Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Cordelia smiled softly ,"It's been a long time since I have." She said softly,"But I will if you want." She continued petting on him softly as she started to sing:
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please dont take my sunshine away..."
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please dont take my sunshine away..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 6 years ago

but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Event Items, Buying Orb Items
Posted 6 years ago

but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Selikait A Royal Tail
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri saw the crowd gathered near the castle, where a large platform had been built for the occasion. She joined the crowd of villagers, some like her, some full human. All were excited for this day.
As she stood with them, she wondered if being here was a good idea. She still loved her old friend to this day, but she didn't want to interfere with his life. She knew she would have to slowly accept that they could be nothing more than close friends.
Soon, it was announced they they were arriving and that people had to make way so they could safely climb onto the platform. Sayuri carefully pulled on her cloak, using the hood to conceal her ears, hoping to be somewhat hidden. She just wanted to see him again...even if it was brief.
As she stood with them, she wondered if being here was a good idea. She still loved her old friend to this day, but she didn't want to interfere with his life. She knew she would have to slowly accept that they could be nothing more than close friends.
Soon, it was announced they they were arriving and that people had to make way so they could safely climb onto the platform. Sayuri carefully pulled on her cloak, using the hood to conceal her ears, hoping to be somewhat hidden. She just wanted to see him again...even if it was brief.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Anyone Need Crafting Scraps?
Posted 6 years ago

but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene looked over at Nathan,"I know this frustrates you." She said to him as they swam,"If anyone asks for Natalie, just tell them we are out and about for a much needed girl's day, which is something we haven't had in a long time anyway." She knew he didn't want to go with them and she could understand why. She knew Nathan preferred life under the sea. She loved living where she did but she had always wanted to explore a little of the human world.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Cordelia smiled and nodded, sitting beside him and gently stroking his forehead with her other hand,"Alright. So just rest....focus on getting better...we'll need you..." she smirked,"Besides, our adventure has only just begun, right?" She continued to stroke his forehead softly, something she had done when he was sick to help him sleep.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene smiled and nodded,"Sounds wonderful." She said. She looked over at Natalie,"Natalie, when was the last time we explored the human world?" She asked her friend as they swam, "I'll make you a deal. Tomorrow if you want, you and I can go on land to explore. But I want to be back before it gets close to getting dark..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

@Selikait: I've watched them so much I know when they are coming xD but Markiplier's reaction is priceless rofl
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Kimmi x Selikait A Royal Tail
Posted 6 years ago

'It had been three years...' Sayuri had thought to herself as she disembarked from the train station in Sephira, 'Three long years... I wonder if anyone would remember me...?' She took a breath and started to walk through the town, looking around, as the place was really a sight for sore eyes. She had noticed that a celebration was in the works. She passed by a pair getting a banner hung up, draping high over the main street ,"Excuse me," She called out to them,"But what is the celebration for?"
One of them smiled at her,"It's a wonderful day indeed, especially for newcomers to the town," He had said,"Our new king has changed the laws, granting those like us, as in Kitsunes, Nekos, and others, the freedom and equality we had wanted for so very long."
"Thank goodness," His friend had said, tying the banner securely to a light post," Rumor has it he did it to honor a close friend of his who had left, shortly before he married the queen." He shrugged,"But that's all rumor."
Sayuri thanked them and let them get back to work, slowly heading down the street once more,"He did it to honor me...?" Sayuri wondered to herself softly.'It would be wonderful to be able to see him.'' She thought, 'Just to know he was doing alright. But I doubt that will happen during this visit.'
Little did she know, rumors would spread through town that Sayuri, the king's old pet from childhood, had returned to the village. It even worked it's way up to one of the maids that worked for the king. And being the gossips they were, anyone could easily overhear.
One of them smiled at her,"It's a wonderful day indeed, especially for newcomers to the town," He had said,"Our new king has changed the laws, granting those like us, as in Kitsunes, Nekos, and others, the freedom and equality we had wanted for so very long."
"Thank goodness," His friend had said, tying the banner securely to a light post," Rumor has it he did it to honor a close friend of his who had left, shortly before he married the queen." He shrugged,"But that's all rumor."
Sayuri thanked them and let them get back to work, slowly heading down the street once more,"He did it to honor me...?" Sayuri wondered to herself softly.'It would be wonderful to be able to see him.'' She thought, 'Just to know he was doing alright. But I doubt that will happen during this visit.'
Little did she know, rumors would spread through town that Sayuri, the king's old pet from childhood, had returned to the village. It even worked it's way up to one of the maids that worked for the king. And being the gossips they were, anyone could easily overhear.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

Oh wow. How interedting.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

I'm obsessed with the lore and story of the games. I just adore it xD I've played a couple of games but I watched Markiplier play them on youtube
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

Oh wow. I see. I wanna get Five Nights at Freddy's so bad. But I'm broke
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

@Selikait: I couldnt get into Fallout. I tried really hard
but living takes true courage.