Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Making New Thread
Posted 4 years ago

@Fading Kings: Sure thing ^^ Send a trade when ready~ Or I can. Either way just let me know
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Making New Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Selling these things to get the ohms/volts to get a couple of the Foxy Festival items (unless I was lucky enough to get two or three another way.)
I will remove items as they sell'
I'm bad with prices so all I ask is to be fair.
Rainbow Mesh
Victorious Captain x 2
Candies Glazing
Cheshire x 2
Devil Imp
Dreamer’s Dreaming
Fishing Fanatic
Hula x 2
Humpty Dumpty
Lily of the Valley
Messenger Birds
Olden Wings
Quench Thirst
Red King
Red Knight
Ribbon Candy
Sea Witch
Snake Charmer
Snipers Sniping
Static in Wonderland
Static’s Bag
Surprise Party
The jabberwock
The Protagonist
The Unicorn
Through The Looking Glass
Train Conductor
Trick’s Victory
Tweedle Dum
White King
White Knight
Corvid Culture x 1
Dual Toned Styled Hair
Feline Fatale
Ombre Elegant Dress
Ombre Nomad
Plaid Tights
Porcelain Doll
Rosy Princess
Sky Master
Funds for Foxy Festival:
30k volts
30k volts
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Questing For 3,500 Ohms or Foxy Festival
Posted 4 years ago

This is one of the few items I would literally die to get. I'm obsessed with the every pose you get with it: The fox ears and tail, the kimono, all of it. It's probably the only item I'd be willing to sell off just about everything for. Buying that many ohms I know will cost a lot of votes so this post is mainly to find people willing to chat with me to help me reach this goal of getting the volts saved up. I do have some items I could sell but I don't think I have things people would want. So if nothing else, anyone up for chatting with me? A Quest Hangout so to speak.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in New Partner Search
Posted 4 years ago

Still searching!!
Still searching!!
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [S]elling
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: That's good at least :)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [S]elling
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: Hows it going?
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [S]elling
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: Hello you :)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in My BIrthday Kind of Feels like a Let Down
Posted 4 years ago

So yesterday was my birthday, I turned 32. Originally the plan was to go out for lunch , do some shopping, and then hang out with my mom, who took the day off to spend time with me. Well... We didn't have the energy for shopping (I had no money to anyway like I had hoped), we doordashed some food for lunch and then just spent the rest of the day around the house.
Now, I'm not placing blame on my mom or anything like that. I did have fun spending time with her and that was one of the few things I wanted to do yesterday. But other than that, it felt kind of.... empty.
I'm not upset about not being spoiled with gifts or cake or anything like that. I think it's the fact that this is my first birthday without my grandma, whom I was very close to.
I haven't posted this anywhere before but on facebook and that was for family, but last year my grandma got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed August 22nd, with being told she had six months left. We hadn't gotten to see her since March, before COVID got so bad we couldn't visit anymore. My aunt (who is overcareful and not wanting to get sick) finally let us come over so we could see her. Three weeks later, on September 9th, my mom called me from my aunt's house to tell me that she had passed on.
I was very close and attached to my grandma. She helped raise me when my biological dad couldn't do so and when my ex stepfather failed me multiple times. I knew with her age (83), her time would come, but I had honestly thought there was more time. I'm not ready to live my life without her...
Its been hard since she has passed on and I think the reason my birthday feels so off is because I didn't get to talk to her. Her birthday is tomorrow and I don't know if we'll do anything to celebrate or honor her but I hope we do...
I just... I just feel lost...
Now, I'm not placing blame on my mom or anything like that. I did have fun spending time with her and that was one of the few things I wanted to do yesterday. But other than that, it felt kind of.... empty.
I'm not upset about not being spoiled with gifts or cake or anything like that. I think it's the fact that this is my first birthday without my grandma, whom I was very close to.
I haven't posted this anywhere before but on facebook and that was for family, but last year my grandma got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed August 22nd, with being told she had six months left. We hadn't gotten to see her since March, before COVID got so bad we couldn't visit anymore. My aunt (who is overcareful and not wanting to get sick) finally let us come over so we could see her. Three weeks later, on September 9th, my mom called me from my aunt's house to tell me that she had passed on.
I was very close and attached to my grandma. She helped raise me when my biological dad couldn't do so and when my ex stepfather failed me multiple times. I knew with her age (83), her time would come, but I had honestly thought there was more time. I'm not ready to live my life without her...
Its been hard since she has passed on and I think the reason my birthday feels so off is because I didn't get to talk to her. Her birthday is tomorrow and I don't know if we'll do anything to celebrate or honor her but I hope we do...
I just... I just feel lost...
but living takes true courage.

Posted in End of a terrible Year, Beginning of new resolutions!
Posted 4 years ago

Happy New Year 2021! So thankful for the start of a new year. Last year was just god awful for me and my family. Here's a short version of how it went:
So I'm REALLY hoping this year gets better for us here and for anyone else having a hard time. As for New Year's Resolutions:
- My parents divorced, so we spent the first few months of the year packing to move/finding a new place to move to
- I had to scramble for a new job when things at my job at the time got to be too much to handle
- Lost a grandfather (on my dad's side) and my grandmother (who I was super close to) within a timespan of a little under a month'
- Adjusting to a new job (my coworkers are great people. It's just some of the customers and constant thefts that are a pain.)
So I'm REALLY hoping this year gets better for us here and for anyone else having a hard time. As for New Year's Resolutions:
- Try to not spend so much money on things I don't need (Which is hard because I love Video Games and anime)
- Try to put a little money into savings each month to build it up for emergencies/vacation/Christmas shopping
- Get medical insurance figured out and start trying to see a therapist about my anxiety issues (still need to get diagnosed properly and all)
- Try to get back into my passions: Writing and Drawing. Haven't done much of either here recently (not counting doing rps with friends)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [s] January Items
Posted 4 years ago

@Fading Kings: Thank you!
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [s] January Items
Posted 4 years ago

@Fading Kings: I would love to buy one of those gold tiaras if you still have any :)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in New Partner Search
Posted 4 years ago

@Ruby: It doesn’t HAVE to be fandom setting or characters. It could be in that weld with original characters even :)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Updated one on one rps
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: PM’ed :)
but living takes true courage.

Posted in New Partner Search
Posted 4 years ago

I use to rp here a lot, but life got in the way. It’s been a hard year for me so I’m hoping to find a few new partners to rp with.
I am a sucker for romance rps so romance has to be in there somewhere. Not the main point of course. Other than that I love fantasy rps and also slice of life ones with a bit of fantasy thrown in.
I have a few fandoms I would love to rp with or know enough to rp. I’ll put stars next to the ones I know we’ll.
Harry Potter **********
Inuyasha **********
Yu Yu Hakusho ******
Pokémon ******
More could be an option. Just ask :)
I have a few original ideas as well but posting them is a pain so if you want to hear those we can chat in PM.
As of right now I work Tuesday, Friday and Sunday nights as a cashier so after a certain time those nights I will be either very slow or not able to be on.
My final request; Please, if the rp isn’t working for you, don’t just leave. Talk to me, tell me what I can do to help make it go in a better direction. Being ghosted is the worst.
I am a sucker for romance rps so romance has to be in there somewhere. Not the main point of course. Other than that I love fantasy rps and also slice of life ones with a bit of fantasy thrown in.
I have a few fandoms I would love to rp with or know enough to rp. I’ll put stars next to the ones I know we’ll.
Harry Potter **********
Inuyasha **********
Yu Yu Hakusho ******
Pokémon ******
More could be an option. Just ask :)
I have a few original ideas as well but posting them is a pain so if you want to hear those we can chat in PM.
As of right now I work Tuesday, Friday and Sunday nights as a cashier so after a certain time those nights I will be either very slow or not able to be on.
My final request; Please, if the rp isn’t working for you, don’t just leave. Talk to me, tell me what I can do to help make it go in a better direction. Being ghosted is the worst.
but living takes true courage.