Chrysothemis's posts
Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
@strawberry: Oops. I missed your mention!! Q_Q
I like writing in general, but I have an issue with motivation. That's why I like RP, so I have someone writing with me (and someone to poke me to write more lol)
I try to! I finished a blanket not too long ago. I could give you sites with instructions and advice, if you'd like?

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
Welp, I did it. I snapped. Guess I can't go back to Sapherna now lol. I'm just so tired of people yelling at me for being upset about drama. What am I supposed to do? Roll over and let all this build up? I hate this. I hate caring. I'm so tired...

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 6 years ago
Sounds nice!

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
@strawberry: Mostly the fact that writing is the one skill I'd like to improve and work on long term. Though if I could get a proper degree in something like knitting, that'd be great lol.

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
Ugh. It's not working. I keep poking at the site anyway even though I know all I'm doing is annoying other users. I'm just so mad about it and I don't know what to do with all these feelings. I've tried asking other friends but letting go is easier said than done when I get easily fixated on things my brain considers problems. I haaaaaaate my mind so muuuuuch

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
@strawberry: I'm not sure how much I'd recommend it to the everyman, since I've been with the series since the very first game when I was a kid so I've got a lot of nostalgia working against me as a bias. It's nice though, and a lot simpler than most MMOs.
And I'm in community college at the moment, but I'm working slowly towards an English degree. ^^

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
@strawberry: I've been grinding in Guild Wars 2 and drinking lots of hot drinks. Aside from that and exploring around here, I've actually been quite boring lol. I'm just trying to enjoy my free time before the spring semester of college starts. It's gonna be a small one with just one class for me... but it's also my last one, so it's gotta be a good one... @_@

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Yeah. I've got a Backloggery account to keep track of them all and it's, uh... it's big, lol. Take a look for yourself!
@strawberry: I've never actually spoken it aloud, but I'd assume so. I always say the start of it as 'Chris', at least.

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 6 years ago
Oh? Are there other people that play the game here? I might need to look into it, then...

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
Ahh, gotcha. I think I have the ps4 version of it, but I haven't gotten around to playing it. I do that with a lot of games... @_@

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: !!! Thank you so much!!!
@strawberry: I have a few others that I use, I guess it just depends on what I feel like at that moment. Chrys just sounds cool and is usually not taken, so it's great. XD

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
I play a mix, but I prefer the PC overall. Though, I have a lot of Nintendo and Sony consoles. But now that JRPGs are getting more and more common on PC, I don't have to pick and chose as much. :P
And it is a nice game! It's got the best pve content of any mmo, I think. But it's pretty short compared to others in the genre, once you finish the main storyline there's not much for you besides side quests.
@strawberry: It's a Greek name that means Golden Justice. I got years and years ago from an ex-friend, and it's been one of my constant forum names. :P What made you pick yours?

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
Nice! I've been playing just Guild Wars 2 for now, but I've poked at Secret World Legends (which is made by the same people as Conan iirc) and I really want to play that BG game! I'm playing the older PC games right now, but I have the first ps2 game and its great~

@strawberry: Thanks, Strawberry. I guess whatever comes to mind? I'm not great with conversations...

Posted in I need a distraction please help
Posted 6 years ago
@dragoness129: I like MMOs a lot since I like to roleplay and the combat of standard mmorpgs is really nice to zone out with (especially now that I have my fancy Razer mouse with 12 buttons >3)
But I also play single player RPGs and games like Stardew Valley as well. One game I'm trying to get the effort up to play with the original Baldurs Gate trilogy, but I'm at a really tough part... ><