Alorrena's posts
Posted in Harmony Hills | Storyline & Hangout [*PAGE PRIZES*]
Posted 1 year ago
@Rei Ann: it's all good, i'm glad you're doing what you need to to feel better! i've had Covid twice even though the people i got it from stayed in different parts of the house/apartment. The first time i had it was after traveling. i had gotten it from my roommate because he got it like 3 days before i got back, and then again from my mother in law because she works in a pharmacy and hates wearing masks/didn't get vaccinated. I was vaccinated, but i have a poor immune system for various reasons (weight, asthma, plus other general health stuff) so it wasn't a matter of if but when i got it.
@Totalanimefan: Sounds like you had an eventful weekend! Also i HATE fire alarms. The loud noise is definitely overwhelming and scary! I'm glad everything and everyone was okay though!
@Totalanimefan: Sounds like you had an eventful weekend! Also i HATE fire alarms. The loud noise is definitely overwhelming and scary! I'm glad everything and everyone was okay though!

Posted in Come hang out with Rena!
Posted 1 year ago
@Totalanimefan: We haven't really gone out much since sunday so we haven't gotten the stuff for the catalytic converter yet. But it was able to go from Deltona to Daytona and back on sunday and then to wendy's and back this morning without any issues. We Kinda need to wait another 2 weeks before we can really get the stuff because as of right now we're pretty broke cause i just paid rent for october. It's decent on mpg, and it doesn't have any other issues right now so i'm quite happy with it.
@Ruby: Me too, it's so nice to have the option to leave the house whenever i want now.
Yeah, it is. Like..everything is so expensive now. It's honestly kind of exhausting.
@star2000shadow: Honestly, i think he just lost track of time. He does that a lot when he's talking with his friends, and our gf was at work so he wasn't really paying attention lol
I understand missing your sister. My younger sisters live in Wisconsin and it's so difficult to be able to afford to go visit, even without having to worry about food or a place to stay (i could stay with the youngest, or my dad, and i'm pretty sure if they didn't have space my cousins would put me up). Like right now, if i were to go for a week it would be about 150 for a round trip flight, but i'd still have to save up for that and that's a little out of the question right now, especially if i have to replace something on my van (it's always something that needs paid for!). It's so difficult being away from sisters and family members who are far away (i live that truth; my physically closest relative (not counting inlaws) is a cousin on my dad's side that i met once when i got married. She's cool though and lives about 4 hours away in Miami). If i remember correctly you were fairly close to Wanda, so that makes it even more difficult to deal with. Do you talk with her often? I know when i'm missing my youngest sister a lot i call her frequently and it helps a little.
@Ruby: Me too, it's so nice to have the option to leave the house whenever i want now.
Yeah, it is. Like..everything is so expensive now. It's honestly kind of exhausting.
@star2000shadow: Honestly, i think he just lost track of time. He does that a lot when he's talking with his friends, and our gf was at work so he wasn't really paying attention lol
I understand missing your sister. My younger sisters live in Wisconsin and it's so difficult to be able to afford to go visit, even without having to worry about food or a place to stay (i could stay with the youngest, or my dad, and i'm pretty sure if they didn't have space my cousins would put me up). Like right now, if i were to go for a week it would be about 150 for a round trip flight, but i'd still have to save up for that and that's a little out of the question right now, especially if i have to replace something on my van (it's always something that needs paid for!). It's so difficult being away from sisters and family members who are far away (i live that truth; my physically closest relative (not counting inlaws) is a cousin on my dad's side that i met once when i got married. She's cool though and lives about 4 hours away in Miami). If i remember correctly you were fairly close to Wanda, so that makes it even more difficult to deal with. Do you talk with her often? I know when i'm missing my youngest sister a lot i call her frequently and it helps a little.

Posted in Breakfast foods A-Z
Posted 1 year ago
Fresh fruit!

Posted in Yuck or Yum [Brunch Edition]
Posted 1 year ago
Yum, i love cheese!
Sundried tomato and cheese Quiche?
Sundried tomato and cheese Quiche?

Posted in Story time!
Posted 1 year ago

Posted in Come hang out with Rena!
Posted 1 year ago
@star2000shadow: I slept a lot today, like 11 hours! I was surprised my husband let me sleep that long actually!
I totally understand life being stressful. It's been quite a year for me too, actually. I just got a vehicle, finally (my old car died in february) and i'm supper happy about it. like there's one thing that need fixed on it, but i think i can wait a little bit to fix it. Especially because worst case scenario the repair would cost about $3000-4000! We're going to try the cheaper fixes first though, so hopefully all it ends up costing is like $20 and a tank of gas, which is like $60 to fill it from E, which i'm not TOO excited about, but it's not as bad as it could be. I'm hoping gas prices go down a little soon and don't keep going up.

