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Escape to Voltra!

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13 - There is a lot of time for the posting. ^_^
12 - There is a counting challenge on the first page. ^_^
11- Uggg, why do the Windows updates still go through even when you turn them off? Annoying!
10 - Good morning everyone! :vanora_heart:
9 -nods-
Going to be heading to bed now. Gotta get the girls up for school tomorrow, take a shower, play some D&D with the husband, chat for a bit, go to work, chat some more...
8 - I'd probably just skim, lol. I am curious to know what it is like. ^_^
7 - I'll join just to join when it is open for free. Gotta be everywhere! :vanora_heart:
6 - I am addicted to avie and pet sites both! ^_^
Though I have not been too active on any.
5 - It is really cute. I will wait until it is open for joining. I already tried to make an account, but you have to donate to it first. -is broke again-
4 - That is some great saving, Panda! Very nice!
3 - That is a lot of volts.
Even if the volts are not available by the time I make the posts, I can wait.
-is a patient dragon-
2 Thanks, Nalight and Panda! ^_^
Probably can't post too much tonight since I need to be going to bed soon.
1 No worries, Panda. Won't take me that long to finish! I got this! -determined- :vanora_sun:
Lol, I did notice Raxton said ores. Couldn't stop laughing.