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@Whim: I keep forgetting to say I LOVE your avatar! Such fantastic colours ♥

@FUZZY: They're a little tricky cause a lot of them are wide or really tall, but I've got a stylus so thankfully I'm able to navigate and get pieces out of tricky spots. I think I prefer doing puzzles on PC though =)
OH! And the movie marathon was a success, we made plans kinda last minute but ended up getting together and watching all 3 movies and going out for pizza! It was great =D

@PoeticTorment: I think you made it work excellently! Super-cool grim reaper vibes going on
Posted in What are you going to be for Halloween? ? Posted 11 months ago
I don't know if I'm going to dress up, since I have to be at work. I haven't worked a Halloween since 2019, and because it was my first day at a new job I didn't dress up =( I wish i had

I have a Gengar kigu I could wear, or a skeleton onesie. I'm not sure if my skeleton leggings still fit or I'd wear those...I need pockets though
Posted in take my (old) items Posted 11 months ago
@Aesyn: I wouldn't mind dupes for poses if you're willing ❤️
I think I listed a couple of things I wasn't totally sure if you had cause trying to identify the thumbnails is weird sometimes lol

Thank you SO much! This knocks out a massive chunk of my quest thread ❤️❤️❤️ i wish there was something i could offer in return!
@FUZZY: I've been having a lot of fun with them, trying to do 2-3 a day
I keep ramping up the difficulty on them too, haha, and I've been trying them on my phone!
@Vozzy: Understandable! I'm not gonna risk rolling this time, haha, 75 is a great number
Makes sense, so there's no point in rolling on pages other than the ones listed in the first post =)

I hope Treat is doing lots of puzzles every day for her candy! ♥
@Vozzy: Ah, ok. And on a non trick or treat page, no RNG/candy grants?
@Vozzy: Wait, how does a trick work?
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: I was hoping the food was gonna be here juuust before my ride so they wouldn't both try and call me at the same time >_<
They both called me at the same time... xD
But it was fine, I had time to get the food and go back and get my bag and then go get in the car =)
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Hahaha, exactly as I expected. Food and ride arrived at the same time and both called me at the same time 🤣
@Bonnie: No problem, I was at work when I posted =)
I just got back to the office after going out to get my nails done with friends, and now I'm waiting for my ride home (and hoping my dinner order gets here before my ride does xD)
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Thanks! I'm glad too =)

I just got back to campus after going and getting my nails done with a different group of friends. Now I just have to hope my dinner order shows up before my ride does XDDD
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Very true, that's fair.
Ooh, he did reply! Plans are still not solidified though xD
Posted in Tree's and Leaves Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: That's possible, but I would hope he'd message us and be like "sorry, can't make it/can't host" instead of just...silence
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago

Gigantamax Gengar is silly and amazing and I love it.

The shiny is awesome as well, but I can't find a good image of it =(