Fellowsheep's posts
Posted in Which 7 Deadly Sin is the AAY?
Posted 6 years ago
Gluttony fosho.
Posted in Unusual Personality Quirks: What Are Yours?
Posted 6 years ago
I like this q. I'm gonna say it's probably the fact I forget to breath. It used to be really bad when I was younger, and it usually happens when I focus hard, zone out, or get lost in my own head.
@emeraldthealien: I am addicted to Subway's southwest chipotle & creamy sriracha sauces. I've tried so hard to recreate them & failed. If I could, I totes would eat 'em more often.
@emeraldthealien: I am addicted to Subway's southwest chipotle & creamy sriracha sauces. I've tried so hard to recreate them & failed. If I could, I totes would eat 'em more often.
Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY?
Posted 6 years ago
A fumigent! An alchemist who specializes in poisonious gases
Posted in A wild Fellowsheep was Summoned
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Ohh, I've seen their thumbnails. I'll def check 'em out when I get some more down time.
Posted in A wild Fellowsheep was Summoned
Posted 6 years ago
@Kira: Mornin'! That I do, although most may be older than 20th century. The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England by Ian Mortimer is a lovely book that covers manners, building tools & methods, societiel values, clothing, etc. on medieval England. It focuses on the 14th century. You can also find a lot of translated medieval cookery books online, too! It seems custards have stayed the same through-out the centuries.
I also found a 16th or 17th century self-published book by this one man, which was a commentary on witchcraft. I can't recall his name but boy, was he pretentious. He called himself a unicorn amongst men, and a knight in the "about the author". Seemed like a neckbeard from history...
@Saeyra: Thank you! :frizzhappy: Which youtubers do you watch? I am always looking for new ones. I've just found Rachel Maksy, and been adorin' her vids.
I also found a 16th or 17th century self-published book by this one man, which was a commentary on witchcraft. I can't recall his name but boy, was he pretentious. He called himself a unicorn amongst men, and a knight in the "about the author". Seemed like a neckbeard from history...
@Saeyra: Thank you! :frizzhappy: Which youtubers do you watch? I am always looking for new ones. I've just found Rachel Maksy, and been adorin' her vids.
Posted in What games are you looking forward to in 2019?
Posted 6 years ago
Rune Factory 5 is probably my number one. It'll also prolly push me to get a switch at last. I'm looking forward to reviews for A Plague's Tale: Innocence. I'm wary of Elder Scrolls 6, & Dragon Age 4. I want them to be good so badly, but triple A studios (especially EA & Bethesda) have been screwing the pooch a lot recently.
I may get the new Animal Crossing, too, sometime. o:
I may get the new Animal Crossing, too, sometime. o:
Posted in Build-A-Pasture
Posted 6 years ago
Gonna use this as my residual testing thread for post layouts n stoof!
Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks!
Posted 6 years ago
Red Velvet Cake
Posted in A wild Fellowsheep was Summoned
Posted 6 years ago
Hallo~. I am an on and off again forum user. I'm interested in making adorable combos for my avvie, and possibly some roleplays. I read a lot of books, mostly historical fiction, or non fiction books on history. Usually I'm doing 11th~15th century research when I'm on a kick. Anywho-a-doodle, I gotta get some sleep before work! Cya :)