Posted in Harmony Hills | Storyline & Hangout [*PAGE PRIZES*]
Posted 1 year ago
@Q t e a p o n: Nice! I'm already excited for the next one!
@Whim: Thank you! I'm not 100% happy with it, but it's okay. it's growing on me lol
Oh nice! I hope you were okay through this last hurricane! I don't know if it hit you in Jacksonville. I'm also hoping we can visit our friends out there soon. I know we'll be going to Epcot in a few weeks so we might say hi while we're out there.
I'm glad you had a good weekend! Sounds like you had fun! I definitely get the waking up around noon thing, hubs and i have worked swing/night shifts for a long time so now that we don't, we still have that sleep pattern. no use in changing it since we like it that way! We went and got sushi yesterday too! it was good.
Shoe containers are always useful. I used to have one that hung on the back of my door, but i downsized on my shoe collection and now i only have like 3 pairs, so we don't use a container or rack anymore. The main shoes go in the hall right when you come in the door against the wall so they're out of the way.
I had a good day today, didn't do much, just played pokemon with hubs and our gf for a bit and then we watched some youtube videos together which was relaxing. Tomorrow i'm planning on spending some time with a friend that moved out of state, so i'm kinda excited.
How are you today?
@Rei Ann: I hope you feel better soon! be sure to get plenty of rest and water!
@Whim: Thank you! I'm not 100% happy with it, but it's okay. it's growing on me lol
Oh nice! I hope you were okay through this last hurricane! I don't know if it hit you in Jacksonville. I'm also hoping we can visit our friends out there soon. I know we'll be going to Epcot in a few weeks so we might say hi while we're out there.
I'm glad you had a good weekend! Sounds like you had fun! I definitely get the waking up around noon thing, hubs and i have worked swing/night shifts for a long time so now that we don't, we still have that sleep pattern. no use in changing it since we like it that way! We went and got sushi yesterday too! it was good.
Shoe containers are always useful. I used to have one that hung on the back of my door, but i downsized on my shoe collection and now i only have like 3 pairs, so we don't use a container or rack anymore. The main shoes go in the hall right when you come in the door against the wall so they're out of the way.
I had a good day today, didn't do much, just played pokemon with hubs and our gf for a bit and then we watched some youtube videos together which was relaxing. Tomorrow i'm planning on spending some time with a friend that moved out of state, so i'm kinda excited.
How are you today?
@Rei Ann: I hope you feel better soon! be sure to get plenty of rest and water!

Posted in Come hang out with Rena!
Posted 1 year ago
@Ruby: That's okay RuRu! Good to see you around!
@star2000shadow: My day went well ( now it's almost over). Hubs and i went and got sushi, which was nice, and he rode in the van for the first time, which was interesting. He realized the window control panel juts into his knee when he's up front, so he sat in back on the way home. It does it to me too, but i don't mind, i can adjust my leg so it doesn't hit it so much.
@star2000shadow: My day went well ( now it's almost over). Hubs and i went and got sushi, which was nice, and he rode in the van for the first time, which was interesting. He realized the window control panel juts into his knee when he's up front, so he sat in back on the way home. It does it to me too, but i don't mind, i can adjust my leg so it doesn't hit it so much.

Posted in Harmony Hills | Storyline & Hangout [*PAGE PRIZES*]
Posted 1 year ago
awww a happy ending! That was such a sweet story! And i love the last EI! I will be using it A LOT!
@Q t e a p o n: yeah that's true! But it was a good week at least!
@Q t e a p o n: yeah that's true! But it was a good week at least!

Posted in Harmony Hills | Storyline & Hangout [*PAGE PRIZES*]
Posted 1 year ago
@Q t e a p o n: it really did! I can't believe how fast that went!

Posted in Come hang out with Rena!
Posted 1 year ago
@macsen191: That's fair. Personally, i would check the fuses myself because that's usually pretty straightforward and fairly easy. I'm also impatient and don't like waiting for someone to come do something i can probably check on my own haha.

Posted in Story time!
Posted 1 year ago

Posted in Harmony Hills | Storyline & Hangout [*PAGE PRIZES*]
Posted 1 year ago
@Whim: we didn't go today, but we're probably going tomorrow. I might try to convince my husband to go to hotpot instead though so after or before we can go visit our friends in orlando (our preferred hotpot place is near where they live). It's been about a year and a half since we last saw them so it would be good to go, plus we still have a few boxes of stuff still at their place (and our tv lol) so we should probably grab those things too if we go. Or at least some of them since that's a lot of effort since they're on the 3rd floor.
I'm glad to hear you had a good day with your sister! I'm not normally a homebody (when i have a car lol) but my husband definitely is. I like going out and doing things, but i think i need to ease back into it because i barely went out today (i also got an oil change! and then after dinner i went out and got some italian ice for dessert) and i'm pretty tired. Tomorrow i plan on sleeping in, but we will just have to see what time i wake up because my body has been waking me up around 9 or 10 most days lately for no reason.
I have never been to ikea, and i think a big part of that is where i grew up there wasn't one close by, and then now that there's one within driving distance here, i'm just constantly broke. I hear it's nice though lol
I'm glad to hear you had a good day with your sister! I'm not normally a homebody (when i have a car lol) but my husband definitely is. I like going out and doing things, but i think i need to ease back into it because i barely went out today (i also got an oil change! and then after dinner i went out and got some italian ice for dessert) and i'm pretty tired. Tomorrow i plan on sleeping in, but we will just have to see what time i wake up because my body has been waking me up around 9 or 10 most days lately for no reason.
I have never been to ikea, and i think a big part of that is where i grew up there wasn't one close by, and then now that there's one within driving distance here, i'm just constantly broke. I hear it's nice though lol

Posted in Yuck or Yum [Brunch Edition]
Posted 1 year ago
yum, yes please!
Just coffee for breakfast
Just coffee for breakfast