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138 - Careful not to triple post as well.
137 - Nalight- Yeah, that is what I think as well, not sure if I should point it out or not or to whom. Don't want people to get in trouble, but don't want them to break the rules.
I know Panda was told by one staff that it was against the rules to use posting styles.
136 - Yeah, I do that myself while I am at work.
135 - Yeah, rules are a part of every site.
134 -hugs Total- Boring work is no fun.
133 - They are working on setting it up so that it doesn't count for it, but it's not quite there yet.
132 - If you want to do just a color to your words, it should be fine. As long as it isn't gradient or a lot of code used in your post.
131 - Nope, because it gives you lots of extra volts for the coding used.
130 - Yep! I am saving up the volts for the next milestone item! We are pretty close!
129 - It's ok, vengance. Posting styles are not allowed anyways.
128 - Yeah, it does get rather quick in here sometimes. ^_^
127 - Yes! The chatting is the best! So many volts to be had and nice people to meet!
126 - NPS - Gotta apply to it. Panda put the limit at one right now.
125 - The tiers are the same, just +1k posts and +1 month.