Katsuki Bakugo's posts
Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Shippo was finally done with his work then put the things away and went outside and took a deep breath. "Ah, time to eat!" He said then took off running. Then he stopped and caught a scent and frowned as he looked over at a tree. "So that's where the ass has been." He said with a glare then got an evil smile and went over. Grabbing a wash tub he placed it in the tree above Inuyasha then filled it with water then ever so gently placed a string on one of the demon's claws then took off like a shot.
Shippo was proud of himself as he went to Sango and Miroku's home, then a sweet smell caught his nose and he went over. "Oh wow! Berries! I bet Sango will like these!" He said then took out a cloth and picked several berries, eating a few first to make sure they would not hurt humans. Then once he had enough he took off once more.
Sasshomaru was just coming back to the small house he had made for Rin, in his arms was a dead boar. Once he walked in he set the boar down and looked over at the woman whom he had taking care of Rin. "Cook this up for you and Rin." He said then turned and walked through the house to the backyard and saw Rin taking care of Ah Un. She had grown so much in five years, there was so much he knew he could not teacher her. Not only was she human but she was slowly becoming a woman, and with him being a male and a demon.....he knew there was no way he could ever teach her those things. The man ran a hand through his now short hair and made a face. Never in all his long life had his hair ever been cut! But then he looked at Rin then at his two arms and thought it was worth it in the end.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago
It was a fine summer day, there was peace once again in the land thanks to the defeat of Naraku and the Jewel of Souls whole once more. Yeah there was trouble still but nothing too big. Inuyasha, who was meant to be helping out cleaning the newly made temple, was napping in the shade of a tree. One fuzzy ear would twitch every so often as he snoozed. The dog demon was famous for flaking out on his work and just doing what he wanted. The past five years he had just taken time for himself to think on things. The woman he had loved once was gone for good and never coming back, they all saw to that. But now there was this reminder of her, yeah he knew each woman was her own person but......deep down in the soul they were the same person.
"Ergh! Where is Inuyasha!" Shippo huffed and looked around. "Leaving me to do all the cleaning! He's still treating me like a kid!" He said with a pout then went back to dusting. "I should tell Kagome on him." He said then got an evil smile and went off to the room the dog demon was staying in. He giggled a bit then put a charm in the folded bedding then walked out with a sly look on his face. "That will teach him to skip out on cleaning!" The fox said then went of to finish his dusting, giggling every so often.
The young fox had grown quite a bit in the past five years and his voice was a bit changed as well, though he still had some childish looks. He also still played pranks but what kitsune didn't? He loved his new height and how he was a much better help than before, though Inuyasha still picked on him. Shippo also was friends with a young fox who was a shrine guard. The shrine was just a bit of ways out of the village and off the main path a bit. The girl and him would often play and hang out, it was nice having another fox around. And you can bet he was going to tell Mimiko about this prank!
Miroku was currently helping a sick old woman. "Yes I can't wait to see the child either!" The monk said with a proud smile. "I used to want a son but now....I think I want a daughter." He said with a smile as he helped the woman to lay back down. "Well what ever the child will be, I bet it will be a blessing to it's parents." The old woman said with a smile. "I thank you for that, now you get some rest and I will be back to night." Miroku said then stood up with a smile. "Oh would you bring that wife of yours when you do? She is such a nice girl." Asked the woman. The monk gave a nod. "Well then I will just to have you smile, now rest and feel better." He said then bowed and left the small house. "Well better go and check on Sango!" He said with a smile then started to walk off. The man had been bragging about his wife and soon to be child, and he would do the same once the little one got here.
"Ergh! Where is Inuyasha!" Shippo huffed and looked around. "Leaving me to do all the cleaning! He's still treating me like a kid!" He said with a pout then went back to dusting. "I should tell Kagome on him." He said then got an evil smile and went off to the room the dog demon was staying in. He giggled a bit then put a charm in the folded bedding then walked out with a sly look on his face. "That will teach him to skip out on cleaning!" The fox said then went of to finish his dusting, giggling every so often.
The young fox had grown quite a bit in the past five years and his voice was a bit changed as well, though he still had some childish looks. He also still played pranks but what kitsune didn't? He loved his new height and how he was a much better help than before, though Inuyasha still picked on him. Shippo also was friends with a young fox who was a shrine guard. The shrine was just a bit of ways out of the village and off the main path a bit. The girl and him would often play and hang out, it was nice having another fox around. And you can bet he was going to tell Mimiko about this prank!
Miroku was currently helping a sick old woman. "Yes I can't wait to see the child either!" The monk said with a proud smile. "I used to want a son but now....I think I want a daughter." He said with a smile as he helped the woman to lay back down. "Well what ever the child will be, I bet it will be a blessing to it's parents." The old woman said with a smile. "I thank you for that, now you get some rest and I will be back to night." Miroku said then stood up with a smile. "Oh would you bring that wife of yours when you do? She is such a nice girl." Asked the woman. The monk gave a nod. "Well then I will just to have you smile, now rest and feel better." He said then bowed and left the small house. "Well better go and check on Sango!" He said with a smile then started to walk off. The man had been bragging about his wife and soon to be child, and he would do the same once the little one got here.

