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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
As long as you got everything you needed!

And thank you Mas! :D I'm quite proud of it and might attempt to draw it later!
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Also on the topic of gender for avis, I feel like a majority of my avis here have been gender neutral. Which is wonderful because I tend to gravitate toward making feminine avis everywhere I go, and have a difficult time making masculine avis. So guess I'll continue this trend! <3
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
I just barely managed to get the last uniform I wanted before I noticed that the badge currency spot disappeared. xD Made it just in time!!
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Thank you guys!!! <333

Also I don't mind if you guys want to double post. I don't think it's against the rules, so go for it? xD

I couldn't dress by phone/flashlight either. Not for very long anyway.

You know what I found weird in one of the places I was looking for rent? EVERY room had a wall that was ENTIRELY made of mirror. Like...creepy much??? I'm sure it was to help with the natural light distribution, but I found it creepy af. I'd probably scare myself at night going room to room thinking it's another person who shouldn't be there.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
I can never post while I'm at work lol. I mean maybe on my break, but our wifi kinda sucks so not really any point, especially when I only get a 30-minute break. xP

Post notification?
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Well I'm quite happy with my new avi. <333 I daresay I might be inspired enough to draw it (haven't decided if I want to assign a gender lol).

I think drawing a zodiac set of something would be fun, but very challenging!!
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
I'm pretty good. Trying to create a new avi but it's a bit difficult lol.

And that's true. I saw some art of some animals that were also part vegetable or fruit. Thought it was hella inventive and adorable.
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Today I learned weather witches are a thing lol. Still cute though!

Hi Chiffon! How are you today?
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
@Lina: Glad you found solutions to your lack of light lol. We used plug-in lamps for our spaces that didn't have them. Always gave the place a sleepy feel. Also, nice avi!
@Bonnie: That's awesome that you can use the Google word apps to do your work. I'm thinking I need something that can run word processing programs, so probably a Microsoft product (I can't stand Apple).
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: That's nice to know that it's cleaner than the NYC one, though I wouldn't mind riding that one just to say I have. Not alone though lol.

I've been really wanting to go to a con lately since I missed out on the one I was supposed to go to due to covid, but of course now we don't know when those will be a thing again.
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
I think sometimes my chromebook likes to randomly disconnect from my wifi. Pretty sure it's that and not the router because other devices don't seem to have that issue. It drives me nuts though because I use this thing fairly often.
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Ugh, I know the feels of no lights at all in a room. My last place was like that in the living room and two bedrooms. I learned to never again get a place without studying the ceilings for the presence of lights and/or ceiling fans lol. Now my new place has all of the above in every room! :D
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
That would give me anxiety too, especially if I knew I paid the internet bill. Glad it all worked out though.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
Disappeared for a bit there lol. Had a nice day off overall, but back to the old grind tomorrow. =n=