Katsuki Bakugo's posts
Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago

And it's not too hard to really understand the rp, I mean they are going about solving cases,, much like what you see on TV like CSI, only they are not CSI guys.
But really I have just fallen out of the idea too much. I mean I would much rather rp then spend days trying to explain things, I'm a mom of two young boys and don't have all the time in the world. Plus I tend to get stressed out a bit too easy.
So yeah sorry about all this, guess I was just jumping the gun and getting too excited about things. I've had nothing but pure fucked up luck trying to find another RP partner, I keep getting people just up and leaving and not saying a word or ones who just can't be active enough an give up and leave(this has happened on other sites as well) And I guess I just never will find another. I've had 6 role plays fall through in the past 2 months alone. I'm getting just too upset about it and yeah it's been rough.
But yeah I think I'm just going to end this and leave this site for good and mean soon Saph will be coming back and I'll be there more than here plus one other site was well. Sorry bout all this and really I've just lost the will to keep this rp going and lost all my ideas for it.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago

But if you want then I can edit and you can start things off,but remember that detectives are normally called in after the fact. It's police and CSIs that do the first preliminary things. Which means just basic things were done, removing the body and photos taken of the place. Our guys would have to go in and really do the real work.
But if you want we can change things and just make them cops and not detectives I guess that is fine.

Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!!
Posted 6 years ago

Plus I feel I am getting a bit too old to put up with the BS some users put out anymore on all avatar sites. Not all users and not all sites mind you, just a few acting like they are 14 and not 30. -_- Or having a 17 year old try and treat me like a 10 year old when I'm 31.

Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!!
Posted 6 years ago

I'm hoping to sell somethings and trade off my Sky Master to get two items, I really love my Sky Master but...what else can I do?

Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!!
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!!
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 6 years ago

WIP....possibly, might just end this rp.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago

Oh that's fine, and sorry for the late reply, today was a bit busy for me.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago

And here is the rp, don't feel like you have to post as much as I do. My opening posts are always a bit long. ^_~ lol

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 6 years ago

"Wake up Vlad, you can stop dreaming about me because I am here, mon amie." Siad a thick accented French voice. Red eye slowly opened and peaked out from under black and red hair. "I am awake now, and who said I was dreaming about you?" Vlad smirked his Russian accent not as thick as his husband's French one. "Oh now that's just mean!" Jacque said with a pout and got off the bed. Vlad chuckled a bit then got up and kissed his husband on the cheek. "I am just messing." He said with a smile then went and took a long hot shower. After he got out he got dressed then sat down to eat the breakfast Jacque had made for him. They chatted a bit then Vlad got up then went over and pinned Jacque to the wall. "Time for my 'coffee'." Vlad said with a smirk then went in and bit Jacque's neck and fed from him. This was Jacque's favorite part of the day. Thanks to Vlad being mated to Jacque he could only stand the blood of his husband, others just didn't taste right to him. Jacque always made sure to drink plenty of the blood delivered everyday so he had enough to feed his husband. They got blood from special centers where humans donated and were paid a lot for their blood.
Vlad pulled back and licked his lips as his eyes gave a red glow, he watched the marks heal up on Jacque. "Well I better get going, do not want to make Jordan wait too long on me." Vlad said with a small smile then pulled his coat on then kissed his husband goodbye then walked out into the snow covered world. It was not as cold as the Mother Country but it was still nice. Vlad walked down the steps and out the small gate then down the sidewalk. He lit up a cinnamon flavored and scented cigarette, there was no fear of lung cancer for him as he body healed the damages his smoking caused. And thanks to his brand he always smelled of cinnamon. Vlad took in the hustle and bustle of people all heading to work or school. He gave a soft smile as he saw a few kids throwing snow balls then turned down a street and kept walking. Soon he came to an old looking building and blew out a large cloud of smoke then put his cigarette out then walked into the building. Vlad was greeted by the elf receptionist at the front desk and he nodded then went back to his office and hung his coat up. He then booted up his computer and looked around for his partner Jordan. They worked for an agency that only dealt with supernatural cases, they took on their own or had some dumped on them from the NYCPD. "Hope today is a slow day." He said as he sat back in his chair.

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago

And yeah I always plan out as well. XD lol Just a lot of times it's all in my head. lol
So who do you want to start the rp? I don't mind either way.

Posted in Pine Trees and Shooting Stars
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Elric and Rave OOC
Posted 6 years ago

He may pop in from time to time so just wanted to show what he looked like.
Hmm America if fine by me, I don't really care to be honest. XD