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars
Posted 7 years ago

The most I can do is take them to grandpa's pool. And they like root beer, not me. XP And the funny things is, my 6 year old is wanting to go back to school! He never wanted to be out for summer. XD LMAO

Posted in [1x1 Search Request] -insert clever title here-
Posted 7 years ago

Though I know a few spoilers thanks to the new Royal add on. ^_~ But yeah I like that!!
So how would it go and who do you want to play? I have no problem playing guys despite being a girl. But I will say I don't know too much about Lady Luna....I ship Noct and Prompto so hard XD.

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago
It is five years after the Jewel of Souls has been completed, Naraku has been defeated and life has gotten better. Kagome had decided to stay in the past as the guardian of the Jewel. Life has gone on and is good, but there is still unrest in the lands and people, monsters and demons who still are after the jewel. So here are the stories of those who survived after the chaos that Naraku created.

His human form

Name: Inuyasha
Age: unknown but looks to be in early 20s
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 200
Bio: Half dog demon, born to Lady Izayoi and a powerful dog demon. His father died the day he was born leaving his mother to raise him alone till she died when he was still young. He once fell in love with a woman but both were tricked then he was sealed for 50 years. He ventured later on to get the Jewel of Souls back into one piece. Then the day is was complete he decided to give up on his goal of becoming a whole demon. He has an attitude and is not afraid to show it. Though he does not really know where his heart lies anymore due to bouncing back and forth between one woman and a girl, her reincarnation. So for now he is just stepping back and see where things take him.

Name: Sesshomaru
Age: unknown but looks to be in late 20’s early 30’s
Height: 6ft
Weight: 200
Bio: A pure blood demon born of two powerful dog demons, he is also the half older brother of Inuyasha. He once lost and arm to his brother during a fight. Later on the man took in a young girl named Rin whom he treats kindly to and keeps around with him. He brought her back with his sword and even once had his mother bring the girl back when she died again. No one really knows how this man feels about the girl as he never says.
Skip forward to five years after the Jewel of Souls is completed Sesshomaru had found a way to gain his arm back. He fought long and hard, which he had not done in a very long time. But in the end he got his arm back but at the cost of his long silver hair getting cut off. There is a scar on his back from the claws that cut his hair off. He was beyond pissed when he found out his hair was cut off, and the teasing he gets from his younger brother does not help either.

Name: Shippo
Age: 15
Height: 5ft
Weight: 100
Bio: A young kitsune who parents were killed by demons. He traveled with Kagome and the others to get the jewel back whole. But he was always picked on by Inuyasha for being so small, and to the dog demon, annoying as well and for being too much of a child. Now as it is five years after the jewel has been completed he actually had a growth spurt and is a bit taller but still has his boyish looks.

Her skin is not that pale
Name: Mimiko
Age: unknown but is young
Height: 5ft
Weight: 94
Bio: Mimiko is a new Shrine Guardian but likes to sneak away from her duties and go over and play with Shippo. She also has a small crush on him but is too shy to say or do anything. Mimiko loves sweet things and loves to help out but often gets in trouble for skipping out on work. She is a skilled fighter despite how she looks.

Name: Miroku
Age: 22
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 200
Bio: A monk who bares a family curse thanks to the demon Naraku. But when the demon was destroyed once and for all the curse was lifted and his hand went back to normal. Though he still wears the cloth and beads, as it just felt strange not be be wearing it. After the jewel was completed he kept good on his word and married Sango and have a little one on the way. He loves his family more than anything in the world, but on occasion will still get slapped when looking at a pretty woman. He helps out as the village monk and cares for the sick and does all the work a monk does.

