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Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
30 probably
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
@Panda: O great and lovely Panda, I finished...I ..did your old avatar since that's the one you had when you ordered ;u; I hope you don't mind and that you like it! It's in the finished section!
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
Good luck Lina xD it might take some time but I'm sure you'll make some great ones.
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
734 volts xD would be pretty special if you won yourself
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Exactly ;u; I even give them some time to fly out on their own before trying to chase them out... its so sad that they die if they sting you ;A; bee save yourself....and woah drink black tea? I gotta have some sweetness... I'm a huge green tea and herb tea person. Oh and citrus. I love fresh pepermint leaf tea...oh and lemon slice tea *u* organic and strong.
Adulting sucks... ;A; and cleaning does too... though the best idea for cleaning is to make it routine. Have specific days and then it becomes a tiiiiny bit easier.
Aww ;u; what was it gonna be about? The book? I like hearing others stories cause like... they can think of things I can't and it's really fun *o* I have..err like the general idea of my stories in my head about my ocs...but I really gotta organize things
A..a few months? I hope your friend knows you're ok omg...
I WILL. IT WILL BE MINE... /// I can maybe eventually dress up as my oc here...that'd be cool
Yeah ! ;u ; not for long I'll probably have to stop when I start looking for jobs...I hate that having "crazy" hair colours is considered's ...just a colour on your head omg... I hope one day we all can dye our hair freely and get tattoos
Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★ Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Super mad props *o* they are super good and I love them.
That makes sense! >u< I have this one piece I've re-drawn 3 times? The last re-draw was 2 years ago but I haven't improved that much recently so I'm gonna way to do that one again.
Yeah dA is really greed ;u; but what can they do when alot of people are art thieves and scammers... not to mention lots of people leave cause of dA's lack of protection
Yeah organizing art over the years can be a huge job *o* I am sometimes tempted to do it by months but decide against it. I let it stay just years.
The people that can keep it up are so amazing. But I've also seen people break when they started on an art career ;u; And the fact that you gotta like make the art worthwile...i'm a prefectionist I never like what I draw I'm can I show this when I don't feel that proud of it?
Aww. I hope Roxy is at least getting lots of doggy treats and fun walks where ever she is now ;u;
It's often the parents fault ;o; but having good villains is a good thing. A good villain can create amazing feelings in others.
Yeah! I remember I'd make rants in my head when walking home and there was trash EVERYwhere and it was a road =n=" like outside the city. I never posted it but I still am tempted to write it cause people here litter so much! And good that you take such precautions ;u; protect the tiny creatures that can't protect themselves
Practice makes perfect *o* so it makes sense. Glad you learned to lower the time for work and get more free time. Important to relax.
Ahh ;u; it's a good think to know about the different breeds and their attitudes before chosing...some people just go after looks and ..well they mess up...hugely.
I think...well I think one is on land and other in water but I'm not sure ;A; I'm rubbish at this... It's ok though he survived.. and uuh the turtle ended up with a desire for flesh but he never bit anyone again! ... succsesfully a least
It sounds so nice ;u; I remember my cat would always and I mean always be in the same room as me. Unless she had to pee or eat. She recognized me as her owner I guess so she always gave me most of the attention ;u; I miss her so much she was so perfect.
Well...that's a good question. I didn't know either... what's your biggest obsession right now?
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: I agree on everything. I love the fat fuzzy bumblebees and always make sure to keep them and normal bees alive...wasps...wasps can burn. And if I can I always but honey and not sugar in my tea ;u; feels so much healthier and is more yummy.
That's understandable ;A; works takes alot of time, then you gotta make dinner and eat and clean a bit around the house, before you know it you're just too tired for anything. T^T I'm not...the best writer but I just like to write stories sometimes..err mostly self-inserts tho //the shame of admitting it. I've started writing some original stories too but I always give up... I don't have the concentration power to write a whole book..I used to RP like yeaaaars ago and I want to do it again but I'm so insecure ;u; so I dont know where to start again.
10-12k...well time to save up. I have 5 k and once I finish Panda's commision I will have more..ok ok I can do this. Time to draw ! I want my head
Ahh thank you ;u; I tend to not give them profile pics at first and alter use a base I made as you might've noticed. Though I add all other drawings =u= my ocs aren't that interesting but they are my blood and sweat and tears.
Yaass blue squad *o* I have blue hair in real my obsession with blue is pretty big
I like the way you think Lina! Great ideas *o* the best circus ever
Posted in ★The Lab (Come chat with me~) ★ Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: Yes! The size here is soo much better and I don't need to wear like a magnifying glass to see things! I can't decide if Gaia is lazy or talanted with their tiny 3 pixel hands.
Ahh yess same here. I should probably re-draw an old piece haha but I'd suck at deciding which one.. I've draw quite alot but not enough at the same time =w= and wow dA is very greedy. Bad dA... if you want you can also try to save them on google drive ? Free folders inside folders I believe. Making art a career is like super hard, and I always knew that if I tried to go down that path I'd lose my love for art...because I'd just be so stressed ;u;
I haven't either's not a very Norwegian name so that's not shocking. I think I met a Roxy online though... I can't really remember the details... and omg puppy Roxy sounds so cute. I love those type of dogs cause they look so tough but are so cuddly and cute most of the time ;u; bless
It's so hard to go into other colours ;u; like I'm not a huge fan of yellow orange brown ish colours , but they are good colours for ocs I just...;u; suck at using them
Aww they sounds super great...minus the actually killing people part.. I think that would be an issue err to be honest... but they sound great. The closest I get to a villain is a demon that trades wishes for eyes.... but that's all she cares bout.
Oh man I always get angry at my friends or anyone that litters because I've seen first hand how animals can get we once got a fish and it was really big and puffy (we were looking at it in biology) and..when we opened it, it had plastic inside it. Like those plastic boxes they put strawberries in. After that I became very angry when I saw trash where it didn't belong.
That's true! *o* teachers have a bit less time than students but they still have summer vacation! I hope you have some great ones and can see some great things. The world is full of wonders!
Yeah they get reaaally big! My teacher uses him for like sledges...? Like they have on TV. The dog had to go through a test and everything. It was cool to watch *o* (as a video because I refuse to stand in lots of cold watching a dog disappear in the distance)
Yeah..some turtles eat meat and such. Depends on their species eue the one we have is like a swamp turtle. And you see my brother for fun put the turtle on his friends back and ..the turtle just bit the back and ripped out a piece of skin and maybe muscle? I imagine it was very painful and left a scar.
That's an understandable fear ;u; I was afraid of the same, plus you gotta groom them extra if they go out and such .. Oh and you should totally make a cool hangout!!
@ishoji: I doo! Welcome to the Lab! :) as you see me and Yuracye write...ALOT o-o
Posted in Mystic Messenger Posted 7 years ago
I have been waiting for someone to make a thread about it but no has yet ;u; and I have so many feels I just need to make it... like have you heard of V's route? Have any of you started it ? Also if you''re gonna post, remember to get spoilers under spoilers! Let's try not to ruin things for others!
V looks hella good my heart is weak
Posted in Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~) Posted 7 years ago
@Yuracye: It does.. and bees are pretty great...they make honey eue
Smart not to waste time! I do the same. Or something else. Like write some fanfiction :3c though I check often to see if anything is happening or if there is anything I can add
Woah how much are they o-o ?? 7 k away...that's quite alot. I hope you can get it in time!
They'll probably make it more than 10 k I think TuT and ahh I adore the TV head it has different expressions and I am all for that. Make me a TV Voltra...make me a TV
Yepp! I am. I try to upload a character each day til I have them all up ^^ that reminds me I gotta put someone up today.
Same here! Though I'm a huge fan of almost anything with blue...