Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago

When Amrynn saw Angel she ran over,"Oh my god..." She murmured, kneeling over,"Angel..." She gently took her friend's hand and started tapping it to try to wake her up,"Angel... Angel wake up..." She let out a relived sigh,"At least you're here with me." She murmured. She looked back over at Sora and his friend,"Sorry." She said,"I was just really worried about her." She said, feeling bad.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Both girls hurried up on deck once they heard Andrew call,"What happened?" Sabrina gasped, seeing his arm,"Come with me at once." Sabrina said, instantly taking Cross down below where all the first aid items were. She was thankful Cordelia showed her where these stuff was earlier. She gently moved his sleeve so she could see his arm,"Thank goodness it's not a deep wound." She said, very carefully removing the bullet from Cross's arm. in no time at all, his arm was cleaned, treated and wrapped up with a bandage on it,"Keep it covered for the next few days. I'll check it again then and it should be healing up okay."
Cordelia smiled, seeing how fast Sabrina worked,"Wow. That was fast." She said to Andrew,"It's nice to have a new shipmate. And its nice to see you feeling a lot better."
Cordelia smiled, seeing how fast Sabrina worked,"Wow. That was fast." She said to Andrew,"It's nice to have a new shipmate. And its nice to see you feeling a lot better."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago

Amrynn nodded as she went along with the young man. Most would have told her she was crazy to follow along with him, but he seemed friendly and she doubted he would try to hurt or attack her. She just hoped they could find Angel. She really hoped she was okay... She wanted to cry inside because she knew Terra was gone, having been in that terrible attack that caused the girls to fall, but she knew that would have to wait.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Cordelia gasped, covering her face as Sabrina hugged her, closing her own eyes. Both weren't sure who had shot who. They both hoped that Cross was victorious. "Cross has to be okay..." Cordelia said softly,"Hes...hes been a pirate for a long time..."
Sabrina nodded,"I hope your right." She said softly.
Sabrina nodded,"I hope your right." She said softly.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago

Amrynn nodded, following his directions as she looked around more,"Its really pretty here. Remains me a bit of home.... or what home had been loke." She said with a sigh,"It was so moments we're in the castle and the next we were forced to flee for orlur lives..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago

Amrynn nodded, thanking him for his help as she took his hand and got up,"I'm Amrynn." She said, introducing herself. She looked around the island again,"What is this place?" She asked,"Its so...warm and peaceful." She looked over at Sora, letting him lead the way to the other side of the island.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago

Amrynn looked up. Someone was was there? At least she wasnt totally alone. She shook her head,"No. I'm not. " She murmured. She told the young man who she and her friend were trying to escape but they had fallen and the next thing she knew she woke up there.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago

The next thing Amrynn knew, everything had gone black. When she would see anything again, she would wake up on a sandy beach, ocean waves waifting onto the sand and hitting her in the face. She sat up and rubbed her head gently,"Ow my head..." She murmured. She looked around,"Oh god..." She realized this was a strange place to her,"Angel..." She looked around for her friend,"Angel!" She called out, struggling to get to her feet,"Angel....? Angel!" She didn't see her anywhere. She sank back into the sand, feeling absolutely lost. "My best friend is gone... I'm in a strange place..." She murmured,"What else could go wrong...?" She started to cry.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Finding The Cure (Kimmi x TheGreatPretender)
Posted 6 years ago

Kimmi and @TheGreatPretender ONLY PLEASE~!
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Modern Twist on a Feudal Fairy Tale (Take Two~) (Kimmi x Nova)
Posted 6 years ago

This is an rp based on the anime Inuyasha with the main characters all being from Kagome's time. We know only Kagome has an actual last name and these are the for the sake of the rp.

Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old
Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18
Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18
Miroku Ueda
18 years old
All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old
He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old
She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.

Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it
***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****

Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old
Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18
Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18
Miroku Ueda
18 years old
All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old
He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old
She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.
Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it
***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Bound by the Red String
Posted 6 years ago

Amrynn Von Helsing is a young woman who grew up in the royal court of a fallen kingdom. Her mother had served the queen, her grandmother had served the queen before her, and so on and so on. Amrynn was to serve the young princess Angel. But instead of just serving her, the two had become close friends growing up. She also grew a crush on Terra, the handsome prince and Angel's brother. but only Angel knows her feelings. She longed to have a dragon of her own, but as she was not of royal blood, knew it wouldn't be allowed. So she was content with seeing the dragons whenever she could.
When the darkness returned to destroy the kingdom, she was with Angel when Terra told them it was time to leave. They had fled together from the kingdom, but as they fled, Terra disappeared, leaving Amrynn heartbroken and trying to be brave for Angel.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri held Dante's hand gently and led the way towards the main house, getting a creepy feeling from the town this time. It was usually so welcoming whenever they were there... There's something going on that just changed the whole feel of the town. She wanted to get this done and to go home.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Cordelia took Sabrina's hand and together the two went down below where it was safer. "Oh god what did I do?" Cordelia murmured, feeling like she had made things worse. She covered her face and shook her head. She wouldn't forgive herself if something happens to Cross and Andrew. She really hoped they would be okay.
Sabrina patted her back gently,"It'll be okay... I'm a doctor so if medical help is needed I'll be right here." She said gently, trying to calm her.
Sabrina patted her back gently,"It'll be okay... I'm a doctor so if medical help is needed I'll be right here." She said gently, trying to calm her.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Sabrina jumped, hearing the gunshot.
Cordelia quickly got to her feet and ran outside, pulling out her own pistol,"Is all okay out here, Cross?" She called to him, aiming at the supposed Captain with her own weapon, just in case.
Cordelia quickly got to her feet and ran outside, pulling out her own pistol,"Is all okay out here, Cross?" She called to him, aiming at the supposed Captain with her own weapon, just in case.
but living takes true courage.