Name: Koga
Age: unknown
Height: 5ft 10 in
Weight: 180
Bio: Wolf demon and pack leader and alpha. He is very proud and loves to run at high speeds and is the most powerful wolf demon around. He used to be in love with Kagome but a man can only take getting turned down so many times and he gave up on her. He now just does what is best for his pack and even saved a wolf girl a bit ago. With his two friends Ginta and Hakaku they go about making sure that the pack is safe and have all that it needs. He still has a huge hate and dislike of Inuyasha.

His human form

Name: Inuyasha
Age: unknown but looks to be in early 20s
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 200
Bio: Half dog demon, born to Lady Izayoi and a powerful dog demon. His father died the day he was born leaving his mother to raise him alone till she died when he was still young. He once fell in love with a woman but both were tricked then he was sealed for 50 years. He ventured later on to get the Jewel of Souls back into one piece. Then the day is was complete he decided to give up on his goal of becoming a whole demon. He has an attitude and is not afraid to show it. Though he does not really know where his heart lies anymore due to bouncing back and forth between one woman and a girl, her reincarnation. So for now he is just stepping back and see where things take him.

Name: Sesshomaru
Age: unknown but looks to be in late 20’s early 30’s
Height: 6ft
Weight: 200
Bio: A pure blood demon born of two powerful dog demons, he is also the half older brother of Inuyasha. He once lost and arm to his brother during a fight. Later on the man took in a young girl named Rin whom he treats kindly to and keeps around with him. He brought her back with his sword and even once had his mother bring the girl back when she died again. No one really knows how this man feels about the girl as he never says.
Skip forward to five years after the Jewel of Souls is completed Sesshomaru had found a way to gain his arm back. He fought long and hard, which he had not done in a very long time. But in the end he got his arm back but at the cost of his long silver hair getting cut off. There is a scar on his back from the claws that cut his hair off. He was beyond pissed when he found out his hair was cut off, and the teasing he gets from his younger brother does not help either.

Name: Shippo
Age: 15
Height: 5ft
Weight: 100
Bio: A young kitsune who parents were killed by demons. He traveled with Kagome and the others to get the jewel back whole. But he was always picked on by Inuyasha for being so small, and to the dog demon, annoying as well and for being too much of a child. Now as it is five years after the jewel has been completed he actually had a growth spurt and is a bit taller but still has his boyish looks.

Her skin is not that pale
Name: Mimiko
Age: unknown but is young
Height: 5ft
Weight: 94
Bio: Mimiko is a new Shrine Guardian but likes to sneak away from her duties and go over and play with Shippo. She also has a small crush on him but is too shy to say or do anything. Mimiko loves sweet things and loves to help out but often gets in trouble for skipping out on work. She is a skilled fighter despite how she looks.

Name: Miroku
Age: 22
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 200
Bio: A monk who bares a family curse thanks to the demon Naraku. But when the demon was destroyed once and for all the curse was lifted and his hand went back to normal. Though he still wears the cloth and beads, as it just felt strange not be be wearing it. After the jewel was completed he kept good on his word and married Sango and have a little one on the way. He loves his family more than anything in the world, but on occasion will still get slapped when looking at a pretty woman. He helps out as the village monk and cares for the sick and does all the work a monk does.

Name: Koga
Age: unknown
Height: 5ft 10 in
Weight: 180
Bio: Wolf demon and pack leader and alpha. He is very proud and loves to run at high speeds and is the most powerful wolf demon around. He used to be in love with Kagome but a man can only take getting turned down so many times and he gave up on her. He now just does what is best for his pack and even saved a wolf girl a bit ago. With his two friends Ginta and Hakaku they go about making sure that the pack is safe and have all that it needs. He still has a huge hate and dislike of Inuyasha.

Posted in [1x1 Search Request] -insert clever title here-
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

Just to let you know I have seen all the original 147 episodes of the anime but stopped watching after that when things changed a bit too much for me, and I have the manga all the way up in the 30's/ stores in my area stopped selling the books years ago. T_T
I was a devout fan since it came to America(yeah I'm old >.>) But yeah what I mostly know now is all old. lol(which is the best I'd have to say, I LOVE pissy and 'I hate you all' Inuyasha the most. XD
Sorry for rambling on. XD lol

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

For YEARS I had begged for an Inuyasha rp but no one knew enough about the manga or anime( I mostly base stuff off manga).
But yeah just had to say "You lucky dog!" lol (yeah sorry lame joke XD)

Posted in [1x1 Search Request] -insert clever title here-
Posted 7 years ago

You got any plots or stories for that? I'm a huge fan of the game and have well over 100 hours on it. XD

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Modern Black Butler group search~OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

And we are open!! ^_^