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@Yuracye: That seems pretty okay *o* and mostly health benefits are important. Teachers gotta stay healthy so the kids can learn. If a teacher is often absent, well...the kids won't learn much. Ahh poor kids ;A; I know when I was a tiny kiddo I hate learning and studying. I just wanted to relax, watch cartoons.
The struggle is real...who KNOSE when we'll be able to master the art....was that a bad joke?
Posted in Why did you marry the aay Posted 8 years ago
Because we're both Queen Bees and our date nights involve sitting in fancy chairs sipping wine
@Yuracye: Ok that is really lame... Is a teacher job that well paid?? I always thought people that go for teacher jobs cared for kids .. at least most of the time ;u; And yeah from what I gather sometimes the curriculum is just too big for kids to manage learning all of it..
Ikr? I like this cute button type of nose I see others draw but it never looks right when I try TuT 20 times? Yikes.... but I'm glad it turned out nice >U<
Ahh...I never had myspace... I hear alot about it, but somehow I just never knew of it until it was gone 163
Same here.... but, hey as long as they have fun and don't hurt anyone. plus I was the most creative when I was in that phase. ;u;
Yeah same here...Plus it helps to think that alot of people went through the same and lots of people are going through it right now 159
Oh dear lord...I once went and deleted some, but I kept some to remind myself that I must become a better person
Lucky that you weren' really is super embarrassing to think back to those times...even if back then you didn't care. So I also hate reading back on the old texts too. Or old diary entries...I shudder at the thought
It was so nice when I was 15... all the "lol XD randomz tacos " ... Not a care in the world and everything could be funny. 152
I think it could be a pretty interesting story..I mean what if a cat fell through the roof and that's how it happened? Or someone threw a boomerang and it smashed through the window...
I wish I knew people interested in forum sites, but sadly I don't ;u; but I will cheer for Voltra from my hobbit hole. 137
So exciting to see things happening !! Ahh can't wait ; u ; its gonna be so fun 135
There are some new commons now though~ Plus the site is still pretty new so I'm sure there will be tons eventually!
Ahh same here I think.. Or 2 years here... can't remember.
I at first thought this place was called voltron... err.... so to find it I had to go on FB and find the page in my likes.
Oh you're also on Flight Rising?