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70 - I'm gonna work on getting a set of items on all, then lots of extras. Gotta keep an eye out for which sites start first.
69 - Yay for being everywhere! ^_^
68 - May have injured one of our party in the process, but he rolled a 1 on stealth and fell on his face into the room. Would have been ok otherwise, but now he is missing an eye.
67 - So, I just one shot the boss. :vanora_heart:
66 - Events are wonderful! :vanora_heart:
65 - It was pretty good! -snuggles on Panda- Don't sell yourself short.
64 - It does sound pretty cute! ^_^
63 - That is a rather kind dragon. ^_^
62 - Refreshes and goes to read.
61 - Ah, ok.
My phone has no space for anything.
60 - Are those avatar sites?
59 - I have the most avatars saved on Menewsha more than other sites. There is over 300 while the others are less than 100.
58 - That would be pretty fun! ^_^ It's always fun to play with faces and body parts on avies. ^_^
57 - Ah, good luck with it, Panda! ^_^