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There actually are recipes out there for single servings, believe it or not! Might be worth looking into? I found one for edible cookie dough a while back lol.

I used to try to get multiple wears out of my clothes too, but now that's harder to do since I feel like I sweat more often than I used to.
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
Kinda, although if I'm being honest, I prefer my bread pudding a touch more on the solid side. xD

It's hard for me to think of foods that I prefer as leftovers vs. fresh, but I'm picky when it comes to leftovers anyway. xP I try not to waste food though.
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
Yeah, pretty much all of the people I know irl aren't avi site people either lol.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
I've heard of milka, but can't remember if I've had that brand? Never heard of green & black, but if I find it I'll have to try it!

It'd probably be easier to answer which brands I DON'T like (so far from what I've tried anyway). Those are Cadbury, Russell Stover, and See's Candies. My absolute favorites are Godiva, Lindt, and Ghirardelli (not sure if I spelled that right lol).

I...don't remember if I've ever had a prune, but I do like plums! So I don't imagine prunes aren't bad. Come to think of it, I don't think I've had a dried fruit that I've disliked yet. :o
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
I have watched a couple episodes of that, yes!

It's delicious if done right though. To me it should be cake that's like falling apart from all the liquid, but not necessarily straight up mush. It's hard to describe lol.
I don't bake super often, but I tend to feel like doing it on my days off (such as today). What about you?

I'm the same waaaay! I struggle to fold and put it away, but I have no problems letting it sit in a clean pile. xD I know that's terrible because it gets wrinkles and such, but I figure I can just spritz it and toss it in the dryer for a few minutes if I need a quick de-wrinkling.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
Hazelnut and chocolate is my all-time favorite combo when it comes to chocolate combos lol. Also I looove dried mango. <3 I like lots of dried fruits actually.

I'm a bit of a chocolate snob when it comes to chocolate lol. Won't eat certain brands because their quality isn't there. Not in my opinion, anyway.
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
I don't think I've ever had poke cake either, unless you count tres leches cake (I'm not sure if anybody uses the poke method for the ones I've had). So this'll be interesting lol.

The cake is chilling in the fridge, so I'll let you know in an hour or so after dinner? xD

That sounds good!! I should probably get some laundry done before bed, but we'll see if that actually happens haha.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
I like reading stuff like this, so I don't mind them at all!

That makes a lot of sense about the Hershey's thing. I was wondering why it has that...pungent taste. I can tolerate it to an extent, but I always wondered if it was just me that was kinda put off by it.

I've tried a dark chocolate bar with a bit of chili powder in it, and it was pretty good! Eventually I'd like to try some Mexican hot chocolate.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
I can't say I've had it that way, but that does sound pretty gross.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
Yeah it's more like a by-product of chocolate anyway lol.
I like it in my coffee though, as in white chocolate mochas. Regular mochas...would be better if coffee shops stopped using powdered chocolate. I feel like it really messes up the texture of the coffee and gives me an awful mouthfeel.
Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 5 years ago
I love eating different kinds of chocolate in one sitting, so the intensity increases/decreases as I go. xD

And yes! The cake is cooling right now, and the pudding is chilling in the fridge. :)

I tend to feel like baking something on my days off lately. Last time I did those break-and-bake cookies lol. I've never tried zucchini bread though, but I'd like to try sometime!
Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 5 years ago
It didn't quite clear my sinuses, but it was definitely irritating there for a bit. xD I think it only burns because that part of your body isn't used to being probed haha.

And it's a wacky experiment that I hope turns out well. Walnut pie shell filled with white chocolate pudding, then double chocolate cake poked through with sweetened condensed milk and topped with cool whip.