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Posted in Legend of Zelda group idea Posted 6 years ago
Well that is just one idea I have and Hyrule is called Hyrule bc of the Goddess Hylia.
The other idea is just a modern LoZ where they have cell phones and the like but it's not totally modern. There are no air planes just trains, bc of Spirit Tracks.
I've updated my first post.
Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs Posted 6 years ago
@Quoth the Raven: Neat, like the guy. ^_^ And yeah modern and living with humans, but I'd say that it's not comfortable. Like the humans still don't trust the non humans all that well, kinda like the Netflix movie Bright.
I made an OOC so that we can talk more about things about the rp there, I also posted my character in there as well ^_~
Posted in Elric and Rave OOC Posted 6 years ago
First Case: Murder
Posted in Elric and Rave OOC Posted 6 years ago
This is an OOC only us two can use so please if you are not Quoth the Raven or Blair Elric please do not post here, please and thank you. ^_^

My character

Name: Vladimir Proval Le Blanc goes by Vlad
Age: 112
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 178
Race: Vampire
Sexuality: gay
Marital status: Married
Bio: Vlad is a born vampire from Russia his family have been police, in some form or fashion, over the years so naturally he followed in the Proval family business. The only difference is that he helps only with non human/supernatural cases or where supernatural beings have been involved in. He is married to Jacque Le Blanc and they have been married for 47 years now.

Very minor character/won’t have a full role just when he comes up, so here is basic info
Name: Jacque Le Blanc
Age: 102
Height: 6ft
Bio: Jacque is a French turned vampire who is a ‘housewife’ for Vlad. Jacque was forced to be turned on his 21st birthday which resulted in just one of his eyes going red. Seeing as he is not dead and still has a heartbeat and can be in the sun he is called a half made vampire. But that doesn’t stop his husband from loving him.
Posted in Legend of Zelda group idea Posted 6 years ago
@Kent: Ah I see, but that's fine and it's easy to role play ^_~
I'd be it's own story. I am doing a thing a bit different, instead of Hylians/humans being the main race the Zora and Rito(botw) are the main races, Zora being the first and one sitting the throne of Hyrule. It's the basic lore with a bit of a modernness to it.
Posted in Legend of Zelda group idea Posted 6 years ago
I would like to first off know how many would actually want to do a LoZ rp. The rules are this:

1) you would have to post a max of 2x a day and go no more then two days without replying
2) there will be NO one liners and you MUST post a max of at least 7 sentences

Modern LoZ
LoZ Water World(a story line of my own with the Wind Waker map of sorts, Zora are the dominant race here)
~~Want more details of these? Then post below ^_~

PLEASE ping me to get my attention. And I would greatly love to know if there would be enough people to do a group role play for us Zelda fans. ^_^
Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs Posted 6 years ago
@Quoth the Raven: Oh I like that one as well. ^_^ My book is sitting on a shelf, I have like a tons of books and am picky about them. lol

Well we can play it by ear, with it being many cases we can just make up details as we go. Like one of us can play the boss to give out case details for the basics and just go from there. ^_~
Sweet! And no you don't need a pic, so long as I know what your character looks like in my heard is fine. Mostly hair and eye and skin color and how tall they are and body build, like extra thin or just average male build. Just the basics. I SUCK SUCK at art anymore and never have enough currency on any site to get art of my OCs so I use pics then make that character around the pic.
Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs Posted 6 years ago
@Quoth the Raven: Well for one The Raven then it would be the Tale tell Heart then The Mask of the Red Death. ^_^ I have a book of his complete works and I have just about read the whole book. ^_~

Sweet! Well they can do both I think, but murder first for sure!! It's an easy way to keep the rp going for awhile. Also for character profiles do you like real pics or do mind anime ones? I'm good either way as I normally like to have a photo at least for my character as it helps me better get into character. :3
Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs Posted 6 years ago
@Quoth the Raven: Oh I know how you feel. I just have the one rp partner and I would love to have more but it's hard trying to find ones. I've been looking on here and just about gave up till I saw this, to be honest it was your username that drew me in, I'm a huge Poe fan. ^_^
Also for a bit of an idea I was thinking supernatural detectives, both our characters being vampires and detectives helping out the non human community . That way it can give us diff stories which can/will be the cease they work. I just kinda popping into my head just now. XD lol
Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs Posted 6 years ago
@Quoth the Raven: Sweet! ^_^ Yeah I'm here everyday but just to do a few small things. I'm also off and on busy since I'm a mom and housewife. I try to post as much as I can but understand that others also have a life and are busy. I just get annoyed when people poof and don't say. I too will always say when I am busy or can't post. I like when people keep me in the know and I do the same as well. ^_^

So, down to it. I am in a vampire mood but don't have much of an idea on a story. I'm used to doing MxM rps as of late and would love a non romance one. Some thing with a bit of action sounds nice. ^_^
Posted in Looking for 1 x 1 RPs Posted 6 years ago
How active are you? I wouldn't mind doing a role play but I only rp with active people. If there is more than 4 days since a reply I will lose interest fast. I've had TOO many people start a rp with me and then just vanish(not just on this site but others). So yeah I'm a bit leary to start rps now a days.
Posted in Quitting sale, ALL must go!! Posted 7 years ago
Updated as of august 27
Reminder please ping or I will not see your post
Posted in All items sold: Thank you! Posted 7 years ago
@MoonEevee: Thank you! ^_^
Posted in All items sold: Thank you! Posted 7 years ago
@MoonEevee: May I buy your sky master?