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124 - notpapershark - The counting is for the tiers on the first page.
123 - I think there are about 8 people who popped in here.
122 - Cheese is best!
121 - Yep! Lots of people to chat with!

Sounds like a refresh is in order, bum.
120 - I've got veggie straws and cheese for a snack myself.
119 - They are doing good. Eating an ice cream sandwich as a snack.
118 - I am back!
117 - Gotta go get the kids from the bus stop.
116 - Aww -hugs- Upset stomaches are not good.
115 - Why are you dying, bum?
114 -rearranges my site list so it is a bit better-
113 -Googles Eldarya- Hmm.
112 - You are welcome, Skull!

The thread seems to have slowed down a bit.
111 - That does look really good! :vanora_heart: