Katsuki Bakugo's posts
Posted in Modern Black Butler group search~OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Modern Black Butler group search~OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

My Characters:

Name: Leonardo Alexander Croft goes by Lee
Age: 20
Title: Earl
Height: 5ft 8 in
Weight: 140
Race: human
Location of Demon Seal: over his heart
Bio: Lee's parents were killed in the London fires, Lee only managed to get out alive thanks to a man. Only later on the man turned around and used him. At the age of 11 he was made to be part of a ritual to summon a demon, but it failed. This went on for several years till he turned 18, only the beating went on. His Uncle had found him and died saving him. Lee then took over his family's fortune and his father's title but was then bumped down to Earl.
At the last summoning a demon finally showed up, but was instead bound to Lee and not the others. Lee's Seal is located over his heart. And has had his demon for two years and runs a shipping company.

Name: Xander Michaelis
Age: Unknown
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 146
Race: Demon
Master: none yet
Location of Demon Seal: on the back of his neck
Human form only has no wings
Uniform: Colors are black and white, Jacket is white.

Bio: Is the younger brother of Sebastian Michaelis. He is an Arch Demon and is very powerful.

Name: Sebastian Michaelis
Age: Unknown
Height: 6ft even
Weight: 200
Race: Demon
Master: n/a
Location of Demon Seal: hand
Bio: Is Xander's older brother and is an Arch demon who is the second most powerful demon alive.

His scythe

Name: Undertaker
Age: unknown
Height: 6ft
Weight: 200
Race: former Grim Reaper
Bio: Works as an Undertaker and information broker, the rest is unknown.

Posted in Modern Black Butler group search~OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

Follow all of Voltra's rules
NO godmodding!!
No over powered characters(be it demonic power or human rank meaning no Kings or rulers of a territory)
Please do not try to control another person's character or do things to them unless you ask them first(such as cutting an arm off)
Romance is allowed/ ANY romance be it two girls, two guys or a guy and a girl(or anything else ALL is allowed just not going to break it down lol)
YES you and another character can have kids with ANY you wish(be it human or demon or angel)
NOTE: Grim Reapers are DEAD : meaning they cannot have kids but they can still eat and drink though they do not have to
NOTE 2: Grim Reapers are the humans that all had taken their own lives(as per the lore in BB) and all reapers MUST wear glasses(as per the lore in BB)
DO NOT post in the main rp till I have approved your character
NO you do not have to play a servant or a master
YES you can be a bad guy, just speak with me first
Have fun
And I can add rules when need be
Sign up sheet:
@Blair Elric: my character
Master: (if Demon)
Location of your Demon Seal: (if you have a demon or are a demon servant)

Posted in Modern Black Butler group search~OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

The year is 2040 in a modern London where a Victorian Era has come back around in full swing and also a bit of some Steampunk as well is slowly creeping in. A massive war had gone on before but no one knew who started things or why but before anyone knew it all the countries and nations were all fighting. Then a Bio Weapon was set free and thousands upon thousands got sick and the world's population dropped by half. ALL over the age of 50 died with in days, kids new born to 10 were not affected, 11 to 16 got sick but recovered in weeks, 17 to 30 had things the worst and there were a few deaths but it was quite rare, 31 to 40 had things the worse and only 1 out of 16 would live. Living past the age of 40 during that time was rare.
The sickness went on for 10 years before it just vanished as strangely as it popped up. But it is safe to say the Bio Weapon had ended the wars and now nations started to rebuild but many had too many losses and never fully recovered. Only strong nations before the war really made it.
The Territories:
*Londinium(Great Britain)~ Takes up half of Europe
Kingdom of Franc(France)~ Takes up the other half of Europe and part of Asia
Land of Dragons(China)~Takes up ALL the rest of Asia*
*These Territories quickly rebuilt but there are still areas that are destroyed/ Seasons/Spring, very mild summer, Winter(rains a lot)
New America(USA)~Takes up ALL of North America, is a massive melting pot of people and was hit the worse during the War and the Bio Weapon and has the most climate and terrain changes. Seasons are thus: Spring and Winter /Terrain: Think Fallout but cleaned up a bit better
Island of Edo(Japan)~Is all of Japan and all the islands around it
Land of Ruin~ ALL of Russia, hardly no one lives there as it is a barren frozen waste land
Plot: There is a massive secret cult that is as old as time and was behind the war and the bio weapon, they are also the ones behind many demon summoning. Their goal is a perfect world and a perfect undying powerful race. Many humans, demons, angels and grim reapers are all in on it. Their goal is for the summoned demon servants to find a human of the other gender and breed. They also want to turn a few human masters into demons. Many families and lives have been ruined thanks to them and many of the ones that were forced to summon demons want revenge on what happened to them while others.......who knows what they promised their demons.

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Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
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Posted in [ S ] Monthly, Event, Rig, Milestone...
Posted 7 years ago

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