Chrysothemis's posts
Posted in Closing down.
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Trying to keep my mind on anything except the drama I've been following on another site. Unfortunately, my attention span has made that a losing battle. @_@

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
My ADHD is making me fixate on toxic stuff and I need someone to talk to. Just playing games isn't cutting it because I just keep tabbing over to watch people argue.

Posted in Closing down.
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Thanks, you too!

Posted in Closing down.
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Aww! I hope you're able to beat it soon!
I got some Wawa mashed potatoes and tea, so my throat is at least being soothed by warmness for now.

Posted in Closing down.
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: I wish I wasn't sick, though. I've got that cotton ball mouth, yuck!
@Lunakiri: Thank you so much oh my goodness!!!

Posted in How we all doing this year!?
Posted 6 years ago
@Fozzy: Thanks. We'll do our best!
I've never heard of this game, but the official site makes it look super cute! I'm adding it to my wishlist so I can grab it... once my huge backlog is done with. Or at least once I finish Yakuza 2 and a few others.

Posted in How we all doing this year!?
Posted 6 years ago
Oh hey, car crashes. My biggest fear!

My 2019 has been alright so far. I've spent most of it drinking various hot beverages while playing Guild Wars 2. Though, there's a bug flying around my house and my boyfriend's suffering from it... and I can already feel it starting to hit me. It's a good thing I have a while till school starts again...

Posted in Chat with me for bells/volts?
Posted 6 years ago
@Miku: It's cool! I've moved around the state a bit so it's made me curious about what others think of it. Sorry if that question sounded creepy though, I wrote it while sleep deprived.

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 6 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: It's weird for an MMO but I like it well enough. ^^

Posted in Closing down.
Posted 6 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Hello! ^^ It's been pretty great so far!

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 6 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Ahh, I'll have to look into it when I'm next in the mood for some sandboxing! Right now I'm knee deep in Guild Wars 2, thanks to a friend making a roleplay guild there.

Posted in Closing down.
Posted 6 years ago
@Lunakiri: I have a wish
Frankie, Haunting, Skunk Punk, & Static Set
I was recommended this thread by someone in the welcoming sub-forum. How's everyone doing? ^^

Posted in Chry's RP Search
Posted 6 years ago
RP Rules:
First of all, just be nice OOC. That's it. I can overlook any schedule conflicts, spelling issues (We all get them), or overpowered characters, just as long as you're relaxed and friendly. As long as we're open OOC and enjoying ourselves, I don't care. I want my RP partners to be my friends, ultimately. So even if the RP dries up or you stop having fun, I want our OOC conversation to be open enough that you can let me know.
1. A long attention span is not my strength. I jump around sites a lot, and I forget things easily. Please don't mistake that for disinterest! PM me or poke me if you're getting worried about me, I won't mind! I've got a Discord account too, if you want to poke me off-site.
2. I like OOC talk. A lot. If I'm roleplaying with you, then I'd like to get to know you as well. Then if there's something we both like, we can add it to the roleplay. I want friends, not just partners!
3. Romance < Anything Else. That's not to say a romance plot is completely off the table, but I'm honestly burned out on shipping games. You know what would be rad? Adventure. Give me epic quests to undo a curse, or two people stuck together to fight a great evil! I can't get enough of weird adventures~
4. It turns out, age kind of does matter. This isn't a rule so much as a note of interest.
I'm an adult, and honestly, I'd like to try and RP with just adults. Please do not take this personally, but I don't feel comfortable playing with minors as a general rule. I've had too many issues with people outside of my age group, and I'd like to avoid further issues.
Extra Notes:
- When pairings are concerned, I can write anything (personalities matching are more important than gender), but prefer m/m or f/f.
- I don't play canon characters, but I can be convinced to write in fandom settings. I just... don't like playing other people's characters, generally.
- I like group RPs! ...But I'm shy, so I'm kinda choosy. :vioblush:
My RP Wishlist: (Sorted by most wanted)
Frankenstein - I have some reanimated OCs that I like to throw at people, either in plots involving their creation or otherwise. Do you want a stitched up pretty boy? How about a goth chick? Come and get them~!
Feudal Japan - Both fantasy or historical. Please this is my jam.
Epic quests in fantasy universes - I love worldbuilding! I have a few notes of worlds I'd like to mess about with, but I also like making one up with a partner as we go along!
Vampires - Vampires are my junk food. I will play almost any plot involving vampires that you throw at me.
Monster Hunters - It can be: Hunter/Hunter, Hunter/Monster, etc.

Posted in Confused Newbie
Posted 6 years ago
@Kurohon: I haven't looked yet but thanks! I'll definitely check it out. ^^