Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria didn't let him go,"Actually... I just found out a house was left to me by my grandma." She said softly,"So the only thing I have to worry about are utilities and food, which wouldn't be hard." She looked at him,"I wanna get you better, get you off this junk and away from those that put too much pressure on you..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri smiled and settled down next to him again, slowly eating her stew as well. She was quiet, not wanting to bother him. She tried to focus on what they had to do: Get to the next town safely, protect the kids and get the exorcism done. She wasn't all the much in a rush to head back to the church. She almost wished they didn't have to go back. They didn't really but that was the only place that was ever like home, or at least to her it was like home. Mostly because Dante was there. He had always been looking out for her and now that his sight was gone she was going to do the same for him.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria thought for a moment,"Maybe what you need is a whole new start..." She said, looking at him,"Would you ever consider leaving this town?" She asked him,"If so... we could do that... we could leave this town, get you help for breaking this habit..." She really wanted to help him,"I really want to get you help...Please... let me help you."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri blinked,"My hair...?" She asked, "You don't want me to cut my hair...?" She couldn't help but smile,"I don't ever plan to. Unless it's to trim some dead ends or thin it out some. You know how thick my hair can get." Soon she saw the stew was finished. She moved away to get a couple of bowls and forks from her bag. She started to get a big bowl of stew together for him and gently gave it to him before getting her own bowl of stew.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria leaned over and hugged him tightly,"Hayden... please don't do anymore." She said softly,"These drugs will kill you... who knows how many years they have already taken from your life... I'll do anything I can to help you break this habit. But it will only work if you want it to." She looked over at him,"Please... at least think about it..." She said softly
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri smiled and nodded,"Yup." She said softly, as it cooked,"Remember a couple days ago I had permission to make it for you, but things got so hectic I ended up not cooking dinner that night? Well I kept what ingredients I could store and managed to grab what I needed before we left." She gently took one of his hands, patting it gently,"I felt bad I didn't get to make it for you so I'm doing so now."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria looked over at him, hearing his words,"Hayden... why? Why didn't you tell me before?" She murmured, kneeling before him,"Why keep yourself secret from me?" She was still crying a bit, but she couldn't pull herself away,"I only came back for you... to have you in my life again... I've missed you more than you could ever know..." She heard his words on wondering why she could ever have feelings for him,"How could I not?" She asked softly,"We hung out ALL THE TIME... You were able to walk in my house any time you wanted, you had meals with us whenever you wanted... No one else ever had that with my family but you..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Sayuri smiled,"Something I hadn't made in a while." She said as she cooked,"Can you recognize it?" She was making him his favorite meal, something she usually managed to make him a couple of times a year. Sometimes the Father was stingy or picky over what would be made for who so since they were on there own at the moment, she wanted to make something that would make him happy, something he would enjoy.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

Soon everything was ready and Sayuri sat down beside him quietly, starting on their dinner. It real look y was peaceful put there. She relaxed a little bit before looking over at Dante,"Hungry?" She asked softly.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

"Disappointing me...? How so?" Aria asked, softly,"I came back just for him... just to find him and to hopefully have him in my life again...he was my closest friend... i... " she looked down, tears falling again,"I was in love with him...I still am..." she confessed softly, "But I'll just have to accept that it will never happen..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Scattered Moonlight
Posted 6 years ago

"We have to go to the next town over." Sayuri said softly,"We are half way there in the woods. It is getting dark so I'm preparing to set up camp for us for the night. Hang on while I get things set up.' She quickly got a tent put up, a campfire going, and other things needed to camp out at night without any major problems.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria shook her head softly as more tears came,"No sign of him...anywhere." She murmured quietly,"I only came back here to find him... Since I can't there's not much point to stay here." She sighed as she wiped away more tears that fell,"I had just really hoped to find him... I know he had been having a hard time since his dad had done all he could to plan out his future for him..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Aria had been crying softly as she sat on the bench, hating the fact that her one true friend in life was gone. She looked up, hearing someone nearby,"Sir...? Are you okay...m" she asked him softly, wiping away her tears,"Aren't you the same guy from before?"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Addicted: Nova x Kimmi
Posted 6 years ago

Over the next few days, Aria had asked around about Hayden, hoping to find any information that would help her find her friend. But as time went on, no one seemed to know anything and if they did, they didn't want to tell her. After being there about a month, she sat on a park bench near a park for children and sighed sadly,"No one knows anything." She murmured,"I guess he's really gone..."
but living takes true courage.