Eruca's posts
Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: you know, that's how they recruit in Division.

Posted in Closed
Posted 7 years ago
@Dread Pirate: what's a burner phone?

Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: so you can be forgotten as deemed convenient for the MIB? xD That's very "greater good" minded of you.

Posted in Shark's Hangout
Posted 7 years ago
ohhh what was in it?
I've eaten nothing all day... Except a dark chocolate caramel so I'm really living.
I've eaten nothing all day... Except a dark chocolate caramel so I'm really living.

Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: AAAAH Hahaha!! Yesss
I'm all about dat bass!! No b.
I'm all about dat bass!! No b.

Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Haha I guess the memory erase thing works a lot less efficiently now that there's a twitter record of everything. Cool idea, but does not scale to social media.
Or maybe it does. I mean, it's basically magic.
Or maybe it does. I mean, it's basically magic.

Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Glume: Interesting! Will you tell me about what it means to be a chaote or should I google it?
There's no possible way we can measure subjective experiences directly, even if we turn away from science and look to the spiritual. So I think it's safe to say that we have no idea if my percept of this delicious sweetcake
is same or different from yours. But it's probably different. Chaos and entropy and whatever. I believe it.
Well, AIs are around in the work force now but our world has not collapsed because people get jobs programming and maintaining AIs now. They'e definitely not the Same people that were replaced by AI, the poor souls, but, there are new jobs that weren't there before. I don't think humanity be useless for the capitalist world for a lonnnggg while.
Google did just build an AI that can build other AIs and it's more efficient than human programmers, but it's still requires a lot of human intervention in many ways. Mainly contribution from data monkeys.
Ha. Good one about the flashy thing.
There's no possible way we can measure subjective experiences directly, even if we turn away from science and look to the spiritual. So I think it's safe to say that we have no idea if my percept of this delicious sweetcake

Well, AIs are around in the work force now but our world has not collapsed because people get jobs programming and maintaining AIs now. They'e definitely not the Same people that were replaced by AI, the poor souls, but, there are new jobs that weren't there before. I don't think humanity be useless for the capitalist world for a lonnnggg while.
Google did just build an AI that can build other AIs and it's more efficient than human programmers, but it's still requires a lot of human intervention in many ways. Mainly contribution from data monkeys.
Ha. Good one about the flashy thing.

Posted in Shark's Hangout
Posted 7 years ago
it really is.
hunger is living!!

hunger is living!!

Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
like big butts and i cannot lie
like big butts and i cannot lie

Posted in Closed
Posted 7 years ago
@Dread Pirate: I am wracking my brain for a witty made up number and it's not happening bcuz my own number keep popping up in my mind. lol
Call toll free number: 1-800-ded-body
I dun think that one's funny. Phone number puns can be So Great!! But this one is wasted potential.
It might be kind fun if I set up a real phone line just for this kinda like what Lucas Joyner did with his album and like entered people into a raffle so they can actually win something. But i don't want to get more spam/pay a second phone bill...
Depending on my career choice, I might be called scientist, data monkey, or hobo.
Call toll free number: 1-800-ded-body
I dun think that one's funny. Phone number puns can be So Great!! But this one is wasted potential.
It might be kind fun if I set up a real phone line just for this kinda like what Lucas Joyner did with his album and like entered people into a raffle so they can actually win something. But i don't want to get more spam/pay a second phone bill...
Depending on my career choice, I might be called scientist, data monkey, or hobo.

Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Probably because you are!! :vanora_xd:

Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Glume: I appreciate you taking the time. This has been a really interesting discussion and not robot-like at all. lol
I agree with you about the skynet thing. But whether we like it or not, advances in AI Are ensuring that machines can now do more and more (with a limit unless a massive paradigm shift happens, thank goodness). That's a fact, and you and me both have to live in a world with more and more pervasive AI tech. We can avoid it as much as we can, but, especially as a budding young careerist, it's extremely difficult to be out about functioning in society without partaking in it.
I'm not really familiar with the idea that thoughts are out there in the world and we just summon it with our minds. Seems preposterous at first glance, not gonna lie, but I'll watch that video and maybe it'll seem less absurd. Plato thought that about human knowledge too, (iirc).
But as for the collective consciousness, I think it exists too, kind of. I liked to think it's more like a shared cultural/societal understanding, and because it includes a collective, it has to be the lowest common demoninator and necessarily contains more garbage than brilliant ideas just because we are varied and the things that connect all of us get more and more 'basic' as more and more people are included in the collective. Evetually, ar the heart of it are pretty basic things like hunger, sleep, love for our kin, some shared recognition of value, etc. I think the trash is okay. Not good, just okay.
I agree with you about the skynet thing. But whether we like it or not, advances in AI Are ensuring that machines can now do more and more (with a limit unless a massive paradigm shift happens, thank goodness). That's a fact, and you and me both have to live in a world with more and more pervasive AI tech. We can avoid it as much as we can, but, especially as a budding young careerist, it's extremely difficult to be out about functioning in society without partaking in it.
I'm not really familiar with the idea that thoughts are out there in the world and we just summon it with our minds. Seems preposterous at first glance, not gonna lie, but I'll watch that video and maybe it'll seem less absurd. Plato thought that about human knowledge too, (iirc).
But as for the collective consciousness, I think it exists too, kind of. I liked to think it's more like a shared cultural/societal understanding, and because it includes a collective, it has to be the lowest common demoninator and necessarily contains more garbage than brilliant ideas just because we are varied and the things that connect all of us get more and more 'basic' as more and more people are included in the collective. Evetually, ar the heart of it are pretty basic things like hunger, sleep, love for our kin, some shared recognition of value, etc. I think the trash is okay. Not good, just okay.

Posted in Closed
Posted 7 years ago
Congratulations! You're the 999th user to dent my corpse! Call now to receive your prize!
No. Opthalmologists study and treat abnormal vision. I'm a student of psychology, believe it or not.
No. Opthalmologists study and treat abnormal vision. I'm a student of psychology, believe it or not.

Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
I am fallible