Chrysothemis's posts
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@bum: My college is a community one, so signing up wasn't too hard (beyond the initial test so they could figure out which math I needed...spoilers: I almost bombed it!) but yeah... college is scary. T_T
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@bum: Thanks! For what's supposed to be a two-year degree, it's taken me, uh... a while to get this far, lol.
I dunno what I'm gonna do once I get it, tbh. The idea of going to proper uni is scary...
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 6 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: It's a Japanese series of games about Yakuza drama and stuff. The main thing it's popular for is having a small but super dense map that's just full of cool and weird side quests. It wasn't really given a lot of attention in America until very recently when they started to remake the games on the PS4 and PC. They're really fun! At least... if you like melodramatic crime stories with lots of violence that's told in between free-roaming segments that let you do silly side missions and minigames.
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@bum: I'm about to get my Associate's degree, and then after I'm planning to get my bachelor's in English after that.
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@bum: I'm alright. School starts back up for me tomorrow, so right now I'm shoving hot drinks into my body so that the heat and steam can help unclog my sinuses before then. I'd hate to go into my last semester while still a bit sick, you know?
While I do that, I'm poking at an old flash game from my childhood and watching random Youtube videos.
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@bum: Ahh. I've had nausea when I PMS before, but not, like... actual vom-ing. I hope you feel better soon, though. ;A;
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@bum: Yeah, that makes much more sense lol.
Throw up? Oh no! I take it you're sick as well? D: Do you have any medicine you can take to calm your stomach?
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
Sorry for dipping off randomly, everyone! An old friend called me and my boyfriend on Discord and wanted to play some Smash Bros, and our internet gets finicky when more than one person is using it... >.<
@bum: According to Wiki it translates to like, man pudding or something? But it looks so yummy. I'll have to find a recipe for it one day...
How are you feeling today btw?
@Ixora: It's a nice series where a group of brothers makes the ugliest possible character in video games with character creation modes. But Moana sounds like a good cleaning video too, tbh.
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: There are a lot of 'three dudes chat on a mic' sort of set ups that maybe a more easier listen for you. I like My Brother, My Brother, and Me (which is made by the dudes who made Monster Factory, if you've seen that Youtube series) and then there's Last Podcast on The Left which I hesitate to recommend because err... A: it's a horror and true crime based show, where three dudes talk about serial killers and weird/dark bits of history and B: ... one of the hosts is a major ass, and it takes a while to brush off his super crass jokes.
@bum: I'm so sorry to hear that. >.< I can chat with you until I head to bed! And if you still need to talk, you can ping me or PM me.
Also I had to google that dessert and my god, it looks delicious!!
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Podcasts are pretty cool for when you need something to listen to but can't decide on any music. I listen to a lot of trivia-based ones, and some audio dramas. Depending on how you listen to them, you can download the files right to your phone, too, which makes them a bit better than Youtube videos. (though there are some podcasts that upload to youtube as well)
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@bum: Hi there Bum, it's nice to meet you! How are you?
@Ixora: I do, but I live with roommates so finding the chance to not bother them is rare. Also, a lot of podcasts are made with earbuds in mind as far as audio mixing is concerned...
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: I play podcasts... but since my earbuds went missing while I was on a trip out of state I can't listen to anything. ;A;
Posted in bored
Posted 6 years ago
@Ixora: Yeah... ADHD sucks...
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 6 years ago
It depends on my current mood, I guess. I really like Guild Wars 2 and the Kingdom Hearts series, but I play a lot of random stuff. Right now, I've got Yakuza 2 on hold (the remake for ps4 at least)