdy howdy. :D How was your day?
I think the 50s is the perfect "cold" weather lol. I realize that's not all that cold to some people, which is why I put quotes around it lol. But to me, it's pretty cold.

I haaaaate wet socks with a passion! Like I'm SUCH a miserable person until I can change into dry ones. I do fine with other wet clothes for the most part, but I just CANNOT stand wet socks AT ALL.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
I got to leave work early today for an eye appointment, but that meant I had to go in early too. xP Was another long day for me.