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Posted in Classroom 11 ~{RAFFLE}~ winners selected Posted 6 years ago

Miss Lana got herself into some trouble last night. She snuck outside and decided to be an ass hole about coming back in.

Kitty is finally back inside.

She used to be a wild/feral kitten, so she knows what outside is. Just she's been exclusively indoor since I got her.

@Kozi: Brat kitty is exclusively an indoor kitten.

She's been trying to follow our other cat outside for a while now.

@Kozi: I hope that's what she decides to do.

She's being a little brat right now.

I tried food and cat toy. She won't come out, to her this is a game.

-throws massive fit- My ass hole uncle let my ass hole cat get outside, now the bitch won't come from underneath the house. She keeps acting like it's a game.

@Kozi: Mine is only near my hips when it's wet and straight, otherwise it's just at the middle of my back dry and curly.

@Kozi: Interesting. >w> dying my hair is an expensive pain in the ass. Since it's so long and thick.

@Kozi: Oooo, what colour?

@Kozi: Yes, and they are lovely.

@Kozi: I know, and I do love all the new pretties.