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Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
Took 3 trains, but I made it. Now to see how long it takes for a bus to show up. Here's hoping it doesn't break down again like yesterday xD
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
And idk if I'm even going to try and do their oldest brother, not sure there's enough psychobilly-esque stuff
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
The hard part is going to be differentiating him from Harley xD
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
Working on an avi for Aiden, and it's going pretty well, we have so many good commons that work for him
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
Yay, actually got away from work at a decent time! Now to see if I can squeeze into a train xD
Posted in What happened here? Posted 3 months ago
Things have always been quiet here compared to other avis sites I've been on in the past, but yeah there were some events earlier that kinda led to a bit of an exodus =(

I'm hoping things will pick up again soon, but for the time being I'm mostly just glad the site's still up
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
Coal Harbour's in this one, love when I recognize the filming locations
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
Red sky at night, sailors' delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
I wish I could stop getting so upset about the brothers dying, because the show makes a joke of it. I keep forgetting it's like D&D where death isn't quite permanent
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
I'd totally forgotten that Ruby was originally played by a different actress, I only remembered Gen
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
I'm into season 3 already, Bobby has finally shown up, Ruby's around, now I'm just waiting for Cas
Posted in Alch's Random Rainbow Posting Place Posted 3 months ago
Started watching Supernatural again, can't believe I almost forgot how good it was even with all the tugging at heartstrings
Posted in 〰 Cult of the Worm 〰 Posted 3 months ago
@Ruby: Too true, too true!
I don't know where the last week went, let alone the last month. How is June almost over already. Don't like. Stopit.

My parents weren't supposed to be right about time going by in a flash as you get older!
Noticed a little bit of a cutting issue with the Unique Short Sleeve and the Longsleeved Shirt

The Longsleeved Shirt clips through the sleeve of the Unique Short Sleeve, I used Sunset so it was more obvious, but it happens with other colours too (at least in the shop display)

I checked with a couple of different poses of the Unique Short Sleeve and they all seem to have this issue =(
Thanks for getting to this when you can ♥