Katsuki Bakugo's posts
Posted in Luc's Coins: Temporarily Closed
Posted 7 years ago

Seafloor Fashionista x1

Posted in Alchemist Corner
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Alchemist Corner
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Luc's Coins: Temporarily Closed
Posted 7 years ago

It's cool. ^_^

Posted in Luc's Coins: Temporarily Closed
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Miroku blinked a bit as Inuyasha explained things. "Ah, must be foreigners. When Sango and I went last year to the city there were all kinds of them there....er Dutch I think they were called." Miroku said as he put a hand to his chin. "Kinda odd they have made their way out this far though. Most just do trading and stay in the city or villages near the city." Then as he heard the thunder he stood up and started to close the windows to keep the soon coming rain out.
Koga watched as the last of the pack made it in and the trees being struck and catching fire. Then he quickly looked around and checked his pack. All there, none hurt. But the young ones and pups seemed a bit scared. Then he went over and stood next to Sayrui. "Looks like it might be a bad one, can you help with the little ones? I'm going to stay here and keep an eye on things." He said then looked out at the storm.

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Posted 7 years ago

Inuyasha leaned forward a bit more, which caused a branch to break off and fall to the ground. "Tsk, shit!" He said then was quickly gone. He quickly made his way back and burst into Sango and Miroku's home. "You'll never guess what I saw!"
"And there goes the peace." Miroku said with a flat look as he looked at the man standing in their home. He then looked Inuyasha over and saw the state he was in and smirked a bit as he got 'that' look on his face. "Let me guess, did it happen to look like...." he started then felt an icy cold next to him and looked at his wife and shut his mouth quickly before he got slapped.
Koga had started to move out with the pack, going in the direction that the two had gone before them all. Then he saw the two come back and told him of a cave. The thunder started to get louder and more often. "HURRY!" He called out as lightning started to strike. Koga ran for the caves as he followed his two friends. "Ginta, go and help the ones in the back! Quickly, we need to get everyone inside!" He called out. Ginta nodded and took off to do what he was told. The winds picked up as well as the rains started to fall, it was going to be a nasty storm.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Miroku sighed. "The waiting is so hard! Who knew it would take so long." Then he rubbed her tummy a bit. "Do you want me to give you a massage? Bet you must be tired and a bit sore from this big tummy!" He said with a smile. "I can even go later on and help you bathe too!" He said with a sexy look, anything to be able to sneak a peek. Five years might have gone by but the man hardly changed, just saved his antics for one woman, his wife.
"Ayame is like that with all the women and females!" Koga said with a glare. "Just wish she'd hurry up and find herself a mate and leave me the hell alone!" He said then looked up as he heard a clap of thunder. "We need to move and find a cave. I can smell rain." He said with a serious look then gave a whistle and called out that they would soon be moving out. "Hey you two! Go and scout ahead and see what you can find!" Koga said to Ginta and Hakkaku. The two nodded then took off running. "Sayuri, I need you to go and let the females in the water that we are moving out." He said then went to the water to tell the males as well.

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Posted 7 years ago

Miroku nodded. "Yeah, and glad all that is over with. Maybe he is turning out to be like his brother?" He said with a smirk. "But Inuyasha always has been so hard headed and stubborn." He said with a sigh. "Who knows what's going on in his head." He said then set his cup down and put his hand on his wife's tummy. "Well what ever happens I just hope they both end up happy." He said then went in and gently kissed Sango. "I think we all deserve to be happy. Now when are you going to have our daughter! I can't wait to hold her!" He said with a smile.
Koga blinked a bit then smirked. "Yeah? Well I bet I can find out." He said then paled when he heard that name. That was one wolf he could go the rest of his life without seeing again! Yeah she was a good kids but way to clingy! Plus the girl could not take no for an answer! "Er ah her and her people are in the mountains! And I have NO plans to go that far.....ever!" He said with a serious look. "Besides she's way too young for me!"
Sesshomaru explained to Rin what she would be doing for a few days, he told her that he waned her there because of the demon prowling about. Which yeah part of that was true, but he just mostly hoped that she would like the place and would want to stay there. It took him 5 years to finally trust this human woman enough to do this. So he had faith that she would help Rin out as much as she could.

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Posted 7 years ago

Miroku just sighed deeply. "Well the man is still hung up on Kikiyo. Course he is hard headed and seems to have a one track mind." Then he looked at his covered hand. "Or maybe the simple life is just not for him. Look at his brother Sesshomaru, that guy is always going here and there. Maybe Inuyasha is just antsy?" He said with a shrug. Then he smirked a bit and knew what the man really needed, though he was not going to say it out loud. When he was having a bad time or Sango seemed extra cranky, a good romp really helped release the stress! Then he chuckled a bit as he sat there as he tried to picture Inuyasha in a geisha house.
Koga rubbed the back of his head. "I ah was trying to make sure you didn't see it." He said then blinked a bit at what he heard. Oh yeah he bet there were a lot who really liked him now, he showed them all of what he had. Then he got a sly look on his face. "So what about you? Are you one of those girls?" He asked with a smirk.
Sesshomaru just sat back and looked out the windows at the world as he sipped his sake. Perhaps he should soon find a man for Rin? "Shayla, I want you to take Rin to your village for a night or two. Take her around and let her see how things are there." He said as he looked over at the woman. Maybe now he could get Rin to go to a human village, The girl greatly looked up to the woman so maybe now she would want to go.

