Fellowsheep's posts
Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks!
Posted 6 years ago
U for Unicorn Fish!
Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY?
Posted 6 years ago
Sea Witch o:
Posted in A wild Fellowsheep was Summoned
Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: o: Woah, you own a condo of your own now? Awesome! I can imagine it has. What's been your favorite part? I've got my own apartment now, though we're currently renting. We'll be moving either this or next year, and possibly to a whole new State.
Posted in Chat About Your Fav Childhood Cartoon Show
Posted 6 years ago
Good q. I really enjoyed The Tick, Gargoyles, anime the CN showed back in early 2000s (Inyuyasha, Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura), Kim Possible, and a few others. I had a lot of favs as a kid.
They really inspired me to get into art, although that's mostly writing and roleplaying now a days. I also used 'em as inspiration for a lot of story lines, especially when Naruto got on the CN, and everyone started doing "RPCs" on youtube and the sorts.
Ghost Hunters, Are You Afraid of the Dark, and a few other paranormal esque shows helped me be entertained & feel normal for having weird, probably paranormal experiences!
They really inspired me to get into art, although that's mostly writing and roleplaying now a days. I also used 'em as inspiration for a lot of story lines, especially when Naruto got on the CN, and everyone started doing "RPCs" on youtube and the sorts.
Ghost Hunters, Are You Afraid of the Dark, and a few other paranormal esque shows helped me be entertained & feel normal for having weird, probably paranormal experiences!
Posted in The Plants! They're alive!
Posted 6 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: I hope repotting goes well! How many do you have? :D
@Tuijp: Yeah, I accidentally gave 'em sunburn when I first got 'em. They're little seedlings still, less than 10in tall. When it's 60+f I let 'em hang out outside behind my shady ivys, and some of the bigger pots. The new leaves comin' in seem to enjoy it!
@Tuijp: Yeah, I accidentally gave 'em sunburn when I first got 'em. They're little seedlings still, less than 10in tall. When it's 60+f I let 'em hang out outside behind my shady ivys, and some of the bigger pots. The new leaves comin' in seem to enjoy it!
Posted in What Type Animal Would You Be?
Posted 6 years ago
House cat is #1 choice. I'd like to be rat, but I am not entirely certain it's the most fitting for me. I'm smart, but I'm really lazy.... Although.... There are some geniua lazy ratties out there...
Posted in Whatcha currently up to...?
Posted 6 years ago
@insomniapatient: Welcome home! I just got off work, did my shopping chore, and am aboutta pass the fuck out for a nap too.
Shall we have good naps, that we wake up from properly! I always seem to end up sleeping a full 4~6 hours.
Shall we have good naps, that we wake up from properly! I always seem to end up sleeping a full 4~6 hours.
Posted in A wild Fellowsheep was Summoned
Posted 6 years ago
@Q t e a p o n: Thank you! It's so warm here. And yes, I do believe Ernya was the last one I was active in for avatar themed ones. I've also been on a couple of RP forums hosted by invisionfree. c:
I am hoping I can stay active for a long period of time! I'm enjoying it so far. Smaller community feel here, too.
@totalanimefan: Yes, it has been! Here lately it's been a roller coaster of emotion, but I am hoping it's going to stabilize again soon. How about you? :D
I am hoping I can stay active for a long period of time! I'm enjoying it so far. Smaller community feel here, too.
@totalanimefan: Yes, it has been! Here lately it's been a roller coaster of emotion, but I am hoping it's going to stabilize again soon. How about you? :D
Posted in The Plants! They're alive!
Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Aw D: I've got a niiice patio with an awning so plenty of bright indirect light for me. Well, I guess you could have most varieties of cacti. o:
@Q t e a p o n: Magic, of course! Jk. You get plants that tolerate loooow light like english ivy. Pothos & snake are others that are good low light plants. If you give 'em outdoor treatment sometimes: they'll become bushy!
@Totalanimefan: I'd totally be down to interview some planets. See how Pluto really feels about it's promotions & demotions lol.
Half of my plants are from clippings/herb tins. It's surprising how well stuff roots.
@Q t e a p o n: Magic, of course! Jk. You get plants that tolerate loooow light like english ivy. Pothos & snake are others that are good low light plants. If you give 'em outdoor treatment sometimes: they'll become bushy!
@Totalanimefan: I'd totally be down to interview some planets. See how Pluto really feels about it's promotions & demotions lol.
Half of my plants are from clippings/herb tins. It's surprising how well stuff roots.
Posted in The Plants! They're alive!
Posted 6 years ago
I got into gardening last year, and since I live in an apartment: all of mine grow in pots. Most are outdoor plants. I had several survice winter! Most notably my catnip, and parsley. I might be able to post some progress pics later.
I've got honeysuckle, and coffee trees as my main additions this year, and I'll be sowing some habanero seeds tonight. How's your garden/house plants doin'?
I've got honeysuckle, and coffee trees as my main additions this year, and I'll be sowing some habanero seeds tonight. How's your garden/house plants doin'?
Posted in Which 7 Deadly Sin is the AAY?
Posted 6 years ago
Hah! Lust. I can see it.
Your avatar is wrath imo.
Your avatar is wrath imo.
Posted in A wild Fellowsheep was Summoned
Posted 6 years ago
@Vengeance: Oh sweet! Thank you! I am super excited to use the items! :D
@totalanimefan: Ahh! It is you! I used to go by PandaCat96. Ohboi. That's awesome c:
@totalanimefan: Ahh! It is you! I used to go by PandaCat96. Ohboi. That's awesome c:
Posted in A wild Fellowsheep was Summoned
Posted 6 years ago
@totalanimefan: Thank you! :frizzhappy: Did you used to lurk on Meneshwa and Ernya? I swear I've seen you on other forums before. It's always cool to see a familiar username!!
Posted in What do you do to relax?
Posted 6 years ago
Find tasty recipes, & cook 'em. Making bread is relaxing, as well. Just kneading the dough, and learning via trial & error. I don't have a stand mixer, or a kneading machine so it's all done by hand. I've learned the magic tricks to not having the dough stick to everything.