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Posted in Did you watch Friends? Posted 11 months ago
@ahi: I was sad to hear about Matthew Perry's passing too, especially knowing he had such a rough time with addiction throughout his life. I also feel kinda bad because I think he really got type cast as Chandler-type characters, and I never really saw him do anything else after Friends. He hasn't been in a movie since 2009, and his last TV credits were 2017, until the Friends reunion in 2021.

I always loved the back and forth between Joey and Chandler too. I was actually kinda sad when Chandler got together with Monica and moved in with her because Joey missed him so much.

I think I cringe at the show more now, and I can definitely see why your mom would think it was too "sexually forward". OH MAN I forgot about the one where Paul Rudd shows up! It's so funny looking back now and seeing them all so young
Posted in Did you watch Friends? Posted 11 months ago
I did, and I loved it for the most part aside from a few things I found annoying here and there.
I haaaaaated the way Ross & Rachel were on-again off-again, but then again Ross was pretty abysmal with women...

I always kinda felt for Chandler because it's clear his humour was a defense mechanism, and I had a friend like that - made jokes out of absolutely everything and sometimes carried the joke on way too long to the point it got annoying.

Re-watching it now it's almost more fun to keep an eye out for the guest stars. I think I saw an episode where Charlie Sheen played a submariner that saw Phoebe between deployments. Brad Pitt showed up at one point, but I can't remember what his character was.
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: I certainly agree, infinitely better. Usually made out of better materials than store-bought ones too. I hate how cheap and flimsy premade costumes are =(
For a couple of years I tried just doing costumes out of clothes I already had - I had a skeleton ribcage tshirt and skeleton leggings, I wore neon green fishnets over the skelly leggings and I have a fleece cat hat with neon green ears and it has loooooong ear warmers that have paws on the end. I wish we'd made it longer like my red one that I can actually wrap around as a scarf

I think I did a witch costume with my own clothes one year, but I don't remember what top I wore with the black skirt I used....I also have no idea whatever happened to that black skirt...
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Ooh, that would be awesome! I always really love home-made costumes ♥
Omg that worm friend is so cute, how many colours does he come in?
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: Aww, Wednesday would've been an awesome costume! I probably would've done Wednesday too if my hair was long enough
Kuromi would've been amazing too! I hope she can be Kuromi another year!
Posted in Pixel Perfect: Item/Layer Reports - UPDATE 1/1/24 Posted 11 months ago
I'm not sure if this is something that can be fixed, but I'd really love to be able to wear both the bats from "Gone Batty" with the "Magnificent Leaves" from "Magnificent Inspector". Currently if I equip the leaves it unequips the bats =(


Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@Ruby: I was wearing my silver bat shirt and my skeleton hoodie at least, and I changed and put on my skelly leggings when I got home.

Oh jeeze, that's awful =(
Ohhh ok, city water and a new hot water tank instead of tankless. I've been tempted to ask my dad to try going tankless with the pipe upgrades we're doing next spring because there are a few places in the house that it feels like it takes FOREVER to get hot water to D: But we also just replaced our hot water tank not that long ago, so it also seems silly.
Oooof, okay so it's a combo of they just switched to winter water treatment plus you're really close. That sucks =( I'm also kinda surprised your crazy filter didn't help dechlorinate D:

Yeahhh a whole jar in 2 days is toooo much, I couldn't do that xD

@FUZZY: Oh nice! I hope you two had a great time! What did your daughter dress up as? Did you dress up too?

@MimikyuToo: I feel so bad I keep missing you! I'm kinda sporadic because I'm at work and can only post in the little lulls I get (I'm at our help desk today)
At least an event is a great time to get back to being active!
@PoeticTorment: It's been super-cold here too, not ready for these winter-like temps already!
Yeah, that's true, it is easier with the colour changes. I used to sign each post with the character's name too
I hope so too, but my silly requests come after Ruby's other work ♥
Posted in Wily Words: Puzzle Activity Posted 11 months ago
I forget, do I need to write my username on my word searches?
Guess who forgot to roll her candy in her last post, ahaha
@PoeticTorment: Haha, yeah, I can see how that would be tricky to do. I like Halloween more that Christmas, so I tend to stick with black and bright colours =D
Yeah, it's kinda funny going back in my post history when I'm not still dressed as that character xD

I might get spoiled and Ruby might change the bats vs leaves layering though, so we shall see ♥
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@FUZZY: I meant to reply to this when I was still morning here, but missed my chance ^^;; Good afternoon!
Thankfully I did not wake up to snow, but it was still cold
However, not cold enough. I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt and I'm wayyy too warm xD

How's your Halloween going?
Posted in The Alchemist's Lair - an event hangout Posted 11 months ago
@Ruby: Darn, the skeleton PJs don't have pockets. I still haven't checked the Gengar onesie....but it's also gonna be too warm to wear to work. I wish I had a utility belt, lol

Oh no, that sounds awful. Also water is such a pain - too hard and it doesn't wash anything off and you don't feel clean afterwards; too soft and it doesn't wash anything off either. I wish you were able to move, that's so rough :(

Just realized I'm confused - by water tank do you mean hot water tank, or like a water tower water tank? I guess the other way I could ask is are you connected to city water or well water or something?

I'm glad you're over that too! I love Nutella, but I don't think I could eat it every day xD
My favourite thing is one of the pizza places here does a banana nutella calzone that is heavenly

@MimikyuToo: Of course, welcome in! I apologize for not replying sooner, I was working from home today but ended up getting kinda busy >_<