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Posted 7 years ago

Inuyasha then went outside and sat down with a sigh, his hair was still pulled back as he had yet to take it down. Then he pulled out a paper and looked at it. It was a colored painting done of his dad, Myoga had found for him a few years back. Ever since the jewel had been completed he felt, incomplete, like there was something missing. With a sigh Inuyasha put the paper back then stood up and went to his kimono to see if it was dry.
Miroku sighed and sipped his tea. "Maybe he is actually a child still. Maybe half demons age super slow." He joked then looked down and smiled at his wife. Shippo quickly had eaten and then cleaned up for the couple then ran off in a hurry. Miroku chuckled as he saw the fox run off. "Bet he is headed to see Mimiko." Miroku said with a smile. "Can't blame him, she is cute...er not not like that. more like how a kid is cute!" He said quickly to prevent Sango from getting the wrong idea and slapping him.
Shippo had made it to the shrine and looked around. "Mimiko?" He asked as he walked around looking for the girl. "BOO!" Called out a voice and caused Shippo to scream as the girl giggled. "Got you Shippo!" Mimiko said then smiled. "D did not! I was just pretending!" Shippo huffed. This just made the girl giggle more. Then the two started to walk and talk a bit.
Koga glared at the two then turned to walk off and find something to eat, he got tired of the looks he was getting. He wasn't paying any attention to where he was going and just about mowed over Sayuri. "Er ah s sorry!" He said then moved back and looked at the woman. He blushed a bit as his mind started to wander back to the water. "Er um ah sorry about before. I was just trying to catch a snake, honest! Don't want it to scare or bite the females!"
Sesshomaru shook his head no. "I don't eat human foods." He said then sipped his sake then stood up and went out and called Rin in to eat. She had gotten so big in such a short time. Thoughts came to him as he looked at her, things that were said to him not only from his mother but from others. How much longer could he really keep her with him. He knew that at some point she would want a family of her own, a husband and kids. What would he do then? Could he really just hand her over to some human man? Sesshomaru sighed deeply as he stood there.

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Posted 7 years ago

Shippo went inside and sat down and started to eat, he looked down a bit as he heard the two outside. Maybe he would visit Mimiko after lunch. Miroku sighed as he sat down and shook his head, if Kagome went and did Inuyasha's work he was going to kick the guys ass. "I swear it's Inuyasha is the one who needs to grow up!" Miroku said with a look as he ate a bit.
Koga quickly tossed the snake then quickly covered himself then took off running, his face was beat red. His two friends came running up with his clothes as they giggled and laughed at the man. Koga glared then quickly got dressed and pulled his hair back and sat down as he glared at the two men. "Shut up already!" He snapped then groaned a bit. "Great bet she now thinks I'm a pervert!" He said as he covered his eyes. He just wasn't thinking and just wanted to keep the females safe. No way did he mean to expose himself to them all, but he did get a few looks at the..........yeah he just better stop there before his mind went too far on that!
Sesshomaru gave a nod then went and sat down, letting his tail fall off his shoulder and to the floor. "There is another dog demon going around here. I want you to make sure Rin stays safe while I track it down and kill it." He said then poured himself a bit of sake. "There are a few weapons plus Ah Un to protect you both should the demon make it this far." He said then took a sip, course it would not do a thing to him. It would take a lot to get the man drunk or even buzzed, he just liked the taste. "And if things get too bad Rin knows what do." He said without looking up.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Koga yawned a bit and then saw a water snake and glared then stood up, well he was not the only one who had seen this. Soon three grown men were all yelling and trying to get this one small snake. Even a few wolves got in on the action and soon they had made their way over to the other side of the baths. "GOT IT!" Koga said with a proud smile as he stood tall and held the snake in one hand. Then he looked at the females and blushed hard, for the man was standing there in the nude for ALL to see, not even his down wet hair could hide his body. Koga just stood there looking at the women, blinking every so often.
Sesshomaru gave a nod then turned and looked back out at Rin. So many times he thought about letting the girl go back to a human village, heck he even took her a few times but each time she refused to stay. He knew she thought of him as a father, but part of him didn't mind that, not really. Hell he didn't even know if he would ever mate and have offspring of his own. Some how that just didn't seem like him, but he knew that he should so as to keep his line going at least. "I shall be here a few nights then I will be going again. Is there anything she or you need?" He asked without looking back. Jaken he had left to keep watch over his mother. The man just felt the need to do things alone, even leaving his pet dragon for Rin.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Just then Shippo came in with a smile. "Hello! Look what I got!" He said with an excited look and came over and dumped the many berries into a bowl. "Hello Shippo." Miroku said with a smile. Shippo smiled then greeted the others and informed them that once again Inuyasha had skipped out on cleaning. "But don't worry, I'm sure he'll help out next time!" Shippo said then giggled the way he normally did when he pulled pranks on the deg demon.
Koga was taking a bath and relaxing in the nice cool water, or he would be if not for two certain demons. "HEY! Would you two knock it off!" He yelled with a glare. Gina and Hakaku both blinked a bit then blushed and said they were sorry and just sat back and enjoyed the water as well. Once the splashing was done Koga let out a sigh and laid back in the water. It was a very hot day and many of the pack was in the water as well. Though the females were in a different part of the water to keep the males from looking at them. Course Koga only liked to sneak a peek at one, the new female in the pack. She was a hell of a lot nicer and lass annoying than Ayame! Plus the new female actually had boobs!
Sesshomaru pulled back from the door and looked over at the woman. "How is she doing?" It was a question he always asked when he came back after being gone long periods of time. He was still in search for a few answers and to make sure all his his territory was just how he liked it. He never bothered with the lesser demons, those were below him! So long as those damn cats didn't come back then things would be just fine. But he had often caught the faint scent of another dog demon, it was this demon he was tracking and trying to find. Once he found it he would kill it for daring to come into the lands of his father.