Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri used that chance to slice through the demon with her katana,"Demon down." She said, trying to keep calm, despite the fact her wound was really hurting her,"But something tells me that there's more going on than just this..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 6 years ago

Julia nodded,"I can understand a little bit why they did. Our families use to war with each other, our houses are somewhat rivals, things like that. I could understand their surprise." She smiled softly,"But I don't care if others like it or not. I think you're a wonderful person and anyone would be lucky to have someone like you." She looked at him sadly,"It's also less likely you'd ever hurt them beyond repair."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in My first Cosplay Avatar
Posted 6 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Dang. I'll have to try to find one. I also thought of doing Serena from Sailor Moon.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in My first Cosplay Avatar
Posted 6 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Darn! You beat me to it! I can't find that hair to save my life though TT_TT
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Modern Twist on a Feudal Fairy Tale (Take Two~) (Kimmi x Nova)
Posted 6 years ago

Kagome sat down with him and broke things down for him in an easier way to understand them,"Try it this way..." She said, showing him step by step how to figure out what he would need to find for the homework and where to find it. It didn't take long for her to smile,"You're getting it! Good job." She said, patting his back.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

When he sat down next to her, she smiled and pulled him close, hugging him gently. She was so thankful she had found him, even after all this time. She was thankful she was getting him the help he needed. She just hoped he could stay on the right track and to get him over this addiction of his. She leaned against him gently to watch the movie, smiling like she did in the good old days.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri gasped, feeling something sharp at her back. Nothing but blinding, excruciating pain followed in her shoulder, causing her to let out a yelp of pain. She held her shoulder and jumped close to her brother, looking around for the boy,"You little...." She growled softly, trying to keep focus. The pain in her arm was terrible, but she had to stay sharp...
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Cordelia smiled and finished her food,"We'll have to bring more of this with us when we go." She said, getting up to wash up any dishes that had been left from before, as well as the trash that had been left. It wasn't a lot but it made her feel better to have it tidied up for next time. She looked over at Sabrina,"So you'll come along with us?" She asked with a smile.
Sabrina nodded,"You guys will need some kind of doctor on board." She said,"And besides, I need a little more adventure in my life so what better than to become a pirate?"
Sabrina nodded,"You guys will need some kind of doctor on board." She said,"And besides, I need a little more adventure in my life so what better than to become a pirate?"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 6 years ago

(You're welcome~)
She blushed, hearing him speak. She blushed even more when he mentioned a date. It sounded like he thought the same she did, as she was wishing it was a date. She looked around and noticed an alcove that could block some of the noise, perfect for a murmured conversation. Julia smiled and took his hand, leading to it so they can talk privately,"Actually... I wouldn't mind if this was a date." She said softly,"Because well... I've actually had a crush on you since first year." She admitted to them since they were alone,"But if you don't mean it that way I understand." She leaned over and kissed his cheek gently.
She blushed, hearing him speak. She blushed even more when he mentioned a date. It sounded like he thought the same she did, as she was wishing it was a date. She looked around and noticed an alcove that could block some of the noise, perfect for a murmured conversation. Julia smiled and took his hand, leading to it so they can talk privately,"Actually... I wouldn't mind if this was a date." She said softly,"Because well... I've actually had a crush on you since first year." She admitted to them since they were alone,"But if you don't mean it that way I understand." She leaned over and kissed his cheek gently.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 6 years ago

(Congrats on the baby <3)
Julia smiled and nodded,"Its just incredible, all these decorations. " she looked over at him,"I heard they might do a Yule Ball this year for Christmas if this goes well. I kind of hope so, I think it will be exciting." She noticed he seemed a bit nervous and gent patted his back, hoping to calm him a little bit.
Julia smiled and nodded,"Its just incredible, all these decorations. " she looked over at him,"I heard they might do a Yule Ball this year for Christmas if this goes well. I kind of hope so, I think it will be exciting." She noticed he seemed a bit nervous and gent patted his back, hoping to calm him a little bit.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene giggled and nodded,"Of course." She said, gently twisting her friend's beautiful blonde hair into beautiful braids, stinging a few beads and gems into them every now and then. It gave her a really elegant look. "What do you think?" She asked after showing gher.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri gasped,"Who could kill innocent kids?" She asked, shaking her head. After a few moments,"Ooooh the Father will hear about this when we geet back." She growled,"I think he was expecting us to kill them." She looked really angry.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Modern Twist on a Feudal Fairy Tale (Take Two~) (Kimmi x Nova)
Posted 6 years ago

Kagome grabbed her notes and books for that class and stuffed them in her backpack before locking up her room with Sango. She headed over to the other part of the dorms for boys and knocked, before letting herself in,"Okay." Kagome said with a smile to Inuyasha, "Where are you stuck and how can I help?" She wanted him to finish classes so he could graduate with her and their friends. She hated the thought of him having to drop out.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria smiled, stopping him on one of their old favorites from their high school years,"Oh my god, I remember that movie." She giggled,"We use to watch that one all the time. It was such a favorite of ours." She looked over at him,"Want to watch it for old times sake?"
but living takes true courage.